Chapter 11: Adrien's job

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"Alright, I'm glad to hear you'll be sticking around then." He smiled. "Plagg? You done eating yet?" Adrien asked, seeing his friend munching on some food on the side.

"Plagg, claws out." Adrien said, transforming back into Chat noir.

Marinette felt Chat noir brush her shoulder and she turned her head to look at him.

"You can look now."

"I don't know... you could be lying."

"Princess. I'm hurt." He pouted, playfully.

He took hold of her hand and pulled it toward his chest, running it along his suit.

"Feel it? Do you believe me now?" He smiled, seeing her open her eyes slowly.

She blushed when she saw her hand against his stomach and looked up at his eyes. She yanked her hand away and he started to laugh.

"Nervous?" He smirked.

"Stop it!" She pouted.

"It's getting late anyways... We can't let you not get your beauty sleep." He smiled, giving her the blanket back.

"You're not... leaving are you?" She asked.

"Oh? You're wanting me to stay now? Earlier... I thought you were telling me to leave?" He said, smirking.

"You were basically forcing me too! Ugh..." She rolled her eyes.

"I'm teasing. Of course, I'll stay." He laughed, crawling back into bed with her, wrapping his arms around her once again.

"Don't ever do that again. Not until Hawkmoth is caught." She whispered, closing her eyes.

"You think Ladybug and I will ever catch him? It's been... what... 9 years?" He said, doubtful.

"Hawkmoth will eventually slip up. Everyone makes mistakes." She said, feeling his breath in her ear.

She was right. Everyone does make mistakes. Hawkmoth will eventually. Superheroes do as well. Who will make one first? There are two superheroes and two villians. They had a 50/50 chance. If he or Ladybug ever wavered slightly, they could lose their miraculous... or worse... it could be the end of the world.

The following morning Marinette opened her eyes and saw movement in the room and her eyes shot open. She jolted up straight and saw Adrien walking around and his head turned from her sudden movement.

"Oh, good morning Marinette. Sleep well?" He asked.

"Adrien! Uh..." Her eyes darted around the room as well as around the bed, looking for any signs of Chat noir.

Nothing. She sighed a breath of relief and turned back to him and nodded.

"Oh uh... yeah. Just a little startled was all." She smiled. " How was Nino's?" She asked.

"Uh... good! All good." He smiled. "So... did your... boyfriend show up?" Adrien asked, his face slightly pink, thinking about it.

"Yeah... he did," Marinette said awkwardly.

"Well... I have to get ready. Talk to you later?" Adrien smiled.

"Ready? For what?" Marinette asked, confused.

"Oh? You didn't know? My father has let me take part in the company in the last year and a half. I'm now the head designer of the Agreste Fashion Designs." Adrien smiled proudly.

"Oh wow, Adrien that's great!" Marinette thought for a second. "Wait... would you... do me a favor?"

"A favor?" He asked.

Was she...? Was she thinking what he was thinking?

"Would you see if I could get hired? I was going to see if I could stay in Paris... and save some money to get my own place." Marinette said, a little embarrassed.

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