After watching Elise's father seal the Flames of Disaster in the past, Silver goes back to the present and lands in the city, where he sees Blaze there.
Silver: Blaze...
Blaze: [Curious] What did you see?
Silver: [Looks at his hands] The Iblis Trigger... wasn't Sonic The Hedgehog.
Blaze: I see...
The crowd begins chattering about the recent events that've occurred when Silver went to the past with Shadow.
Silver: They're quite noisy.
Blaze: [Joins him] Yes. I heard that the Princess here left for Dr. Eggman's base in response to his earlier threat.
Silver: [Gets a horrible idea] What if his ultimate objective was to release Iblis?
The two nod to each other and make their way to the Old Kingdom, which is where Elise is currently.
Before Shadow and Silver even started fighting, Aeon and Sally made their way to Elise's last known location, after of course Eggman kidnapped her once again.
Aeon: [Running faster] We're never going to reach them at this speed.
Sally: What do you think we should do then?
Aeon: I don't... Wait!
Aeon stops in his tracks at the sight of Sonic running past him and Sally. He eventually sees them behind him and stops, hoping to get some good news.
Sonic: Aeon, what's got you so speedy?
Aeon: [Scoffs] You're one to talk. What even happened to you, Tails and Knuckles?
Sonic: We got moved to the far future. Eggman's machine was a time machine, and we had to fight this huge lava monster with Shadow and Rouge.
Sally: [Rubs arm] Sounds like serious trouble.
Sonic: What about you guys?
Aeon: Ran into Silver The Hedgehog again. He was looking for you while I was chasing after Elise and Robotnik, but I had some help in stopping him.
Sonic: [Places hand under chin; curious] And, where is she?
Sally: Silver kind of stopped us from getting her back to Soleanna and Eggman recaptured her.
Sonic: If that's the case, then I've got her. You two get back to the city and meet up with Tails.
Sally: I'm good, Sonic. Besides, Team Chaotix is here with me, so I've got to get back to them.
Aeon: [Nods] I'll go with you, just so you've got a safe way to get back.
Sally: [Smiles] You heard him, Sonic. We're going to my base, but make sure Tails knows I'm in the city.
Sonic: [Throws a thumbs up] OK, Sal. Aeon, keep her safe.
Aeon: [Smiles back] You got it, hedgehog.
Sonic runs away from the two and chases after Eggman, who's currently flying Elise back to the Egg Carrier. She doesn't intend to go this time and walks to the front of the Egg Mobile, slowly backing away from Eggman.
Eggman: Now stop it. You have no where to go.
Elise: [Determined] I would rather die than be your prisoner again!
Eggman: [Scoffs] Hmph! So, what are you going to do, Princess? Do you plan to jump?
Sonic comes running into the area and looks up to see the two talking, but that was when he got the point of what was going on.
Elise: Farewell.
Elise brings her head up and intentionally falls off the Egg Mobile, allowing Sonic to jump into the air to catch her.
Elise: [Hugs him] Sonic!
Eggman: [Growls] You won't get away that easily!
The Egg-Genesis goes crashing down and Sonic takes Elise away from the sight, both terrified and proud of her.
Sonic: That was a gutsy move back there!
Elise: Well, I was desperate... and um... I just had to get away. I owe you and Aeon a lot, Sonic...
Sonic gets all flustered and begins to blush, but soon gathers his composure back when the Egg Gunners begin chasing after them.
Elise: [Concerned] Sonic!
Sonic: I'll head into the jungle!
Elise: [Nods] OK!
Sonic picks Elise up and begins running into the forest, prepared to get the Egg Gunners off his trail with her.
Sonic and Elise go deeper into the forest and finally gets away from the Egg Gunners.
Elise: Hmm. It looks like we've lost them.
Sonic: I'll settle things here.
Elise was admiring the sight in front of her, but it was soon interrupted.
Sonic: Elise, you should go back to the castle.
Elise: [Drops head] OK...
