Standing at the crime scene Katrina started tapping her foot; once again her co-worker and best friend was late to a crime scene. It tended to be a habit of one Barry Allen, even in college he was late to class, and any study groups they had. Right now the Captain was asking her and Joe where he was, and personally Katrina was getting tired of always coming up with excuses for him.
"You both can't keep covering for him" Singh was saying to her and Joe, who just share a look.
Come on Barry, where the hell are you? she thinks to herself, not wanting to have to start another scene without him.
"If he's not here now, I'm going to have to carry on this investigation without him" the captain tells them. Just then Barry makes his way onto the scene, "Sorry, I'm late Captain Singh" he says and tries to give Katrina an apologetic look. She just sighs, as the Captain chastised him again for being late and all the excuses they had been giving for Barry, weren't going to keep working.
"He was running an errand for me" Joe jumps in saying, "Barry did you get me what I asked for?" he asks hoping that would help Barry.
"Yeah, yeah I did. I have it" Barry says and they watch as he pulls out a half eaten chocolate bar, "I had a few bites" he hands the bar to Joe.
Katrina just sighs before nodding at Barry to follow her over to the crime scene, he follows her. "You can't keep doing this Barry. One of these days Singh is just gonna fire you" she warns him.
"I know Kat, I really need to set my alarm earlier then it is" he says to her.
"Or just start sleeping at the precinct" she jokes with him. They get to the scene and both start looking over everything. Seeing the tire track, Katrina bends down low enough to check them over.
"Getaway car's a Shelby Mustang GT500" Katrina says to Joe, who's taking notes.
"Shelby's have a rear super-wide tire specific to that model. 12 inches with asymmetrical threads" Barry adds as Joe just keeps writing. Barry then notices something, "there's something else" he says as he grabs Fred's pen, "Thanks" Barry says as he picks up what he spotted and smells it. "Fecal excrement. Animal I'd guess" he says as he bags it.
"My dad gave me that pen...before he died" Fred tells Barry.
"Sorry" Barry tries to apologize as he gives the pen back.
"We'll take the evidence back Joe, let you know what we find" Katrina tells him.
"Alright, and Barry try not to be late again" Joe tells him.
"I won't Joe I promise" he says to him.
"Yeah, sure" Joe says before walking away to finish the crime scene.
"Come on Barry, let's go. I'll give you a ride so at least you'll get somewhere on time" Katrina says as she clears up her equipment. Closing her kit they head to her car, placing their stuff in the trunk, they both get into the car and head back to CCPD.
"You really need to find a quicker way of getting to scene's Barry" she says.
"Yeah, I don't know why I can never be on time for anything" he says.
"The day you actually show up on time to anything will be a miracle" she says to him.
"Yeah, I just need these legs to get faster" he jokes with her.
"So, how was visiting my magnificent cousin? Did you tell her I was sorry I couldn't come help" she asks Barry.
"Uh, yeah you know it was different then Central City, defiantly darker. But uh yeah, she wished you had come instead, something about you knowing a certain secret. Which she accidently told me" he says.
"So you know then" Katrina asks.
"Uh, yeah, how did you find out though?" Barry asks as she pulls up to the precinct.
"Working in SCPD, on the first few Hood cases, it didn't take me long to figure it out" She says to Barry as they get out of the car.
"You always could figure things our quicker than most people" Barry adds as they gather their kits, closing the doors and heading inside the station. As they headed for their lab, Katrina felt her phone vibrate inside her pocket, "Speak of the devil" she says seeing its Felicity. "Take my stuff, I'll meet you up there" she says giving her kit to Barry, who heads up the stairs.
Katrina heads to the women's bathroom, checking that it's empty first before locking the door.
"Hey Felicity" she says after pressing answer.
"Oh, hey Kat, umm how are things going?" she says and Katrina can sense she needs to tell her something.
"What happened now?" she asks her.
"Umm,..well I might have..ok I did expose Oliver's other identity to Barry" she confesses to Katrina.
"Yeah, I know. I just talked to Barry" she says a little mad at her.
"Oliver was dying okay, he needed to be saved and I thought Barry could help. I personally wished you had come but well, too busy with other important cases to come help your big cousin out eh" she says.
"Felicity, I couldn't come back for personal reasons okay. You know I don't want to come back to that city, why do you think I sent Barry. I trust him more than anyone else" she explains.
"Yeah, I remember, and I'm sorry okay. I just really miss my little cousin" she says and Katrina can picture her pouting.
"Maybe you should just come see me" she suggests to her.
"Maybe someday, when we both get a break from our crazy lives we can go somewhere together" Felicity says.
"It's a promise, anyway I better go. I'm supposed to go get ready for some STAR Lab thing I'm going with Barry to" Katrina tells her.
"Ohh like a date" Felicity teases her.
"It's not a date, Iris is going to be there to" she tells her cousin.
"Bummer, I bet you wish it was a date" Felicity teases her.
"Felicity, I don't like Barry that way" she denies right away.
"You do too, and I have a feeling he thinks the same way about you" she tells her.
