Star/Writter Chan:Don't worry, as long as were safe here.
Valt:Good point, let's continue the story so Shu can't find us here.
After Valt's training~
Valt was walking home alone. He reaches to his house and then his twins quickly tackle him in surprise. "Your home Valt!!" "Ya, haha im home" "Well go wash yourself, you must be tired after practising"said Chiharu "ok mom" he then rush upstairs and took a shower. He then having dinner with his mother and his siblings. His dad is at work so is only the four of them.
After dinner~
Valt's POV
I lay on my bed and keep thinking about you know.......... Feng. But Shu, his never like that to me. I know Shu better than anyone else but Shu is somehow......... acting strange when i first met Feng. Do they know each other or something??? Or maybe something bad happened between them? I keep thinking about it till i end going to sleep.
In the morning~
Valt woke up cuz no school is Saturday duh. He go downstairs and saw a note and some bey breads on the table. He pick up the note and read it.
To Valt
Valt, sweetie! I'm taking the twins for some camping skills. I'll be home late so don't forget to finish your homework, don't mess the house and don't forgot to lock the door before leaving the house. Enjoy the breakfast on the table. Bye!
He finished reading and eat the bey bread and go out. He was walking and saw a milkshake stall. He got there and buy some. "Wow! ~How do they make this so good!" The sale manager then giggle at Valt reaction. Valt was walking while drinking his milkshake and accidentally trip on a rock. He was about to fall but suddenly someone catch him on time. Valt lift his head up to see the persons face. "FENG!!" "Hey! Carefull while your walking with that milkshake over there" he chuckled a bit. Valt blush and quickly snap out of it. "Umm.... V-Valt uhh do you want to hang out with me?" He said blushing a little. "Sure!!" "Great! Let's go!" They walk together while talking.
Actually~both of them have crushes on each other and they both want to tell their feelings to each other. (They don't have school on Saturday and Sunday, everyone knows that) Then and awkward silence between them while watching the sunset. "Umm.... so I've been thinking" they stop and blush because they say the same thing together. "Umm... i start first Valt" Feng sweat drop while Valt nod. "I've been wanting to ask you Valt. Umm... i.. i... i..." "You what??" Feng grab both of Valt's shoulder and face him "Valt, I'm in love with you Valt! W-will you be my boyfriend!?" Feng blush and Valt hug him and buried his face on his chest. "Yes I will!! Love you too!!" Valt blushed crimson and kiss his cheek.
Two days later~
Valt and Feng are dating at the schools field on lunch break. The beyclub was practicing at the rooftop while Shu is waiting for Valt there. "Yo dude! Your not gonna practice??" Said Rantaro while put his hand around his hips. "I'm waiting for Valt" he said while looking up the sky. "Why? You like him?" Said Wakiya with his sassy tone. "I-is not like that!!!" "Don't say stuff you don't know Goldilocks!!!" And they argue as usual. Daigo tries to stop them but no use.
After lunch break~
Shu was walking to his class but someone grab his shoulder and turn him over. "Wakiya? What are you doing here?" "No time but follow me" said Wakiya while grabing him by the wrist and start running. They reach the corner of the school hall where Rantaro and Daigo are. "Shu do you know Valt is dating!?" Rantaro said shockingly that made Shu felt heartbroken. "He's....
Shu didn't believe him. "Look for yourself" said Daigo while letting him look. Shu eyes widened of what he saw. His crush Valt was dating?? And the person his dating is Feng. Shu was shock but he wasn't sad nor depress but he was fill with anger, hatred and heartbroken. He grin angrily without the other notice. "Umm Shu? You okay buddy?" "Y-yes.. I-I'm.. okay. Noth-thing's wrong... I-I'm fine... heheh" Shu was trembling while faking his smile. The other look each other and look at him back "Ok? We're gonna go head to class, see ya!" They all left and Shu runs to the bathroom and locks the door. He bends down and cry. Why? Because Valt was dating with another guy.
