Marinette sighed as the days went by. It was only five days until she would be able to go to China to become the next in line in case the old queen dies. However, despite all that royal treatment that awaited her over there, she wanted to stay in Paris as a normal girl... LIVING A SUPERHERO LIFE!
Currently she was walking Alya to school since didn't need to go to school on the request of her private tutor.
"What kind of crime would be illegal enough to make the queen despise you?" Alya asked. She knew Marinette was as sweet of a cinnamon roll as her pastries so how would good ol' Marinette be even capable to commit anything like that?
"We could research some crimes I guess but I don't know if we'll be able to execute the plan fast enough. Heck, we only have five days until I'm gone!" Marinette doubted. It was clear that she decided what she wanted. She wanted to be a superhero and not a princess.
You see, being a princess does equal fame and royalty which is an amazing thing except... When the world will need her most, Marinette will be much older and the fact that the akuma attacks are still happening right now makes Paris need Ladybug much more than China needs Marinette.
So Marinette will sacrifice royal life for her secret yet riveting life. Just because Paris needs her more.
"Don't worry Mari! If you really wish that you won't be a princess then we will make it before the deadline. Just relax and even if we fail, I'll bust you out." Alya chuckled, lightening the tension Marinette was pressing against herself.
"Though you sound like you are joking, I know you would really do that." Marinette giggled.
"Sshhhh! The officials will hear!" A familiar dark skinned boy that wore a blue shirt that had a mysterious Egyptian looking eye on it with skinny jeans and his signature cap and headphones popped into the conversation giddily.
"Yeah I agree with Nino, keep it on the down low so we could actually do that." The rich blonde kid entered the group.
"Interesting you were early enough to join us boys." Alya noticed their early timing.
"Yeah, what happened to the limo?" Marinette asked, half shy half Ladybug confidence.
"My dad is on a business trip and the tire popped on the limo so I just begged the gorilla to let me walk and since my dad won't know then he allowed since he saw you guys." Adrien replied.
"Dude, such a shame that your dad would do that. Doesn't that save gas?" Nino said in his low, hippy voice.
"You don't need to save money when you got moolah." Alya pointed out with a odd tone and smirk.
"Marinette I need to tell you something..." Adrien breathed. They were alone; just outside of the washroom that was in the north hallway.
"Yes?" Marinette said shakily.
"You are Ladybug." Adrien spluttered.
"You stuttered. That's cute." Marinette giggled. "And yes you are right and I believe I've found you chatton."
"Yeah, yeah.." Adrien repeated.
"I'm serious Adrien, what happened to the egotistical cat I fought crime with?" Marinette quizzed.
"Marinette. Sorry to change the subject but I want to help you. Alya and Nino too." Adrien apologized.
"I know you do but it is so soon! I don't know if I'll be able to accomplish this one." Marinette admitted sheepishly. Her confidence fading into the abyss.
"Marinette! Adrien! The game is starting and we need the party leader (Adrien) and healing mage (Marinette) or else we will lose!! Darn you lovebirds!" Alya hollered, excessively loud. Both blushed intensely.
"We can focus on the game for now. Let's seperate the fun and the serious." Marinette ordered.
"Aye." Adrien agreed. They went into the game room, ready to beat this opponents to it's ashes.
"Cha- i mean Adrien what is your thoughts on the crime." Marinette fixed her mistake but somewhat managed to make it seem awkward.
"Well you can insult her." Adrien replied normally.
"But how will you make it mean enough yet not too mean enough to be passed?" Alya contemplated.
"That is the question." Nino randomly quoted Shakespeare. The foursome laughed.
"Look the school is right there! We might need to discuss this on lunch. See ya later Mari!" Alya waved goodbye as she and the two boys ran the next fifteen feet without Marinette.
"Yeah..." Marinette sighed.
"Flour, sugar and some wheat." Marinette hummed as she was baking some pastries.
"Marinette! Princess! Don't over work yourself!" Tom laughed as he observed Marinette clumsily navigate through the kitchen and making a mess of the kitchen.
"It's thirty minutes until it is lunch time and I want to serve my friends." Marinette rolled her eyes.
"How about you serve them the special?" Sabine brought out a tray of pastries that looked like they have been pooped out by almighty unicorns.
The snack
"That's cool mom but I think I sh-" Marinette was cut off by Sabine thrashing one into her mouth. Marinette at first thought she would choke but when the flavour took over and the fine crisps of it satisfied her tongue, she needed more.
"By the look of your face, you enjoyed it, now take these to your friends. Bye!" Sabine said, cheerfully. She gave Marinette the tray and her lunch and off Marinette skipped to school.
The school bell rung loudly and Alya quickly hid her phone, Nino turned off his music and Adrien grumbled at Plagg.
