Chapter 48

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"You're going to eat lunch with Kagami and Marinette?" Adrien asked.

"Yeah. I didn't want what they were going to eat, so I decided to pick up mine from here and meet them at the park. It is such a pretty day don't you agree?" Lila said with a huge grin.

Adrien was skeptical but he did see Kagami and Marinette leave together.

"Here's your food. Have a great day!" The waitress said, bringing their food over in a bag and setting it down in front of both of them.

"Well... I better get going. They are waiting on me. So... are you coming?" Lila asked, standing up and grabbing her bag of food.

"Yeah, I'll join you." Adrien said, taking his bag of food also.

Lila smiled and grabbed onto Adrien's arm as he stood up. Adrien looked down at Lila and groaned. He pulled his arm away and gave her an awkward smile.

"Sorry. I'm dating someone actually." Adrien said.

"You won't help me balance? I need help for stability!" Lila whined, a little louder than Adrien would have liked.

People around him turned to look at him, seeing Lila being a little over dramatic... as she used to be in high school. Adrien groaned and looked over at Lila. He extended his arm out and watched as she smiled politely, taking hold of his arm. She thanked him for his assistance and they walked outside of the restaurant with their food. Adrien having to hold both bags of food and his ice water while having Lila cling to his arm... was a challenge.

"So... where did you park?" Adrien asked, looking around for a vacant car.

"I didn't park, I had to wal- I mean I had to call a cab... My car is in the shop due to an oil change." Lila smiled sheepishly.

Adrien sighed and walked over to his car, opening the car door for her.

"This is your car?" Lila smiled, sliding into the passenger seat.

"Yeah... here, will you put this in the cup holder?" He asked, handing her his ice water.

She took it and stuck it in the cup holder, and then watched him walk around the car. He slid in and put the bags of food in the back seat, turned the key and started to back up. Lila looked around his car and noticed a picture in the corner of his speedometer stuck in the corner of the glass. She slid over to see it more clearly. It was a small picture of him and Marinette together from high school.

"You and Marinette?" Lila said appalled.

"Oh, the picture of us in high school?" Adrien smiled, pulling onto the road, picking it up and letting Lila look at it closer.

"Oh... yeah... you two look... so.. Cute." Lila struggled to say.

"Yeah... we're dating actually." Adrien smiled looking over to Lila.

"Dating?!" Lila's eyes widened.

"Which park was it? The one near our high school?" Adrien asked.

"Uh... yeah, that's the one!" Lila said, grinning through her teeth.

Lila turned toward the window and crossed her arms, forming a pout as they drove. Adrien glanced over and noticed something was off with Lila and he sighed.

"Lila? Are you ok?" He asked.

"Oh! Me? I'm fine, Just a little cold is all." Lila smiled, turning back to him as if everything was fine.

"You don't have to lie to me, you know Lila." Adrien said.

"I'm not lying, Adrien. I'm fine. Really." Lila said.

They parked shortly after, seeing Marinette and Kagami sitting at a table in the park underneath a tree. Lila and Adrien stepped out of the car and Adrien noticed Lila walking perfectly fine towards them. Kagami walked over to Lila and she seemed to be happy to see her. Marinette seemed surprised to see not only Adrien but also Lila as well. It was probably a good thing he came. Kagami probably didn't mention Lila to Marinette due to Lila's suggestions. Kagami already made amends with Marinette, she wouldn't risk her friendship again.

Adrien sat down in front of Marinette, pulling out his sandwich and sitting down his ice water. Marinette looked at Adrien with a confused expression.

"What are you doing here?" Marinette asked.

"Are you asking me to leave Milady?" He smiled, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"N-not at all!" Marinette said, a light blush spreading across her cheeks.

"I ran into Lila at the restaurant where I was getting my food. She invited me to come eat lunch with you three. No way was I going to let you eat with them alone." Adrien smiled.

"Oh? That was very generous of you. But... what if she didn't invite you?" Marinette smirked.

"Chat noir would have showed up." Adrien said.

"Are you pawsitive about that?" Marinette laughed.

"Alright, you using my cat jokes are as cheesy as me using mouse jokes." Adrien laughed back.

"What are you two talking about over here?" Lila smiled, sitting a little closer to Adrien than Marinette would have liked.

Lila pulled out her bag of food and sat it on the table. Kagami went over and sat beside Marinette, seeing that Lila sat beside Adrien. Marinette grit her teeth but took a sharp breath to calm her nerves. She was dating Adrien. She may be sitting next to her boyfriend but... he was her boyfriend. There wasn't anything Lila could do about it.

"Are you feeling better Marinette?" Kagami asked.

"O-oh, uh... much better." Marinette smiled.

"Was something the matter?" Lila asked.

