2-Not the Only Ones

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The next morning Katrina headed out to the airstrip, where she was to meet Cisco, Caitlin, Dr. Wells, and Barry. Thoughts of Dick's visit pushed far into the back of her mind. She arrived just as Cisco, was asking Barry how something fit. She watched as Barry stepped into the door frame of a trailer, he was dressed all in red, wearing something that looks like a high school wrestling outfit. He had an odd helmet, and goggles, also elbow and knee pads. She can't help but laugh, "It's a little snug" Barry says then sees her laughing, "Wow, Barry you look..you look ...you look amazing" Katrina says while laughing.

"There's one for you to wear too" he says and her laughter stops.
"No, no way I am not wearing something like that; I have my own" she says to Barry as she unzips her jacket and shows that she is wearing her own workout gear, the same she always wore when she worked out in the Batcave.

"Why, do you always have to look better than me?" Barry says as he walks down the steps of the trailer.
"At least you'll be moving so fast no one will see you" Cisco tells him as Katrina leaves her bag at the trailer, putting on her own knee and elbow pads.

The two of them walk side by side heading towards Caitlin and Dr Wells. "See you two thought the world was slowing down. It wasn't, you guys where moving so fast, it only looked like everyone else was standing still. Dr. Wells will be monitoring your energy output and Caitlin your vitals." Cisco explains to them as we stand by a starting position they created.
"And what do you do?" Katrina asks Barry.

"I make the toys, my fine lady" he says smiling at her. "Check it. This is a two way headset with a camera I modified" he holds up a device with a lightning bolt shape in the middle, "typically designed to combat battlefield impulse noise, or in the case of you two, potential sonic booms, which would be awesome" he says as he takes the helmet from Barry, and gives Katrina, a device to wrap around her body. She does so as Caitlin comes over making sure the devices around both of them sync up and work. Katrina and Barry both watch as she links her tablet with the devices, and Katrina can tell something is off with her, and Barry nudges Katrina.

"What?"Caitlin asks
"We've just noticed that you don't smile too much" Katrina says and Caitlin looks at them.

"My once promising career in bioengineering is over. My Boss is in a wheelchair for life. The explosion that put you two in a coma also killed my fiancé. So this blank expression kind of feels like the way to go" she says as she walks away.

"Why do I feel really bad for saying that to her" Katrina says to Barry.
"Mr. Allen, Miss Ivory, while I am extremely eager to determine your full range of abilities I do caution restraint" Dr. Wells tells them.
"Yeah sure" Katrina says. Cisco comes back over to them, handing each the modified helmets, and attaching the modified lighting bolt device to their outfits. They walk up to the starting positions, and get down into a running position, looking back they watch Wells but on sunglasses, then they look at one another.

"We got this" Katrina says to Barry.
"Yeah, sure we got this" he replies hesitant. Barry and Katrina then take off running, they can feel their bodies going fast and faster, Katrina feels the wind wiping by her body. Adrenaline courses through her body, and she gets a electric sensation, as she watched Barry rush by her. She sees him running just as fast as she is, lighting following him. It's an amazing feeling running faster than anyone, and she enjoys it. That's when she sees Barry start to lose control, and he crashes into the barrels, she manages to stop, and goes to him to make sure he is okay.

"Oh, God Barry, are you okay" Katrina asks as she pushes the now empty barrels away from his body. He groans in pain holding his now fractured hand.

Once back at S.T.A.R labs Caitlin checks over Barr's hand, and they get changed into regular clothes. They are gathered in the cortex waiting for Caitlin to tell Barry his results. "It looks like you had a distal radius fracture" she tells Barry showing him his broken wrist scan on a tablet.

"Wait, did you say had?" Katrina asks.
Caitlin swipes the screen and we see a now healed picture of Barry's wrist, the scan she took again only minutes ago. "It's healed. In three hours"
"How is that even possible?" Barry asks her.

"We don't know, yet" Caitlin says walking away.
"Do you know if I would heal the same way?" Katrina asks her.
"We won't know until you get injured" she hears Caitlin say.
Cisco walks by Barry, with his wrecked helmet, "You really need to learn to stop. Kat got it on the first try" he says bugging Barry.

"Only my close friends can call me Kat" Katrina suddenly says still unsure whether to trust these people or not.

"What happened out there today?" Dr. Wells asks Barry, "You were moving pretty well and then something caused you to lose focus. Miss Ivory managed to keep her mind straight"
"I started remembering something" Barry says and Wells gives him a look wanting to know more.

