Shu:*cooking at the kitchen*
Valt:*about to move away from the table*
Shu:*stabs knife on the table*Where do you think your going Valty~
Valt:Ok i won't move!! *scared and got pissed off*
Shu:AND YOU!!!
Star/Writter Chan:GAHH!! what!? Who me!?!
Shu:Finish the story! *dark aura coming*
Star/Writter Chan:*starts doing it*H-heres chapter 4
Shu was planning how to kill him without being notice by Valt. Then an idea pop out off his head. "I'll do this tomorrow~"
Tomorrow at school~
Valt was walking by himself and saw Shu. "Hey Shu!" "Hey Valt, wanna hang out with me!?" "Sure!!" They both walk and saw bench nearby. They sat on it and an awkward silence between. Shu broke the silence "So...... how-I mean when did you and him became a couple??" "Oh, it was last week on Saturday" "Ok" then Shu gave him an album. "What's this??" "It's an album. I made it for us. There's a lot of pictures of you and me" Shu said while smiling at him and Valt smile back "Wow its so beautiful!!!!" Valt's eyes were filled with star as continue looking at it. Shu was planning to distract Valt so he can sneakily kill Feng without Valt knowing. He then goes to the rooftop where he told Feng to meet him there early before Valt saw him. Feng was looking at the sky while the wind blow his black hair. Shu needs to hurry if he doesn't, his plan fail. Shu arrived at the rooftop and put his hand in his pocket. Feng turn and see Shu "Hey Shu!What do you need me for!?" "Just came to tell you to back off what's mine!" "What!?" "You know what I'm talking about!! You and Valt aren't meant to be together!!!" Feng open his mouth and was about to speak but Shu charge and took out a pocket knife from his pocket and stab his shoulder until some blood splash on his face. "S-Shu w.. why are you doing t.. t.. thi-is??" Shu stab him on the chest and whisper through his ears "Because you stole what's belong to me" Shu stabs him one more time on the chest and Feng slowly close his eyes and was not able to move anymore. Shu blink and slowly began to smile and suddenly laugh with a lot of blood cover on his face, hands and clothes. Shu took a big black plastic bag and put the dead body inside and goes to the stuff room to grab a mop and start cleaning the blood on the floor. He finished cleaning and took the body to the nearest dumpster and threw it there. He clean himself and lucky he brought some extra clothes so nobody knew he killed someone. He change himself quickly and rush to where Valt is.
With Valt~
Valt was starting to get worry and scare. "Shu where are you?" Valt was scared and wish either his best friend or his boyfriend was here. Then someone caught his shoulder. Valt startled and turn to see Shu. "Shu!! Where are you!?!? Don't do that again your scaring me!!!!" Valt was about to tear up and Shu wipe his tears with his thumb. "Shh.... is okay Valt, I'm here now" Shu's plan work, he just have to wait till Valt forget about Feng so he can be with his Valkyrie.
3 days later~
"Breaking news!!!! A teenage boy was found death in a dumpster!!!!!" Valt was watching the news at the TV and was shock to see the boy who found dead in the dumpster was........
his boyfriend
"F-Feng...... n-no.. it ca-an't be..... no... No! No! No! FENG!!!!!" Valt cry his heart out bcuz the dead of his boyfriend. He's been in his room crying for days without eating. He feels sad, heartbroken and depress. His mother was worry about her son but she also felt sorry for the dead of his boyfriend. Even the twins, they would go to his room and knock or ask question wether his okay but they sometime get no response or shouting to leave him alone. His family don't like seeing him like this. Valt didn't even go to school bcuz he would feel lonely. If his boyfriend was there he would be himself.
5 weeks later~
"Hey guys, do you think we should go visit him, i mean he didn't come to school for 5 weeks now" said Daigo worriedly "Yeah, i think we should" said Rantaro "We'll bring Shu with us because Shu was the only one who knows Valt better than all of us" said Wakiya in his sassy tone. "Well why don't we go to his class and make a plan" "Yeah let's go now!!" They all agreed to each other and goes to Shu's classroom. Shu was laying his face on the desk hoping Valt will come. The beycrew open the door to his class and that make Shu surprise. "Hey Shu! We planned to visit Valt to his house to help him. " Daigo said while putting both of his hand in his pocket. "Umm... okay thats good" Shu said as he was scared that Valt will find out that he killed his boyfriend. Then someone burst the door open. The turn their heads to see Valt!?Valt skin was so pale and his hair was a little bit messy. His eyes are red for crying too much and has dark bangs under his eyes like he didn't sleep for 5 weeks! Valt stares at them angrily and that make them shock and scare. "What are you doing here!?" Valt said rudely as he goes to his seat, put down his bag and hits his head hard on the table not wanting to talk. They were speechless at Valt's odd behavior. "Soo...... you still-" Valt cut Daigo off by hitting his fist on the table not wanting to look at him. "YES!!!" Valt yelled that make them shiver a little. Shu sight and stand up walking towards Valt's table. He bend down and said "Valt c'mon, you need to move on" "What!?!? DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW IT FEELS WHEN YOU LOST THE PERSON YOU LOVE!!!!!" "But Valt i-" "SHUT UP!!! I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!!!" "VALT! LISTEN TO ME!!!!! IF YOU LOVE HIM THEN WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO YOURSELF!?!?" "SHU JUST SHUT UP AND LET ME DIE!!! I CAN'T LIVE LIKE THIS *sob*HOW CAN I BE MYSELF IF HE'S NOT WITH ME!?!? *sob**sob*" Shu sight and grab Valt's wrist. "Where are we going!?"said Valt "Somewhere" Shu took Valt to the beach and make him sit down between his leg. Valt didn't mind and continue sobbing. Shu wrap his arms around Valt's small body and spoke "Is okay to lose someone from your life Valt. But you need to kearn how to move on start a new relationship. Crying for lost one is no use. It's just a life risking." "But*sob*what if i can't??" "Then i help you" Valt stay silent and his eyes feels heavy and his head fall on Shu's chest. He was asleep because his been crying all day. Shu carry Valt piggy back style to his home. He lay Valt on his bed and goes to the kitchen to make him dinner.
Star/Writer Chan:Finally done *faint and goes to sleep*
Valt:*sleep on Shu's chest like a cat*
Shu:*smiling sweetly while petting his head*
Star/Writer Chan:See you all in the next chapter, Bye!!!!
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