Chapter 8

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Bombolone picture cause why not?
After class
Shu's POV
Finally class is done, and I'm on my way searching for Varuto-chan!~

I really ×10000 love calling Valt his romaji name Varuto!

I was at the hallway and bump into someone. Great, just great. The lucky bitch

"Gomenasai Shu-senpai!" Avika says and bow then walks away quickly


Literally no one ever call me that! Except those fangirls, they are really crazy!

I continue to walk to the rooftop. All the gangs are there training. Well, some of them.

The blonde were arguing again. OMFG why can't they just stop for once!? Valt was sitting on the bench polishing his Valkyrie while chatting with Daigo and Ken.

Oh I'm jealous.

I got to the middle between Daigo and Valt scooting closer to him. Daigo scoot away a bit. I guess he stills remember the incident.

But who cares. At least I'm sitting closer with Varuto-Chan~

I look at Valty sweat dropping at Wakiya and Honcho while laughing nervously.

I blush a bit while looking at him.

Après le combat~ (After the fight~)
I was walking to the gate with Valty. We chat for while. He laugh at something I said, my heart flutter. I slowly move my hand and grab his.

Valt stop and looks at me confuse. I have the urge to kiss his hand making him flinch and blush. He froze a bit and a few seconds later, I intertwine my finger with his.

His hands were soft even if his wearing gloves and small like I was holding a cat.

He was just looking at me blushingly and confusingly. I let go of his hand and he quickly pull away then looking at it.

I put my hands on Valty's cheek and use my tumb to brush his cheek like his porcelain cup.

3rd POV
Valt melts a bit and blush lightly while looking at Shu's lustful crimson eyes.

He avert his eyes no wanting to make contact while his best friend was touching his cheek.

Then someone shout. Making Shu stop the touching and both males turn to see that person's voice

"Valt!!!~" Avika shouted his name while waving at him. She then runs towards him literally didn't not notice Shu at all

"Valt sorry it took so long! There's just so many math formulas to write💦hehehe~" Avika says nervously and giggles a bit

Valt smiles and Shu just frown.

"Are you ready to go?" Valt says

"Yup!" Avika say excitedly

Shu was confuse. He stops Valt and tells him where is he going

"Avika's house to bring her bombolone to my house" Valt explain

Shu force a smile and told him to be carefull and inside of him is furious. He can't take it anymore.

Avika's POV
Look at him...

I can tell his faking a smile.

By the look of his face, he was jealous and furious of me....

Don't think I didn't notice what he's doing with Valt. I saw him puting his hand on his cheek and brushing it slowly with his tumb.

And I even knows that Valt is bisexual.

Sorry Kurenai Shu

But I don't think Valt will accept you because.....

You killed his boyfriend

When we left, I took a last glance at him and smirk. He looks shock and furious while gripping his fist tightly

I turn back and smile continue to chat with Valt.

Once his mine

There's nothing Kurenai can do about it

We reached to my house and grab the box of bombolone inside. We both start to walk to Valt's house

He's house was far from mine but not the school. How come he can be late? Maybe overslept?

We walk and continue chatting about anime, our family and etc

I have this feeling we were being stalked. I glance at the back to see who was stalking us

Valt stop and look at me worriedly and confusingly.

"Hey Avika, what's up?" Valt ask

"N-nothing at all Valt. Just expecting💦" I say and gave him a smile

3rd POV
Valt and Avika reached to Valt's house and the twins immediately take hug their oni-chan

"Oni-Chan!!!" The twins exclaim

While the trio siblings were hugging, Avika stare at the and thought it was cute

"Hey Valt, Who's is she!?" Nika says while pointing at Avika

"Toko, Nika this is my friend Avika and Avika this are my siblings" Valt introduce them one another.

The twins greet her hello and Avika greet back at them

"Well who's the girl, sweetie?" Chiharu ask with a face of "is this your girlfriend?~"

"I'm Avika Bancroft! Nice to meet you Mrs Aoi" Avika says as she politely bow

"Nice to meet you Avika, what do you two have here?"Chiharu ask crossing her arm.

"Mom, Avika want to give you one of her tasty bombolone!" Valt exclaim

Avika and Valt place the box full of bombolone on the table then opens it. The twins were amazed by the aroma so as Chiharu.

When they took a bite they were satisfied and thank Avika for the tasty snack.

Valt and Avika giggle a bit and chat each other.

In the evening
"Oh it's evening now, I have to go Valt" Avika says

"I'll send you home!" Valt says with a smile and grabs Avika's hand.

They both start to walk to her house. They chat a bit while crossing on the street.

Meanwhile Shu's POV
I was walking from the store and to my apartment. As I was passing by a street, to the corner of my eyes I saw Valty and Avika

Walking hand in hand together while laughing and chatting. Like they were dating but they're not. I felt angry and sad but that doesn't stop me from loving him.

Avika notice means I flinch a bit. She smirk and roll her eyes "playfully" while wrapping her hands around Valt's hand.

Then they walk and turn around the corner. I quietly follow them and and peek at the corner. So this is where her house is.

And this is what I saw

3rd POV
"You know you don't need to do that Valt" Avika says and sweat drop

"I'm kinda use to it, so maybe tomorrow we can hang out?" Valt says nervously while scratching the back of his head

"Yeah we should!" Avika says with a smile

Then the unexpected thing happen

Avika give a quick kiss on Valt's cheek and went inside shutting the door quickly.

Valt touch his cheek where she kiss it and his face start to turn red while steam is coming out.

He walks away covering his blushing face. As he was about to turn to the corner he bump into someone. It was Shu.

"O-o-oh S-Shu I didn't see you there hehe!" Valt's voice crack and giggles nervously

Shu smile "sweetly" while pat his hair. "Don't worry about it" Shu says

"Wanna go to my place Valt?" Shu ask

"Sure thing!" Valt says and grabs Shu's groceries

"Umm Valt!" Shu was confuse

"I thought you needed my help" Valt says and walks while pulling Shu sleeve so he could walk

Shu soften his eyes with a kind smile being lucky to have a friend like Valt. "You precious little angel~You have such kind soul~" Shu thought

At Shu's apartment
"Yay!!! We made it!!" Valt exclaim and put Shu's groceries on the table and sat on a chair to rest.

"So you want anything? I'll give you everything" Shu says

"Pasta!!!" Valt yell

"Hehe alright alright" Shu says and put on his apron and start cooking

Minutes later
"Here help yourself" Shu put Valt's pasta on the table along with his

Valt starts eating it feeling satisfied while Shu chuckle.

Done! Fuh this chapter is bad

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