Silver's Intro

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Somewhere in the deep future...

Buildings crumbled, thunder rained from the sky and flames covered the ground. This was a future from after the Flames of Disaster were released. In the sky, the white hedgehog hovered in the air, a light blue hue covering his body. His name was Silver The Hedgehog, and this was his destroyed future.

Silver(Narrative): This world was devastated before I was born. A harsh, bleak place, where we live in eternal darkness. Life is a struggle, and people live without hope. How did this happen? No one will answer me directly. But they always point... to the flames.

Silver was looking for something, but what that is was only a mystery. He gets stopped by a hurricane of fire, but stops it with his Telekinetic abilities.

Silver(Narrative): These flames. They burn away at my world, destroying everything in their path. They come from an eternal life form that we cannot truly defeat. The Flames of Disaster known as Iblis...

???: Silver!

He hears the sound of someone calling out to him and turns to the voice, only to see a girl.

This was Blaze The Cat, and the two had formed an alliance to attempt to beat Iblis.

Silver: Blaze! What's wrong?

Blaze: [Points to opposite direction] He's appeared again.

Silver looks to the direction of which Blaze was pointing and charges up his power, flying directly towards Iblis' known location. Blaze runs after him and prepares to assist, knowing full well Silver might go a little overboard.

Silver and Blaze make their way to the end of the pursuit of Iblis, but what they come across was something far beyond what the world had ever seen.

This was the Flames of Disaster known as Iblis, and the source of the destruction of this world. It roars at Silver and Blaze, causing them to back away due to the unbearable heat wave, but they stand their ground.

Silver: [Angered] Come on, you monster!

Iblis lets out another roar and prepares to clash with Silver and Blaze, obviously out of control.

Iblis goes down into its dark, fiery crater after getting beat by the team of Silver and Blaze, but it was far from over.

Blaze: Looks like we stopped it for now.

Silver: [Shakes head] But, it'll just rise up from its ashes again. [Punches crumbled part of building; frustrated] What's the point of all this? It'll never end!

Blaze: Calm down, Silver.

Silver: Then tell me what we should do. How can we completely destroy Iblis?

Blaze turns away from Silver, not fully sure of how to completely dull the flames of Iblis herself. It seems the two are stumped, until someone appears behind them.

???: ...By knowing the truth, of course.

Silver and Blaze turn and look up at the top of the structure, finding a dark figure with grey highlights.

It was an identical image of Shadow The Hedgehog, but yet, it wasn't the hedgehog the world once referred to as "The Ultimate Life Form".

???: Just as a flower comes from a seed, or a chicken comes from an egg, everything has an origin. You need to find the being originally responsible for this catastrophe.

Silver: Is that really the answer to our problem? [Looking for answers] Tell me, do you know who it is?

The figure nods to Silver's question, but why he would willingly give information like that out was still a mystery, almost as big a mystery as Iblis. It was there the mysterious hedgehog took Silver and Blaze to a rundown database, explaining more of his solution to the two.

???: To fix this present timeline, you need to change the past.

Silver: But, that's impossible.

???: With my help, you can, because I have the power to travel through time!

Silver: [Shocked] No way!

???: In order to change the past, you must eliminate the individual who has awakened Iblis... The Iblis Trigger.

Silver gives it some thought, and ultimately decides to go through with it.

Silver: If I eliminate that guy, will our world be saved?

???: [Nods] The Day of Disaster... Here are my records of this event. This was when Iblis was freed and his flames were released into the world.

The mysterious figure pushes a button on a keyboard and shows the two the time in question. Apparently Iblis was awakened during the festival of Soleanna, where Elise lit the flame. The world was so peaceful before the awakening of Iblis, but how did this "Iblis Trigger" exactly release the Flames of Disaster?

???: [Pulls out purple Chaos Emerald] And you have this person to blame.

Silver looks into the Chaos Emerald and sees nothing but flames, of course that is until the image of a blue hedgehog appears. The person who set Iblis free was Sonic The Hedgehog.

Silver: I see it! So, that blue hedgehog's the Iblis Trigger?

Blaze: [Curiously steps closer] Blue hedgehog... [Silver hands purple Chaos Emerald back]

???: I'll send us back in time to the point when the Iblis Trigger was still alive.

The mysterious figure teleports himself, Silver and Blaze to the time where Sonic was still alive and where the Flames of Disaster was apparently released. Silver comes out of the time warp and lands in the forest, which was beautiful in comparison to his own world.

Silver: [Looks around] Where am I?

He was definitely in another timeline, but the current predicament was he was all alone.

Silver: [Looks for Blaze] Blaze? Blaze! [Looks down] I guess we all got separated.

The white hedgehog looks around at his surroundings and was amazed by the many differences of this world and that of his own.

Silver: This is so unbelievable. [Clenches fist] Now I must fight for the future!

Silver runs off and begins asking people where he might find the Iblis Trigger, or Sonic as he's called, but no one appears to have seen him.

After roaming around the forest and admiring the beauty of the past, Silver eventually makes his way to Soleanna. He is currently atop one of the houses as he sees Sonic.

Silver: I've finally found him... The Iblis Trigger!

He jumps off and lands on the rooftop and is about to go after Sonic when a pink hedgehog grabs him.

This was Amy Rose, and although she was strong for a girl, she was also oddly obsessed over Sonic.

Amy: Now I've got you, Sonic!

Silver: [Squirming] Hey!

Amy: It's about time I finally caught you again!

She looks up at the white hedgehog and notices that it wasn't Sonic at all.

Amy: [Shocked] Hey! You're not Sonic! [Slaps him; embarrassed] Um... I'm sorry!

Silver tumbles but tries to gain his balance. Amy buries her face in her hands as he looks at her.

Silver: Ah, I'm...

He turns and sees that Sonic has vanished.

Silver: Huh? Hey, where'd he go?

Amy: I'm sorry. Did you miss someone because of me?

Silver: Ah... It's okay. I'm sure the guy I'm looking for is still on the island. I'm sure I can still find him.

Amy: [Grabs his hand] Well then, I'll help you!

Silver: What?

Amy: Two heads are better than one when looking for someone!

Silver: Hey, just wait a second!

Amy: [Curiously] What's your name?

Silver: [Nervously] ...Silver.

Amy: That's a nice name. I'm Amy Rose. [Drags him away] It's nice to meet you!

Silver: Ah... Hey, wait!

Amy drags Silver away, insisting on helping him look for Sonic while also looking for him herself.

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