Chat is.......

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The next morning came quickly and Marinette was sitting beside her desk sighing. She was sleepless and tired and since there was still school in the way it would be achingly long for Marinette.
"Marinette!" Sabine called.
"Coming!" Marinette tried to holler back but her voice was scratchy and nearly inaudible. Marinette put her hands around her throat suddenly awake.
"That all-nighter was so stupid!" Marinette screamed in her head since she couldn't scream in real life. Marinette went down the stairs.
"Mom?" Marinette whispered.
"Oh hello Marinette! You can go back to bed you know, you're leaving in one week and you're going to be privately tutored there. According to the request of the tutor, they demand you don't do any schooling until you go to China." Sabine informed, hiding her slight tint of sadness with a bouncy and energetic tone.
"Thanks." Marinette hugged her mom and trudged up the stairs and zoomed towards her bed.
"I'll check the news." Marinette mumbled to herself. She was fairly curious about anything that included her princess expectations. She looked at a couple articles on her phone containing duties of a princess and the old archives of the reputation of China's monarchy. Tikki even decided to join Marinette's search of information.
After about ten articles and five YouTube videos, Marinette decided to catch some sleep.
"Let's go to school Marinette!" Tikki urged.
"Good morning, sleep tight." Marinette then zoned out completely.
"Did you get no sleep? Are you skipping!?" Tikki asked curiously, except Marinette was probably already in deep sleep three hours early.
"Seriously?" Tikki rolled her eyes. Then an akuma alert happened.
"NUUUU." Tikki whined. Out of obligation she hesitantly woke up Marinette by going to Marinette's bathroom sink, cupping her bug hands, collected water and while the tap ran she sprinkled Marinette's face with water.
"Gahh!" Marinette yelped.
"Tikki, spots on!" Marinette whispered sharply while still sitting on her bed. Tikki was so thankful for such a practical and proactive Ladybug.
Ten seconds and a whole Marinette to Ladybug cutscene passed and Ladybug climbed onto the roof and jumped to another building. She squinted at a weird dressed up villian not too far away.
"How's your day Bugginette?" Chat asked playfully.
"No sleep, bad voice and if I try to scream,-" Marinette tried to scream but her voice cracked and throat ached "-that happens,"
"Poor Bugaboo..." Chat sympathized. "Let's go get that villian early so you could have some sleep."
Except sleepy Marinette fell asleep on the shingles of a random building. I mean, HOW DO YOU EVEN FALL ASLEEP ON THAT STUFF?!
"Ladybug."  Chat poked the sleeping body.
"Adrien..." Ladybug murmured as she woke up, still half asleep.
"Yes how can I help you?" Chat covered his mouth. He wasn't suppose to respond or react at the mention of his alter ego, let alone do it with his normal gentle voice.
"Oh sorry Chat.. Still very sleepy." Ladybug yawned and then left to fight the Akuma. She smiled before she left Chat alone.
"Does that mean she knows? Women are so complicated." chat complained.
"Chat is Adrien Tikki!" Marinette whispered shouted in the middle of the night after she woke up.
"You can't be so sure Marinette." Tikki reasoned.
"But when I said Adrien when I was still half asleep I for sure thought he'd laugh at me! But instead he responded and his voice exactly like Adrien's!" Marinette squealed quietly. Tikki looked at Marinette still not believing her statement,
"Fine I'll call Adrien and say that and see how it goes." Marinette said as she saw Tikki's expression of unbelief and thinking she was drunk or high on something.
"Beep boop boop beep." Maybe she was high on something...
  When someone answered her call she was silent. A big blush creeping onto her face.
"Hello? Marinette? I uhh, heard the news and umm, the princess thing." Adrien stuttered. It was adorable to Marinette.
Marinette took a deep breath and replied, "Chat?"
"What in the world are you talking about?" Adrien queried. Marinette was still persistant.
"Don't do this too me. I'm trying to prove Tikki that you're Chat." Marinette pleaded.
"Sure?" Adrien said, his tone cringeworthy.
"The next time you visit Chat. I'll scratch you so when I see you again as Adrien I'll know it's you." Marinette teased
"Get some sleep Marinette, I think pulling an all nighter isn't very healthy. You need your common sense back. Also, I'm not Chat Noir." The phone hung up.
Marinette was about to scream and shout at the fact she probably humiliated herself and ruined her chances with Adrien but then she realized something...
"How can Adrien know I didn't sleep if I only told Chat that." Marinette smirked at Tikki. Tikki was about to reply but nothing came out.
"Kitty is Adrien!" Marinette chirped as she went on her balcony to see the Eiffel Tower and the beautiful glimmering stars.
"That wasn't half bad of a discovery." Tikki added.
"Not bad at all, actually, amazing." Marinette sighed dreamily as a shooting star passed by. She closed her eyes and made a wish, one she hopes will come true.

A/N so I'm doing another chapter here because this story might be in hiatus until my first story is getting some progress since the other story has no chapters ready to be published so I decided to write something quickly in the middle of the night so this story has at least something right? Feel free to vote and comment and I hope you have a verrrrryyyyyy good day!

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