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The Klutz is Also a Princess

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Marinette has been known as the ultimate klutz and best baker in her class. But hidden deep in her ancestry is a connection of blood to the empress of China. That means Marinette is a-wait for it- a PRINCESS!!

So when all of a sudden, the last person besides Marinette dies unexpectedly to inherent the throne, Marinette is forcefully moved to China where she could be protected so when the empress dies, Marinette could become the next empress.

Except, Marinette can't. She has a job in Paris, a secret one. She is the hero known as Ladybug. However, according to the rules, if Marinette leaves Paris, she'll disown the ladybug miraculous and it will be handed down to another person.

So how will she be able to solve this predicament? How much is she going to risk? Would she rather be a princess or a hero? It's all up to her but she can't decide.

So... What's it going to be?

Princess Marinette AU enjoy! ;3
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