Read Stories N.E.D - Prepare for Evolution (Renewed) - TeenFic.Net

Science Fiction



N.E.D - Prepare for Evolution (Renewed)

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Ned has Hyperthymesia or 'perfect memory', which may be the key to opening the doors for a new age of powers...

One day, a mysterious professor visits the school and administers a series of unorthodox tests to a selected few students. Ned soon discovers there are others around him that are also witnessing the birth of their own abilities.

A message from the future soon arrives, warning them about what is to come. They have to train and learn to defend their lives.

Mankind has reached a stage, where it is being pushed to the next evolutionary phase, and Ned has a monumental role to play to set things into motion and lead this change.

Discover the abilities and discovery of a new race, the formation of legions, brawls, time travel, mutilation and the romance and relationships that form in times of crisis.

~1000 words/Chapter

Ecophene : On- going
D? : -/-

Cover designed independently by @Dysfunc_t
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