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Arianna The First

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They made every maiden do a test this year, which is uncalled for because it's the first time in history. It involved all sorts of heinous things like dancing, book balancing, Kingdom Knowledge, etc. Why was the test was important? No one knew. I suppose it was another way for society to judge you but then again when have I ever cared about society? All I knew was you had to impress and bring honour to your family.

I suppose the test isn't what bothers me the most. I, Arianna Sofia Irving, have qualified to be one of the highest scorers. The 'prize' is the engagement to Prince Christopher. He gets to choose his bride meaning I don't have a choice in this atrocity. And he LIKES me, that's the worst part. I can't let him choose me... there's no way that I will become Arianna The First.
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