Read Stories YandereShu x Valt 🔪My one and only~🔪 - TeenFic.Net




YandereShu x Valt 🔪My one and only~🔪

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Once they were childhood friends, but then he changes.....

He starts hurried others who get near him....

Shu and Valt were childhood friends and nothing can keep them away.

But Shu starts having feelings for Valt and hates it when others tries to get in their way...

So.... he kill them. That's the only way to keep him and Valt together. Killing others with no mercy and no hesitation. He then lock Valt in his own apartment and rape him like he finally got what he wanted.

Valt then found that he's osnanajimi had been killing others in their school. He wants to send him back there but...... he has no heart to do it....

What will he do?.....

⚠Warning ⚠
And more......
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