Chat knew time was winding down quickly and the arrow seemed more daunting as it approached closer to him. It felt like he was in slow-mo as he couldn't shake himself awake.
Where did mom go?
Does he actually know?
He's just playing with me right?
He could hear the Blinder chortle and cluck as the arrow would for sure pierce Chat.
"The battle doesn't end here Chat!" A familiar voice called. The arrow was knocked off course by a red, black polka-dotted yoyo. Ladybug's yoyo.
"Good thing you joined m'lady! Wouldn't have survived if you didn't rescue moi." Chat kissed Ladybug's hand in a gentleman like demeanor.
"A man being saved by a woman? You must be a pathetic loser to be in that situation Adri-"
"ALMIGHTY CAT HERO WHO WILL KICK YOUR ASS FASHIONABLY!" Chat screamed in the top of his lungs.
"Okay then..." Ladybug said discerningly as she started to put herself in a fighting stance and Chat followed.
"Fights on punks." The Blinder grinned, getting an arrow ready.
Then arrows started showering the nearly night sky as Ladybug and Chat dodged them in sync. Everything seemed to just mix perfectly when Ladybug was with Chat, as if everything seemed to be in order whenever she was around him.
They attacked in turns, occasionally dodging the explosions the bomb arrows made.
"Enjoy." The Blinder cackled. He released an arrow that made a net around the duo.
"Lucky Charm!" Ladybug chanted in beat. Chat stood carefully, alert.
A ladybug patterened pair of scissors flew done from the sky and Ladybug stared at the tool blankly.
"How will this help me get the akuma?" Ladybug groaned.
"I don't think he's akumatized..." Chat informed. Ladybug gave Chat a puzzled face and a scrunched forehead. "I think he's some sort of... Miraculous holder."
"WHAT?" Ladybug yelled.
"He has a bat miraculous. The thing he has around his wrist. That watch thing!" Chat whispered sharply so that the Blinder couldn't hear Chat's theory. He also pointed at the black and grey themed watch on the Blinder's wrist to further prove his point.
"That's actually... Possible." Ladybug looked dumbfounded but quickly returned her attention to devising a plan. Ladybug used her Lucky Vision and thought of a good plan.
"Cataclysm Chat." Ladybug murmured. Chat nodded swiftly.
"Cataclysm!" Chat yelled. He touched the net and it withered away into nothing. Ladybug broke the scissors in half, grabbed Chat's belt/tail thingy, tied the broken scissors to each of end of Chat's 'tail' and began to swing the leather belt furiously.
"Chat, we need to steal that miraculous so I need you to trap him, somehow." Ladybug said through gritted teeth. It was getting dark now and the street lamps began flickering to life as the Blinder aimlessly kept throwing arrows at the duo.
"Aye." Chat responded. He leapt into the air and drew out his baton. He was growing tired and frustrated with the longevity of the battle but it'll end soon, hopefully. He continued his attempt to dive and knock out the Blinder.
"Sorry Kitty cat but I'm not easy." The Blinder chimed as he plucked an arrow straight towards Chat, which thankfully, leaned sideways and avoided the arrow but landed awkwardly. He felt like he broke a bone or two.
However, Chat stood up because he was a hero, and heroes never give up. He's simply diligently following the cliché.
"Chat! Keep trying to corner him! I need more time!" Ladybug's call was nearly inaudible but thanks to Chat's extended cat ears, he was able to hear it clear as day.
Chat then spun his baton so the arrows that tried to hurt him ricocheted off.
"Well, well, well, Cat Noir... Getting smarter are you?" The Blinder taunted as he kept shooting more arrows. "How about a stunning arrow shall we?"
"Try me!" Chat smirked as he drew closer to the Blinder, deflecting the arrows with ease.
"With pleasure!" The green arrow that was surrounded with a green aura was released from the bow and as it zoomed to Chat it glimmered in the night.
Chat hit the arrow back and it rebounded on the Blinder. The green explosion made him go back a few feet until a truck conveniently sped into action and stopped the Blinder from going any further by making the Blinder indent the trucks metal base.
The Blinder was dazed and practically had birds circling the top of his head. The truck's front seat door opened and Ladybug came out.
"Chat, quick. Grab the end of your belt and dig the scissor blade into the truck-"
"HUH?" Chat said, perplexed.
"It's magic, it'll work." Ladybug shrugged.
They both went on either side of the Blinder and made sure the belt was bridging over the Blinder as the duo prepared to stick scissors in the truck.
In Ladybug's count of three, the dug the scissors in the truck and in just a knick of time, the Blinder awakened, unable to move.
"Now I'm going to pry out some answers here.." Chat said, trying to sound like Sherlock Homes. Ladybug cringed as the the Blinder looked annoyed to death.
"Where in the world did you put Nino!?" Chat demanded.
"I dunno." He replied gruffly.
"Oh me oh my buddy boy! Where d'ya put him?" Chat interrogated the Blinder. Two beeps then budged into the conversation.
"Oh, better conceal your identity and run away now." The Blinder snarked.
"Eh, M'lady one more question?" Chat asked, raising his eyebrows in question. Ladybug gave a curt nod.
"Okay, where is my mom?" Chat fumed.
"Chat!" Ladybug warned. "Maybe this isn't such a-"
"Since I'm in neither side, here's a hint: she's closer than you expect and she may not remember you or herself." The Blinder said.
"What do you mean?!" Chat snapped. Another beep interrupted the conversation and this time, Ladybug wasn't wasting time.
"We have to keep our identities a secret but we can't loose him while he's trapped..." Ladybug started. "Let's go inside the truck and hold the scissors stuck in and de-transform. That way, he won't run away."
"As if!" The Blinder said in a sassy blonde stereotype tone.
The duo ignored the Blinder and entered the truck from the back. They then grabbed the scissors tightly and pulled.
"Ready?" Chat whispered.
"Uncertain. I never seen you, y'know de-transform and stuff." Ladybug replied. Then two beeps followed and Chat and Ladybug were now just supermodel Adrien and klutzy baker's girl Marinette.
"I uh-" Adrien blushed intensely. Marinette copied him unwillingly; both felt extremely awkward as if the bond they had as Chat and Ladybug only existed when they were their alter egos. Tikki appeared as well as Plagg.
"Tikki, the cookies are in my bag, eat up and you too umm.." Marinette paused, realizing she didn't even know the cat kwami's name.
"It's Plagg." Adrien mumbled as his pink face kept getting hotter and hotter.
"Okay then.." Marinette let out a blow of nervousness and Tikki and Plagg followed up with the plan.
"You good over there?" The Blinder hollered.
"Are you ignoring me?" He shouted back as there was a silence in between his question.
"Helloooooo?!" He kept going, annoying Adrien greatly.
There was another silence before Chat and Ladybug emerged from the truck and were back to taunting the Blinder.
"Shouldn't we just remove his Miraculous?" Chat asked sensibly.
"Be careful he may have some trick up his sleeve." Ladybug cautioned. Chat grabbed the Blinder's elbow and stretched it out as Ladybug removed it.
The Blinder glowed and as Ladybug clutched the wristwatch tightly the glow faded, revealing the Blinder.
"WHAT?!" Chat and Ladybug gasped.
"Yes it's me and I know some things your father won't tell you Adrien."
A/N So apologies for the hiatus, I got busy with more homework and assignments and test and school related junk. I hope you enjoyed the new-and late-update. Comment, vote and share because it helps tons! Who's the Blinder? What does he know? Will Marinette be able to save herself from China even though she has other problems? Wait to find out which may or may not be soon. Okay, bye!
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