"Okay that's enough, this conversation is over. I'll talk to you soon Felicity" Katrina says as she then hangs up on her cousin.
Katrina unlocks the bathroom door, and leaves going to her locker, she quickly changes out of her casual jeans and into dress pants, grabbing her nice blazer she throws it on, then leaves heading to her lab.
Heading up the stairs, she can already spot Barry working away on their evidence from the earlier crime scene, and she just smiles at him. "Okay, I'm ready to go to this atom smasher thing tonight" she says to him.
"You do remember there was a shooting today. I'm still working, processing the evidence for Joe. Which means, I don't know if we are going to be able to make it to S.T.A.R Labs" he tells her.
"Oh come on turning this thing on is like your dream. Your very sad, nerdy dream" she says as she comes over taking some of the fries he had sitting on the desk. "Besides I'm missing my Supernatural marathon for this"
"Hands off my fries!" Barry says swatting her hand away, "Unbelievable"
"Hey I skipped lunch today okay. Plus I'm stress eating, Iris is trying to get me to help her with her dissertation. They started selling cronuts at Jitters; I ate like three for breakfast. If Iris doesn't graduate soon, I'm going to end up with muffin top" she says to Barry, taking another fry.
"I think you look amazing" Barry smiles at her.
Katrina can feel her face almost blush, "Thanks..So umm what's to special about this particle accelerator anyway?" she asks looking away.
"Harrison Well's quantum theory is light years ahead of anything they are doing at Cern." he explains and she looks back at him confused.
"You're doing that thing where you talk real science" she says to him.
"Sorry," he walks over to the white board, grabbing a marker he draws a dot, "Just imagine that that dot is everything the human race has ever learned until this moment" he says to her.
"Does that include 'dabbing' "she jokes with him.
Barry doesn't hear her as he draws a circle around the dot, "That is everything we can learn from the particle accelerator. It's a whole new way of looking at physics. It will literally change the way we think about everything" he tells her.
Katrina smiles at him, "You really need to get out more often, but it's cute, when you get all scientific like that" she says to Barry, and both of their faces flush as she steps closer to him.
Just then Joe walks into the lab, almost sensing something between the two of them, "Hey you two" he says to them.
"Umm, Hey Joe" Katrina says to the man.
"Did I interrupt something?" he asks them.
"Nope" Barry replies at the computer beeps at them.
"The processing is all done" Katrina says as she goes over to check out the results.
"Looks like the Mardon Brothers may be hiding out at a farm. The fecal matter Barry found on the street, cow manure, mixed with traces of oxy-tetracycline" she explains to Joe who just looks confused.
"It's an antibiotic" Barry tells him, as he reads over Katrina's shoulder. She starts to do a search of any possible locations that match their findings, "There are only four farms in the area that still use it in their feed" Barry tells Joe just as she hits the print button.
Katrina gets up, taking the paper from the printer and passing it to Joe, "I bet you will find a really sweet Shelby parked at one of these" she tells him, And since we solved the poop problem, How about letting us go to this S.T.A.R Labs thing?" she asks giving him a sweet smile, that she always uses when she wants things.
"Fine, go" Joe tells them.
"Yes" Barry practically shouts and Katrina can't help but chuckle. "Thanks Joe" Barry says as he grabs his jacket and Katrina grabs her purse, as they both leave the lab.
Outside S.T.A.R Labs, Katrina and Barry met up with Iris, as they headed to join the crowd that was starting to form.
"So Barry how was your trip?" Iris asked him.
"Yeah, did you find proof of the impossible in Starling City" Katrina teased him, knowing the truth.
"Or did you make my dad mad for nothing" Iris adds, as they didn't tell Joe Barry was going.
"Actually while I was away I had the chance to think about..You know relationships. And well I'm not in one" He says looking at Iris, and Katrina felt her heart sink just a little. She knew Barry had a crush on their Best Friend, for a very long time, but part of her was hoping he would start to realize there was someone else. "And you're not in one either. And you're my best friend" Barry says rubbing his hand on the back of his neck, a nervous habit Katrina always found cute.
"You're mine too and Katy's. Why else would I be here?" Iris says, trying to let Barry down. She had a feeling Barry liked her, but the thing was she knew Katrina really liked Barry, and she never wanted to get in the way of that. She was always trying to push them together.
"That's not really what I meant what I" he says to her.
"I think I know what you're going to say" Iris says cutting him off.
"I'm not sure you do" Barry says to her.
"Even though we pretty much grew up in the same house together and we're kind like brother and sister, because we're not brother and sister it can get really weird and awkward to talk to me about girls. But i just want you to know that it shouldn't be awkward" Iris tells him, even though her and Katrina knew that wasn't what he wanted to tell her at all. "There is nothing that I want more than for you to meet the right person that totally loves and adores you for the amazing guy you are" Iris adds as she quickly glances over at Katrina, who automatically looks down at the ground shuffling her feet.
He just looks at the two girls and chuckles, "Took the words right out of my mouth"
"Aww, aren't you glad I know you so well" Iris says as Barry goes ahead of the girls.
"You need to tell him" Iris whispers to Katrina.