"Uh... I just wasn't feeling well." Marinette smiled nervously.

"So... Lila... What brings you back to Paris? I thought you were... traveling?" Marinette said, bringing out her lunch.

"I missed my best friend Kagami. I also missed Paris and was simply tired of solving the world's problems." Lila smiled.

"You missed me?" Kagami asked.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I miss you silly?" Lila laughed.

"I didn't think you two... would be friends." Marinette said, taking a bite of her food.

"Well... Lila was there for me after the break up with me and Adrien." Kagami said, turning to Marinette.

Adrien looked down at his sandwich, feeling a little awkward. Should he not have come? Things are seeming to be going fine. Maybe he was worrying too much. Marinette used to be Ladybug after all. She could take care of herself.

"Kagami, you know Adrien and Marinette are dating right?" Lila interrupted everyone's thoughts.

"Yes, I do know that information." Kagami said, taking a bite of her lunch.

Marinette and Adrien exchanged awkward looks and then looked at Kagami and Lila.

"Is that why you invited me to lunch, Kagami? To make us feel bad about dating again?" Marinette asked.

"Huh? What? No!" Kagami said wide eyed, while Lila smirked behind her lunch.

"Why did you invite me to lunch then and then not tell me that Lila was coming?" Marinette asked, a little irritated.

"I was only wanting my friend and my best friend to get along." Kagami said simply.

"See that! Kagami wants us to get along, Marinette. I don't see why you always make me out to be the bad guy. Even back in high school, you tried to turn everyone against me." Lila pouted.

"Lila, you were lying with every breath in high school. I'm not sure that anything has changed since then." Marinette crossed her arms.

"Marinette. Why are you speaking such cruel words to my friend? I'm sure Lila had her reasons, like why we didn't get along in high school as first either." Kagami explained.

Marinette went silent.

"Wait. You two didn't get along at first?" Adrien asked.

"We were rivals for your affection." Kagami said simply.

Adrien's face lit up bright red and his eyes darted down to his food, instead of asking anymore questions.

"Anyways... didn't you used to have a boyfriend Marinette? What happened to him?" Lila asked.

"Yes, she used to date Chat noir." Kagami spoke up.

Adrien's eyes shot to Marinette. When did Kagami know Marinette dated Chat noir? Wasn't it supposed to be a secret? Only Alya, Nino and her parents were supposed to know. Well... Besides Hawkmoth and Mayura... but... he doubted they announced that on the news. They would have seen it regardless.

"Chat noir? Wow... got an upgrade huh? Super hero to a model. Lucky you." Lila rolled her eyes.

Adrien narrowed his eyes on her though she was too focused on Marinette's reaction to notice his glare. Marinette glared at Lila, and could tell Lila was enjoying the attention.

"It wasn't an upgrade actually." Marinette said, turning back to her lunch.

"Oh my, did you hear that Adrien? She basically said you were a downgrade." Lila said with a sad look toward Adrien.

Marinette grit her teeth and sat her food down, turning to Lila.

"Lila. My relationship is none of your business. You really haven't changed from high school. I'll see you tonight, Adrien." Marinette said, wrapping her food up and walking away from the picnic table.

Kagami and Adrien watched wide eyed as Marinette walked away, though Lila smirked.

"Lila... why did you provoke Marinette? She is a good person." Kagami asked.

"I'm so sorry Kagami. I was just asking who she was dating. I thought she was hurting Adrien's feelings about being a downgrade was all." Lila said with a saddened expression.

Adrien groaned and stood up, taking his leave as well.

"Thanks for the invite. I'll see you back at the company Kagami. I need those design ideas by 5pm." Adrien said.

"Alright." Kagami said, looking down at her food.

Adrien sat in his car back at work with a huff and pulled out his phone. He pulled up Marinette and started texting.

Adrien: I'm so sorry about lunch...

Marinette: It's alright. I shouldn't have lost my cool...

Adrien: Hey, are you ok?

Marinette: ... Can I ask you a favor?

Adrien: What is it?

Marinette was beginning to text out if she could have Tikki, just so she could have her companionship... but she knew that if she had her... she would end up transforming with her. She needed to let go.

Marinette: Can we go on patrol tonight?

Adrien: I told you we could and get dinner. You're being so weird buggaboo.

Marinette looked down at her phone screen as tears fell onto it. Marinette wiped her tears and continued to walk toward the company, not caring if people around her were staring at her for crying.

Marinette made it back to her studio room and shut the door behind her. She sat back down at her sewing machine and continued to work until the sun went down. Before she knew it she heard a knock at the door and saw Adrien standing there like he always did with a smile on his face.

"Ready to go for our patrol?" 

Thanks for reading! If you would like to support me, visit my YouTube channel!~ <3 -Stacey

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