Sonic hears the displeasured sound in Elise's voice and makes a turn, confusing her in the process.
Elise: Sonic?
The blue hedgehog takes Elise through the forest and the two come to a beautiful thing.
(Forget about Sonic and Elise in this picture)
Elise looked at the tree and was happy. She never gets to do this kind of stuff as a Princess, so when Sonic came all the way to Soleanna to save her from Eggman, it was like she was living in a whole new world.
Elise: It's so beautiful! I've never seen so many flowers before! [Spreads her arms] Sonic, have you and Aeon visited many wonderful places before?
Sonic: [Smiles] I have, but I don't know about Aeon.
Elise: [Happiness turns to sadness] Once you defeat Eggman... [Turns to Sonic; curious] you'll leave, won't you? [Sonic nods] Though I've been frightened many times, I've also enjoyed this adventure. It allowed me to be something other than a Princess. I was able to be myself... a girl.
Sonic: It sounds like being a Princess isn't that easy.
Elise: It isn't sometimes, but I love this country. Everyone in the castle, the children, all my citizens really... [Turns back to the tree] The same love my late father and mother had...
Elise remembers the Solaris Project again, this time it was a more clear memory. It was of her father, telling her not to cry.
Elise's Father: Don't cry, Elise. [Stroking Elise's hair] Become a strong queen who doesn't cry no matter what happens.
Elise: And so, I do my best to protect my country. [Turns to Sonic with smile] I understand everything my parents said to me now. [Thinks of something] Sonic, if you and Aeon leave here to go on another adventure... Remember this place.
Sonic: [Clutches fist] Definitely.
Elise gasps and turns away, wanting to cry so much.
Sonic: [Worried] Elise?
Elise: [Trying to hold her tears back] I'm fine... Sorry. "I mustn't cry... I can't..."
Elise turns back to Sonic and lunges to him, enveloping him with a hug.
Sonic: Elise... smile.
The two disengage the hug and smile at one another, letting the flowers fall all around them. It was now time that the sovereign of Soleanna returns to her castle, once again to return to her duties as being a Princess, but it wasn't going to end there.
Elise willingly decided to go meet with Eggman, this time with no other choice. Tails, Knuckles and Amy were in the city when this happens, and Team Chaotix, Aeon and Sally were viewing the event on the news feed. Tails decides to go after the Egg Carrier, fearing the worst in this situation.
Team Chaotix, Aeon and Sally were currently discussing the matter at hand, but had no exact idea on how to go about this problem.
Espio: If Princess Elise goes to the Egg Carrier, Eggman might actually be able to release the Flames of Disaster.
Charmy: [Flying in a panic] This is terrible, you guys!
Vector: [Catches Charmy; calms him down] Easy there, little buddy.
Sally: This is definitely a problem. Elise wouldn't willingly go to Eggman.
Aeon: [Crosses arms] Not unless he drew her into a corner. Elise has no choice if Robotnik destroys Soleanna. Sonic better get to her, otherwise Robotnik might've won this one.
Espio: Good thing I called in back-up.
Three familiar faces appear walking into the base, smiling upon entering.
Aeon: You called Cream, Cheese and Sticks?
Espio: We'll need all the help we can get, Aeon.
Sticks: [Waves at Sally] Hey, Sal.
Sally: [Smiles] Hi, Sticks.
Cream: [Looks around the base; impressed] Wow. Look at all this tech, Cheese.
Cheese: Chao. Chao Chao.
Aeon: Anyone else?
Vector: In fact, we did have an idea. Rumor has it some old friends of ours, not much yours, have been hanging around Soleanna.
Aeon: Way to remind me. Who am I looking for anyway?
Espio: Just run around Soleanna, and you should be able to find who's out there.
Aeon: [Nods] Got it.
Sally: Got room for another?
Aeon: Sure. The more the merrier.
Aeon picks Sally up and runs out of the base, now going to find the allies Team Chaotix was talking about.
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