Barry sighs and looks at Katrina before looking back at Wells, "When I was 11, my mother was murdered" he says and Katrina automatically takes his hand knowing its hard for him to talk about this. "It was late. A sound woke me up, I came downstairs and I saw what looked like a ball of lightning. Inside the ball of lighting there was a man." Wells takes his glasses off as Barry says this; Katrina gives Barry's hand a reassuring squeeze. " He killed my mom. They arrested my dad. He's still sitting in Iron Heights for her murder" Wells puts his glasses back on as Barry continues. "Everyone, the cops, the shrinks, they all told me what I saw was impossible" he says and Katrina knows this has been hard on Barry letting them all in on his sad past. "But what if the man who killed my mom was like me?" Barry asks Wells.

"Well, I think I can say unequivocally you and Miss Ivory are one of a kind" Wells says and Barry just nods his head. "You two should rest for the rest of the day. If we need anything we will let you know, there is a lot for us to go over in order to understand what is going on in you" Wells says and they nod in agreement.

After leaving the lab, Katrina and Barry decided to go see Iris at Jitters, the walk was silent, as they were both trying to understand what had taken place earlier that day.

"I know that took a lot for you to tell them Barry" Katrina says as she links her arm into Barry's and they walk down the street.
"Yeah, but I really did think it could be possible that the man who killed my mom might have been just like us. I just want to find some explanation, I hate seeing my Dad in Iron Heights for something he never really did" he says to her.

"I have a really good friend who could relook over your Dad's case, he's really good at what he does. He might be able to find something the cops missed" Katrina offers.

"I don't want you to do that Kat, the case has been gone over with everything and I doubt your friend can find something the cops didn't" Barry says as they turn the corner to go over to Jitters.

"Well the offer stands" she says as they walk up to Jitters, they see Iris kissing Eddie. Barry's face falls and Katrina can see the heartbreak in it. She feels the heart break for Barry, and the two of them just look at Iris when she spots them.

"Let's go back to my place, munch on pizza and watch all the Back to Future movies" Katrina says to Barry.

"Yeah, that umm, that sounds good" Barry says and the two of them walk way heading for Katrina's apartment. As they head down, they can hear footsteps running to catch up to them.

"Hey guys please wait let me explain" Iris says and they stop walking, allowing her to catch up to them.
"You have two minutes" Katrina says to her, a little upset that Barry has been hurt by this.
"Okay then" Iris says and the three of them continue down the sidewalk.

"You guys can't tell my dad. He doesn't know about me and Eddie" Iris says to them.
"Doesn't seem like anyone's in on the secret" Barry says to her.
"Not even your best friends" Katrina says to her.

"I was gonna tell you two. When you guys were in the hospital Eddie covered my father's shift so we could be with you. I thanked him with a coffee and things just kind of happened" She says as the three of them cross the street. "And it's good" she says smiling.

"Dating your partners daughter isn't then against department regulations" Barry asks her, a bit upset.

"It seems like it should be some conflict of interest" Katrina says also upset.
"Why are you two so upset?" Iris asks them.
"We just don't like having to lie to your dad" Barry tells her, as they suddenly hear sirens.

They look up to see a police car trying to cut another car off, it heads straight for the three of them, and it seems to slow down for Barry and Katrina who use their now enhanced speed to knock Iris out of the way. Barry pushing both women down, landing on top of Katrina, who feels her face flush, as Barry quickly sits up, also embarrassed. They look over at the black car that knocked the police car, and it slows down enough for them to see its Mardon. Barry then speeds off after him, and Katrina follows, hoping Barry doesn't do anything stupid. She sees as Barry speeds into the car, and she stops as she sees the car flip over. "Barry" she shouts as she runs over to help him get out of the car.

"It's Mardon" he says to her.

She stands up and turns around looking at Mardon, who is going toward the other police, "Hey! Mardon!" she shouts at the man getting his attention. He turns back around and faces her, a grin forming on his face, as he suddenly makes thick fog appear. Barry and Katrina stand there looking at it, confused by what is happening when they hear a horn honking. The look back, to see a car coming straight at the flipped over car, they crash into a fiery explosion. Katrina grabs Barry, speeding them out of the way, they drop onto the grass, just as the car flies over crashing onto the road.

"Oh God!" Katrina cries at seeing the destroyed car knowing who ever was in there wouldn't have made it out of that accident alive. They go back to check on Iris, as they wait at the scene.

"That poor man" Iris says as they watch the man who was in the wreck, go by on a gurney, inside a body bag. "The way that fog came in, I have never seen anything like it" she says. Barry and Katrina just look at one another, shaken from the whole ordeal.

"Barry! Kat! Iris!" they then hear Joe shout who comes rushing over to the three of them.
"I'm alright, Dad" Iris assures him.
"What the hell where you two thinking having her out here?" he asks them.

