Read Stories From Ashes to a New Beginning - TeenFic.Net




From Ashes to a New Beginning

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After breaking up with Luka, her feelings for Chat Noir start to come alive. However, she doesn't know that her lover, is actually her old love-Adrien. He has no idea that Marinette is really Ladybug hiding under the mask, who rejected his feelings so many times, so many years ago.
One night a fire happens, causing Marinette to lose everything she has, including her home. Adrien, because he is in love with her, but also because he wanted to help, offers Marinette and her family to stay with him, Nathalie, and his Father. Will he be able to behave as usual while living with the girl he loves? How will Marinette be able to manage her life as Ladybug while living with Adrien? How will Adrien be able to see Marinette as Chat noir when she has no idea that he is actually Chat noir?

Summary help by LadySusanaa on WattPad
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