Aeon is currently walking around Soleanna, looking for any well known information about what Eggman might need Elise for, but was ultimately getting stumped. Chao flied to his side and was concerned for his friend.
Chao: Chao Chao.
Aeon: [Smiles] It's alright, Chao. I may have given up my Emerald, but it doesn't mean Robotnik's got the upper hand.
He keeps walking around, until he gets stopped by Egg Gunners. He gets ready to fight them, but three familiar faces show up and begin knocking some sense into them.
??? 1: [Silent voice] I knew Sonic was here, but I didn't expect to see you roaming the city, Aeon.
Aeon: [Turns to voice; confused] Who's there?
??? 2: [Loud chuckle] Don't you remember us?
??? 3: He's been around, Vector. No wonder he doesn't look us up.
Aeon looks at the three as six sets of footprints approach him. The first figure appears to be a purple chameleon with a wind-up tail.
The second was a huge crocodile with a chain around its neck.
And the third was a bee with a helmet on its head and an orange vest.
They were Espio The Chameleon, Vector The Crocodile and Charmy Bee, also known as Team Chaotix.
Aeon: [Confused] Espio? Charmy? Vector? What are you guys doing in Soleanna?
Vector: We heard the good Doctor was roaming around.
Espio: Yes, and although Eggman's troublesome, we also heard Sonic attempted to save the sovereign of the city. And if he's here, I can only imagine Knuckles, Amy and the others are here too.
Aeon: Yep, the whole gang's here. But I haven't seen Sonic since he tried going to White Acropolis to save Elise.
Charmy: Well, you should see our base of operations. We've got everything from computers, tools and even a boat.
Aeon: [Smiles] I'll take you guys up on that, but first I've got things to take care of.
Aeon and Chao follow behind Team Chaotix, intended to see this base of theirs, but also doing his own thing. He knew Eggman was after the Chaos Emeralds, but he needed to get them before anything else.
(Imagine it's the forest in Sonic-06)
Aeon looked at the ground and noticed it, a shiny gem lying down after taking down the Gunners.
It was the purple Chaos Emerald, and unless Sonic actually came back with Elise, he knew something must've happened to them. He picked it up and smiled at it, feeling glad he got this Emerald before Eggman did.
Aeon: Guys, are we there yet?
Espio: Yeah. It's just over this ridge.
Truth be told, Espio was right. They eventually make it to the base, and it was like a very similar design to Freedom HQ.
They walked into the base and Vector immediately walked over to a desk and slouched down.
Vector: We've been here for quite a while now. Dr. Eggman's been in Soleanna about the same time, preparing to stage a plot to capture Princess Elise, but then Sonic came springing into action.
Charmy: He's been around, but hasn't come to say hi. I'm just glad someone's out there trying to put an end to Eggman's plans.
Espio: But it doesn't add up. Why would you help Sonic when you don't share any liking for the world, Aeon?
Aeon: Robotnik's got to learn he can't just go messing around with the Earth. Sure, I don't much like Sonic, but that doesn't mean the planet's got to suffer.
???: [Enters room] Espio, I'm back.
Espio: About time you got back.
Aeon looked to the front of the room and saw someone very familiar.
It was Sally Acorn, leader of the Freedom Fighters and daughter of King Nigel Acorn. They fought against Eggman once, during the time when Sonic was still apart of the Freedom Fighters, but time had past by and the two haven't seen each other in so long.
Sally: Aeon, is that you?
Aeon: That depends? What are you doing here, Sally?
Sally: I'm leading a new version of the Freedom Fighters, and trying to stop Eggman from reviving the Flames of Disaster.
Aeon: [Confused] How do you...
Espio: We've been keeping taps on the legends of Soleanna, even the Flames of Disaster.
Vector: It's been quite the homework, I'll tell ya.
Aeon: If you guys have learned about that, then that means... [Eyes widen] Oh no...
Charmy: [Curious] What's wrong?
Aeon: I've got to get to Robotnik right away.
Sally: What's going on?
Aeon: Elise might be in trouble, and if Sonic hasn't stopped him, then it's up to me.
Sally: I'm coming too.
Aeon: [Smiles] If you're up for it, then let's go.
Aeon hoists Sally up and runs at high speeds, leaving Team Chaotix to monitor the action from the base. Whenever Sonic and the others were, something was true, they needed to hurry.
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