"Don't forget to do research on the mango worm!" The teacher hollered
The trio walked out of the classroom, desperately trying not to barf.
"Why must we have science before lunch?" Nino complained once he was out of ear-shot.
"I'm scarred." Alya added, kind of spaced out a bit. The holes, oh those blood filled holes just seem to disturb her soul.
"I agree, I think we should protest." Adrien said while rubbing his temples. They settled on a lunch table and went to grab their lunches.
"Hey Adrikins!" Chloe calls out as she hugged him when the trio sat down, supposedly comfortable until the she-devil arrived,
"Hey Chloe, how is your day?" Adrien replied casually. Alya hastily pulled out a random book from her bag, opened to a random page and gagged behind it. Nino just face palmed.
"It has been really good so far. Now please give me some room, I'm going to sit next to you Adrihoney!" Chloe swooned over him, slightly swaying from east to west, probably holding some nose bleed or something.
"Suuure Chlo." Adrien didn't even move aside, Chloe just pushed him and squished up near him. He didn't sound so sure himself.
"I'm here!" Marinette announced as she barely balanced the tray in her hands with her awkward sprint. As soon as Chloe glared at her, Marinette was only three feet from the table but pivoted her foot in a 90 degree angle and shouted, "GERMS!"
Alya laughed with Nino and Adrien just stifled it in a cough. Chloe just stormed out of the table group.
"You are unfit for royalty Marinette dupain-cheng!" Chloe hissed bitterly. "A bakers girl to a princess? Pathetic!"
"At least she isn't a cow like you!" Alya shot back, defending Marinette.
"At least I'm a skinny cow, unlike you." Chloe screamed. However, Alya took no offense from this.
"Fine, I'm a cow. I'm worshipped by the Indians. But you are way too skinny to be worshipped so you are just processed meat while I believe I am a god!" Alya dissed Cloe cleverly.
Chloe was speechless. She stomped to the furthest lunch table and ate her salad angrily.
Hence, invited Marinette to the table since she wasn't there anymore.
"Enjoy!" Marinette chirped as she placed the tray sown and began eating her sandwich.
"Dibs!" Nino called out. He grabbed a bunch, leaving only a few for the rest of the squad.
"Rude." Adrien commented. He grabbed a bunch of the remaining pastries, leaving Alya and Marinette nearly needing to ration.
"Here is one and half." Marinette said as she cut one of the three treats and divided them equally among her and Alya.
"See girl, you are way too sweet to do any crime, just stick to China." Alya advised as she took a big bite.
And for the first time in forever, Marinette shot a glare to Alya.
"You have summoned the inner-demon in Marinette Alya." Adrien chuckled.
"Tame you I must!" Alya then grabbed a pastry from Marinette and chowed it down slowly, so slow that it was painful.
"Back to the topic." Nino demanded.
"M'kay." Marinette said, pulling out a ziploc full of pastries from her pocket. The squad just gawked at her.
They wanted more.
Their mouths watered.
They were addicted,
"So the crimes I've found that were really popular was to shoplift and post uhh explicit pictures of the queen." Marinette said awkwardly. She bit into one and made sure that it was slow, slower than Alya so they would suffer.
"Shoplifting is easy." Nino put in.
"She could go to jail." Adrien pointed out. "That wouldn't be good at all."
"That is another problem, Marinette being arrested and sent to jail or juvy." Alya added.
"I'm sure the next crime will be a pass." Adrien smirked.
"No she is not going to post wrinkly skin on the internet. Marinette's eyes will be scarred." Nino disagreed.
There was silence.
"Mango worms." Alya broke it.
"NO!" Adrien screamed.
"PLEASE SPARE ME!" Nino shrieked.
"The holes are interesting." Marinette commented.
"Please." Alya started.
"Don't say." Nino continued.
"You like them." Adrien finished, wishing for a shot of bleach.
"This is why it is possible for me to commit a crime." Marinette reasoned. "I can send aftermath of mango worm incidents to the group chat."
"That is not a crime Mari." Alya snickered.
"To our eyes, yes, to the queen, insignificant." Nino specified. The squad laughed while the lunch bell rung.
"Marinette plus trouble just equals impossible." Alya said.
Nino and Alya laughed whole-heartedly, Adrien just listened and Marinette frowned.
"But impossible itself says, 'I'm possible'."
A/N so I haven't updated much lately, thanks to school buttttttttt, I am planning to end this story soon and start a non-fanfic story soon. I know my chapters have been super lousy but it is what is am I right? I'm so sorry for the lack of updates and I hope this extra long-not really extra long but long to me-chapter will satisfy you. Onward we gooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Baii <3
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