"We were just going for a walk Joe, when it all happened" Katrina tells the detective.
"And I told you when you see danger, you run the other way. You're not a cop" Joe berates Iris.
"Cause you wouldn't let me" Iris says mad at him.
"You're damn right" Joe says just as mad.

"Joe, I need to talk to you" Barry says to him.
"It can wait" Joe tells Barry clearly still mad at him too.
"No,now" Barry insists and walks away from the girls and Joe. Joe walks away going over to Barry, waiting to hear what he has to say.

"You okay?" Katrina asks Iris.
"Yeah, but what about you, you and Barry took off after that guy, and almost got crushed by a car" she says to her.

"I'm fine, we got out of the way in time." Katrina says as she looks over at Barry who she exoected was trying to convince Joe that Mardon was behind all this.

"Just like there was no lightning storm in your house that night" she hears Joe say, and decides to go over by Barry. "It was your brain helping a scared little boy accept what he saw"

"My dad did not murder" "Yes, he did" Joe shouts cutting Barry off. "Your dad killed your mother, Barry. I am sorry, son. But I knew it, the jury knew it. Now He's paying for what he did"

"Joe, I think that's enough" "Dad, enough" Katrina and Iris say together, as Iris steps infront of her dad.

"Iris" Joe says before waving his hand at Barry, "I've done my best to take care of you since that night. And I have never asked for anything in return, not even a thank-you. But what I do ask now is that you for once in your life see things as they are"

The words Joe says to Barry sting, and he just walks away uspet.

"Joe that was a little much, Barry is telling the truth. I say Mardon create that fog. Barry just wants a real explanation into that night, and to have the one person who was like a dad to him turn his back on him, that was hurtful" Katrina says before walking away from Joe and Iris.

She catches up to Barry, "Bar, are you okay?" she asks him.

"No Kat I'm really not. You saw what I saw, it was Mardon, and he created that fog and killed that man" Barry says angirly.
"Barry I know, I saw it too. And I'm sorry for what Joe said to you." She says to him
"I should have known Joe would react that way" he says to her.
"He just doesn't want to accept the unexplainable" she says.

"I guess so. I think S.T.A.R labs have some explaining to do, because obviously we weren't the only ones who got whatever we go" Barry says to her as they head back to the lab.

"We weren't the only ones affected by the particle accelerator explosion, were we" Barry says as they both storm into the cortex. The three of them just look at one another before looking back at Barry and Katrina.

"We don't know for sure" Dr.Wells says to them.
"You told us the city was safe, that there was no residual danger" Katrina says to them.
"But that's not true. So what really happened that night?" Barry questions.

They look at one another again, before turning their attention back to Barry and Katrina, "Well, the accelerator went active. We all felt like heroes, and then" Wells types on the keypad on his wheelchair, brining up a diagram of what happened, on a monitor. They turn their attention to the screen, "it all went wrong. The dimensional barrier ruptured unleashing unknown energies into our world. Anti-matter, dark energy, X-elements"

"Those are all theoretical" Barry turns back to Wells saying.

"And how theoretical are you? We mapped the dispersion throughout and around Central City though we have no way of knowing exactly what or who was exposed, We've been searching for other meta-humans like yourselves" Wells explains.
"Meta-Humans?" Both Katrina and Barry ask.

"That's what we are calling them" Caitlin says to them.
"We saw one today. He's a bank robber and He can control the weather" Barry tells them.

"This just keeps getting cooler" Cisco says a smile on her face.
"This is so not cool" Katrina says angrily.

"It's not cool, All right? A man died!" Barry adds just as mad. "Mardon must have gotten his powers the same way we did from the storm cloud, He's still out there" Barry says to them.

"We have to stop him, before he hurts anyone else" Katrina says as her and Barry storm off.
"Katrina, Barry. That's a job for the police" Wells calls out to them making them stop. They turn back around to face him, "We work for the police" they both say.

"As forensic assistants" Wells says.
"You're responsible for this, For him" Barry says mad.
"What is important are you two. Not me. I lost everything. I lost my company. I lost my reputation. I lost my freedom, and then you broke your arm, and it healed in three hours. Inside your body could be a map to a whole new world. Genetic therapies, vaccines, medicines, treasures buried deep within your cells. And we cannot risk losing everything because you two want to go out and play hero. You're not a hero. You're just a young man and women who was struck by lightning" Wells says these words to them and they hurt Barry, who just takes off.

"Actually, I do know what it's like to be a hero, and Barry and I just want to do what's right. But you know what you are being too self centered to even realize that" Katrina says that as she takes off looking for Barry. She leaves the lab, looking for him, wondering where he would go off to. Thinking that the only person who might be able to help him may be in the next city over, she takes off running thinking that's exactly what Barry was going to do.

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