"Iris, I can't he only has eyes for you" she says.
"I'm sure if I turn him down enough he'll come around" she says.
"I might just have to give up on Barry Allen, come on lets go find that dork" she says linking her arm with Iris's as they find Barry in the middle of the crowd.
They applauded along with the crowd as Harrison Wells walks onto the stage in front of S.T.A.R labs. "Thank You. My name is Harrison Wells. Tonight, the future begins. The work my team and I will do here will change our understanding of physics. We'll bring about advancements in power, advancements in medicine, and trust me the future will be here faster than you think" Wells says as he looks among the crowd. Katrina watches the man as he then makes eye contact with her, and she gets this odd sensation when he then turns to look at Barry. As everyone applauds his speech, a man bumps in to her and Iris, grabbing Iris's laptop bag and running off.
"No! Hey, my laptop! It's got my dissertation" Iris shouts.
"We got it" Katarina says as her and Barry takes off after the mugger. Katrina goes the opposite way of Barry, hoping to cut the mugger. She jumps a wall, landing right behind the mugger who just hit Barry in the face with the laptop.
"Listen buddy" she says getting the man's attention "you don't have to do this. Just give us our friend's bag back. We'll call it even ok" she says to the man.
He goes to try and hit her, but she uses her quick reflexes to duck in time. "Come on kid, you don't need to do this" she hears Barry say as she stands back up, to try and knock the kid. He hits Barry, who wasn't so lucky and gets knocked down. Katrina stands there for a minute unsure to check on Barry or go after the mugger. "Are you okay?" she asks him.
"Yeah I think so" he groans holding his head.
She then takes off trying to find the kid when she spots him jumping the fence. She leaps up easily jumping the fence too, when she knocks the kid to the ground.
"Police! Freeze!" she hears the new transfer cop she knew as Eddie call out. "Or do you want to find out the hard way you're not faster than a bullet" he says. Katrina stands up, with the mugger.
"You really like me doing your job don't you" she jokes with him.
"Ivory, you okay?" Eddie asks her.
"Yep, here you go. How did you know about this?" she asks.
"I was patrolling through the crowd when I spotted you and Allen running after this perp" he says taking the man from her.
"Well, I better check on Allen, we'll head to the precinct to give our statements" she tells him, as she walks away going back for her friend.
Barry sat in a chair, as he held a napkin to his now bloody nose, they watched as Eddie, walked by with the mugger, a proud smile on his face.
"Who is that guy? And what is he so proud of? So he caught a mugger" Iris says to them.
"Actually Kat caught the mugger, but he's the transfer from Keystone" Barry tells her.
"Yeah started a few weeks ago, Eddie Thawne" Katrina tells her as she checks Barry's nose to see if the bleeding stopped.
"Oh, that's detective pretty boy" Iris says earning a look from both Barry and Katrina, "that's what my dad calls him. Says he actually keeps score when it comes to arrests." Iris says to them.
"He's pretty, though" Katrina adds checking Eddie out.
"Yeah, but you are the one who got to the mugger first" Barry says to her, tossing the dirty napkin in the garbage. Katrina passes him another one, his nose still not stopping.
"Well, I better go, now that I got my laptop back, I've got a lot to work to do. I'll meet you two in the morning at Jitters" Iris says and they both nod at her. She gives each of her best friends a hug, before leaving; little did she know that would be the last hug she would give them for a long time.
"Come on let's get you fixed up in the lab" Katrina says helping Barry up. He keeps holding his nose upwards, as she helps him up the stairs and into their lap. As they enter they can see a storm starting to brew outside. Katrina sits Barry down in a seat, as she tosses on the tv, "Since we missed being there at least we can still watch it on here" she says to him.
"I'm Linda Park, We're outside S.T.A.R Labs despite the weather which only is going to get worse. The torrential downpour has in no way affected the particle accelerator which is running smoothly according to S.T.A.R Labs CEO Harrison Wells" they hear the reporter say.
Katrina sees Barry get up and go over to his bullitien board, pulling the string on the screen, it rolls over revealing everything he had collected on the death of his mom. "We'll figure this out one day Barry, I promise" she says putting a hand on threw his arm, hooking it with hers.
"I just want my dad back" he says to her.
"I know you do, how's the nose?" she then asks him.
"It's all good now" he says to her.
Just then the reporter on the tv catches their attention, "Wait, we're now being told to evacuate the facility. The storm may have caused a malfunction in the primary cooling system. The official are now trying to shut donw the particle accelerator but so far have been unable to regain control f the" the tv then cuts out. Both of them move toward the window, seeing the explolsoin in the distance.
"That can't be good" Katrina says to Barry,
"We gotta close this window now" Barry says. He goes for the chain that opens and closes their window, when Katrina notices the beakers around the lab start to rise; she goes to protect Barry when the window shatters sending glass shards everywhere as a lightning bolt strikes Barry, who's still holding the chain.
The impact sends both of them flying back, knocking them to the ground, Katarina can feel the electricity coursing through her "Ba..Bar..Barry" she croaks out before the world fades to black.
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