Skip crying and the school bell rings~
Shu got out the bathroom and bump into someone. "Ugh! Watch where you're going!" He look down and shock to see Valt on the floor. "Oh sorry Shu, you know I'm always like that" Valt said while picking up his book. Shu feels regret saying that to him and offers his hand to help Valt. Valt look up and accept his offer. They look each other without realizing their holding hands. Valt eye his hand and blush a little. "Umm...... Shu... can you uhh let go off my hand?" "Oh! Umm.... sorry" He let go Valt's hand and saw Valt was about to walk away but he caught his shoulder and grab his book. "Let me help carry this" Valt look up to Shu and nod while saying ok. They walk and walk and walk. Then they saw Feng. "Feng!!!!" Shouted Valt as he run and tackle-hug him from the back. "Heh, Hey baby~" Shu was piss off as he was pretending that he don't know they're a couple. "Oh Shu I forgot your still here, this is my boyfriend" "Hey Shu" "Yeah whatever" As they both say bye to Feng and continue walking.
At Valt's house~
"Thanks for helping me Shu, bye!" "Yeah... see ya!" Valt close the door and Shu sight and walks home. He reach to his home and open the door then he shut it. He bend down while wrapping his legs together with his arm and start to cry again. "*sob*why him!? *sob* *sob*Valt*sob*WHY HIM!?!? YOU AND HIM JUST MET DAYS AGO!!! *sob**hic**hic*I *hic*w-wish it was just us!! *stands up and goes to the kitchen*Just US!! *grabs and holds a knife*JUST YOU*raise knife*AND ME!!!!!!" He stab the knife very hard and his table was almost split open. He pant heavily and starts throwing his book hard on the floor. "I WISH HE NEVER EXISTED!!!!! I WISH HE NEVER NEVER MET VALT!!!! I WISH HE NEVER CONFESS TO HIM!!!! I WANT HIM GONE!!!! Then he stop, he suddenly stop??? And slowly he began to smile???He chuckle and then laugh like he was literally gone crazy." THAT'S E-EASY.... HAHAH..... IT'S SO SIMPLE!!!.. HAHAHA.... WHAT IF I JUST- "He stop and turn his head looking at the knife and slowly went insane and took out the knife. He look at his own reflection on the knife and smile crazily and creepily." Valt~Oh Valt~ My little Valkyrie " he was spinning around with a knife on his hand and imagining what will happen when he kill Feng.
Shu's imagination~
Valt was crying on his chest while Shu was hugging him tightly with blood on his hand. "Shu *sob**hic*F-Feng is *hic**hic*FENG IS GONE!!!! HE PROMISE HE WON'T LEAVE!!! *sob**sob*PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME TOO!!! *hic*SHU PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU!!!! *hic**sob*" "I wont Valt... I won't ~" He smiles while his eyes were glowing red while the all dead body was around them with fresh blood.
Back to Shu~
"Hehehehahhahahahha!!!! HAHHAHAHH!!!! I'LL NEVER FORGIVE THOSE WHO STOLE MY VALKYRIE!!!!!! HAHAHAH!!!" He was full of insaneness and thinking about dirty stuff he can do with Valt.
"My precious Valt Aoi~............. Daddy and you will going to be together forever~Hahahah!!!!! ~
Star/Writter Chan: What's your reaction?!?!? Tell me on the comments!!! Hey Valt! How's your reaction!?!? *a little bit scared*
Valt:Im so ded*holding a cross bcuz he was so scared*
Shu:*breaks door with an axe*HERE'S JOHNNY!!! *smiles devilishly*
Star/Writter Chan and Valt:*running for their lifes*AAAHHHHH HOW DID HE FOUND US!?!?!??
Shu:EASY!!!! I WAS HERE THE WHOLE TIME!!!! *chasing them with chains*
Star/Writter Chan:SERIOUSLY!?!?!??
Shu:See you fellas on the next bloody chapter, bye!!!~*yandere mode*
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