Read Stories Sonic the Hedgehog-06 x Male Aeon Reader - TeenFic.Net




Sonic the Hedgehog-06 x Male Aeon Reader

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Dr. Eggman plans to revive an evil demon known as Iblis by kidnapping Princess Elise of Soleanna. However, in the future, Iblis has caused the end of the world, so a hedgehog known as Silver goes back in time, believing Sonic is responsible for awakening Iblis. Whoever told him was a lie and should not trust them. What no one knows is that they are all pawns of another demon known as Mephiles, who plans to unite with Iblis as both Iblis and Mephiles were once a single entity known as Solaris, the God of Time.

I don't own anything related to Sonic and friends or Sonic the Hedgehog in general, just the idea for the reader.
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