Warning: This contain blood, gore and craziness. Get some snack, drinks or other that suit you. Let's begin
After all those violence moment~
Shu is walking home with Valt than they stop by hearing Valt's stomach growls. There was an awkward silence then Shu cut it by saying "Really Valt?? Dose your violence side making you hungry" "Uhh............." Valt blush and nod yes at the same time. "How come your not hungry?" "Because Im not" but then Shu's stomach growls. "Are you sure? ~" Valt treasure cat smile and jazz his hand. Shu sweat drop and giving face of are you kidding me right now?
Then they when to the nearest cafeteria. They sat down and look at the menu to choose their food. "Hey Shu, you should eat first" Shu was surprise "Why" "Well............... I.. I don't have any money to pay these" Shu does the anime fall and gets up and has a are you serious face. But then he chuckle at Valt being silly-billy. "Don't worry Valt, I'll pay it for you" "Huh!!! Then I'm gonna save my money again to pay you back" "Hey, hey don't worry Valt. You don't have to pay me" "Oh ok?" Then they continue choosing on what food will they eat. "Hey Valt wanna eat this?" Shu point at the ramen pic.
"Sure Shu," they order their food and wait for it to be serve. Then Shu was lost in his thoughts. 'Should I confess? Wait no!! He'll reject me!! But he like both girls and guys. Should he accept a guy that has a lot of fangirls. I should just-No!!!! Maybe I should kill-No!!! Or maybe I should kill who's familiar to him??? Wait what am i thinking!?!? I can't do that!!! I nearly kill Rantaro!!!! Or maybe I should- ' "Shu? " Shu snap out if it and realize his ramen was serve. "Shu are you ok? We can go o the-" "N-no!! I'm ok!!" "You sure about that?" "Yes!" Valt was being calm and serious with him. They eat their ramen.
After the meal~
"It's getting darker Shu, Can I stay at your place since its holiday??" Valt has pink shade on both of his cheek feeling shy and afraid he might say no. "Sure, anything for you Valt" Valt eyes was filled with stars and tackle hug Shu. "Yay!!! We can spend our time together fo the rest of the holiday!!!"
Hearing the word 'together'make Shu really happy. "But what about your clothes???" "I'm too lazy to walk home, I'll call my mom to send them at your house instead" Shu sweat drop and said "Does your mom even know about this?" "Yup" "What's in your backpack?" "My pillow, blanket, dolphin and tazors" "Tazors!?!? Seriously!? So your telling me you didn't bring your books at all!!!! And why did you bring tazors!?!?" "Haha, you see-
"Mom I wanna spend my holiday at Shu's house please!!!!" "Ok ok! You may but don't make a mess at someone house!" "Aye!!!" Then when he hit Wakiya and Rantaro with a sandal on the face he punish them to send his books at his home if not they will get another hit on the face. They did what they were told and run like cowards.
End flashback~
and that's why I took them at the hall way to punish them for arguing. And I bring tazors is to protect mysalf from robbers" Shu sweat drop and face palm at the same time.
They got at home and Valt immediately jump on his couch and lay there like a neko. Shu chuckle and went upstairs. What's up there???
Shu open the basement door.(It was said on Chp 1) And in there was blood, weapons, poison and other dangerous things. "Gotta clean this mess if not Valty is going to be scared" (He's been killing Feng's friend) Shu cleans the whole basement. He clean the weapons, floor, wall and also spray it to make the room smell nice.
After done cleaning, he goes down and saw Valt doze off on his couch. He looks at him and smile while having blush line on his face. He took a blanket and cover Valt's small body. He sat down on the floor and leans back behind the couch.
He looks at him and then his lips. "The look soft~" thought Shu. He can't stop thinking about him and he just wants him now.
The next day~ (Shu's POV)
I woke up first and notice I wasn't in my bedroom. I guess I doze off last night thinking about him.
I got up and took a shower, I close my eyes and look down to remember something.
"Hey Shu!What do you need me for!?" "Just came to tell you to back off what's mine!" "What!?" "You know what I'm talking about!! You and Valt aren't meant to be together!!!" Feng open his mouth and was about to speak but Shu charge and took out a pocket knife from his pocket and stab his shoulder until some blood splash on his face. "S-Shu w.. why are you doing t.. t.. thi-is??" Shu stab him on the chest and whisper through his ears "Because you stole what's belong to me" Shu stabs him one more time on the chest and Feng slowly close his eyes and was not able to move anymore.
I grin creepily and and start chuckling. "There's no need to be worry now~He's friend knew I was the on who did so I have to kill them before they can tell the teachers~Hahahahahah~Friends help each other eh??~Well my bad~It's a shame they can't save their friend and his boyfriend~Oh wait, I mean my boyfriend~They shouldn't have mess with me!!!~Since nobody knew~*he licks his lips* I can finally be with you~Just wait darling, we're going to have the best life Together!!~"
After my shower~
I go to my room to wear my clothes and goes down stairs to check on Valt. "Hey Valt are you a-" I was cut off by this.
He wears towel on his chest!? I look at his cute small body with his hair down. I feel like I was going to nosebleed and my fave heating up. But one question. Can boys wear towels on their chest even if they don't even have err..... girls chest?
"Shu, if I may to take a shower at your bathroom?" I snap out of it and looks down at him. "Yes... but umm... why do you wear towel like that? Your a boy not a girl." When I said that, Valt face turn completely red and turn his head away. "I... I.... I.... I'm just not use to show my body at people's houses." He then quickly run off to the bathroom and shut the door.
I was standing there just blushing and nosebleeding. Damn!! So cute and yet his body was so small. I want to hug him so badly.
I stop and wipe the blood with a tissue. I go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Once Valt done, he goes down stairs and straight to the kitchen to eat his breakfast.
For god sake this is like hell making this story while getting killed by-
*gets hit with pillow*
Fuck you White Rabbit!!!!
Shu:Well!! 🖕🏻Fuck you too!!!!!
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