Chapter 24 ~ A Hard Place

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Chapter 24 ~ A Hard Place


"What do you mean that there's nothing you can do about it?"

I glared at the Chief in Security, Constable Adler, who stood expressionless outside the security ward of the Palace. I had only been there a few times as incidents in the place were rare outside the occasional intruder, or rather party crasher. I had hoped I was never here for any other reason but alas, life does not go as planned and my girlfriend (I still can't believe that she's my girlfriend!) is in custody for a crime she had not committed.

Honestly, it had to be the most ridiculous thing I had ever heard. I was already ready to look back at laugh at it, provided Arianna was here and laughing with me too.

"There is a procedure, Your Highness. She is a suspect and must undergo questioning," the Constable stated, causing the frown on my face to deepen.

"There must have been a mistake. She is not a criminal," I said, repeated myself for at least the third time.

"The evidence is suggesting otherwise, Your Highness. However, we are still investigating the matter. If she is innocent as you insist I'm sure she would be released shortly."

My fist clenched. I knew my word wasn't enough, even though I was the prince. And maybe if I wanted to resort into some unsavoury means I could get Arianna out of this mess, but I didn't want to. She was innocent and I could feel it with every inch of my being that something else was at play. She was framed.

It was stupid. The entire situation was a complete and utter farce. I could barely comprehend it. Arianna stealing stuff from other Nobles and the Crown Jewels? I wasn't even sure if she could. I knew I couldn't.

I sighed in frustration. I didn't trust that they would treat her well. Since she had been set up, I imagine that it wouldn't be hard for the culprit or mastermind to deprive her of her rights or even force her into a confession through disagreeable methods.

A wave a rage washed through me. I will never forgive those who hurt her.

"Let me in. Let me talk to her," I said and hardened my glare. "I need to see that she's okay."

"I assure you she is safe and I'm sorry, Your Highness. Only lawyers and family members can make appointments to see her –"

"I'm her boyfriend."

I wasn't sure if I actually saw it or if I just imagined it, but I swear the Constable's eyebrows raised. I guess Arianna's previous attitude toward me was infamous and it would take a Royal Wedding to assure everyone (and myself) that we both had feelings for each other. But even then, maybe everyone think she just relented, or she was forced into it.

Shit. Will we be getting married? We just kissed I can't assume anything. I know she doesn't hate me, but does she even love me?

This entire situation is insane. I was kissing her. Kissing her! Finally. Now she's arrested. Just what kind of drivel was this? Was my life some trashy, teen novel? No!

Arianna was kissing me! All my dreams had come true. So much for happy endings.

"As of right now only her immediate family members and her lawyers –"

"I am the prince!" I spat out.

My title was for nothing. I can't even protect the most important person to me.

"I'm sorry Your Highness, but there really isn't anything that we can do for you right now. It might be best if you wait until His and Her Majesty arrive back at the palace," the Constable advised. I growled but before I could speak, the Constable continued. "Your Highness, please be rational here. Since you insist that Miss Irving is innocent the truth should surely come out. I assure you we are doing everything we can to find out the truth. You only need to wait until then."

My fists were still clenched and I could feel the pricks of my nails digging into my palms. I knew I shouldn't take it out on the Constable because they were just doing their job. It irked me that their orders was something I couldn't override. Even if it was a misuse of power.

I sighed. I knew that the law was there for a reason and people had to be held accountable for their actions. I know this. The crime that she was framed for was not a small crime either, someone had stolen the crown jewels and pinned the blame on her.

But it wasn't Arianna!

Before I could argue with the Constable further, a voice called out to me.


I turned and found Juliet striding towards me. Her face was set in a frown and her skin was flushed. I almost felt sorry for whoever she took out her anger on.

"Juliet, I'm guessing you know what's happened."

"I saw her take her away!" She started but turned to the Constable. Juliet hardly lost her composure and when she did, she didn't like others watching. She gripped my forearm with an almost bruising force and tugged me away from the security ward and halfway across the place to her chambers.

Once we were in the confides of her parlour, she turned to me. Her face was still red.

"Can you believe what's going on!" She exclaimed, her voice raising. Thankfully, she dismissed the staff from the wing. "They – I, I – this is," she took a deep breath, "this is bullshit Christopher and you know it."

If it was a different situation I would have at smiled at Juliet's expletive. "I know! And they won't let me do something about it. She has to be questioned and undergo the legal procedure –"

"But she's innocent! She –"

"I was telling them, but they won't budge –"

"Her face! She looked so lost. I – I, I... isn't there anything we can do now?" She looked at me, expecting answers. My heart clenched because I did not have any.

"This is bullshit!" She screamed and then threw herself onto the couch. She grabbed a pillow and punched her face into it.

I dropped next to her. Juliet's worry rivalled mine. Arianna was her trusted and closest friend and was for her entire life. I love Arianna but I could not imagine how Juliet felt.

I grabbed a spare pillow and threw it across the room. What can I do to save you Arianna? Why can't I think of a damn thing to do? Why am I so useless?

I couldn't have imagined today going like this. It was ludicrous and the fact it had happened on the day of the Autumn Ball itself wasn't nothing to ignore. They must have deliberately wanted to get Arianna out of the picture.

After a few moments of silence, Juliet rose from the pillow. "I tried calling Mom and Dad but nothing. They must be on their way back, probably snoozing on their private jet," Juliet muttered. She sunk further into the couch and brought up her legs so she could hug her arms around them

I nodded. I had tried calling too and had gotten the same response, that is no response. They were going to have a storm hitting them when they came back.

"Someone's up to something," I said, stating the obvious. "And they must have been planning this for a while. As I recall, your earrings were lost first. Many weeks ago."

Juliet nodded. "But who? Who would benefit from Arianna's arrest?"

I slumped down onto the sofa, even if I had my own guess, it meant nothing without any evidence. I couldn't accuse anyone else as easily someone accused Arianna.

Juliet crossed her legs and turned to me. "How was your date with her?" She asked.

A brief smile slipped on my lips. Everything has been going so well. I knew that she agreed with getting into a relationship with me, but I thought I'd have to wait longer until she willingly kissed me.

My heart started to flutter in my chest. Maybe she likes me more than I think.

"Great. We had our first kiss," I couldn't help but gloat. It was an achievement and I was going to remember today for all the right and wrong reasons.

"Wow your first and last kiss with her ever." Despite the obvious jest in her voice, there was a hint of sadness too.

"Shut up Juliet. Once she gets out, I'm going to kiss her every day."

"Keep the details to yourself. I'll ask Arianna if I want them."

We both laughed but it died quickly. It was a stupid situation that we were suddenly in and maybe it would be blown over once Arianna is questioned, but the fact that she had been framed and that the items were found in her room didn't sit right with me.

It was obvious that something wasn't right. That someone else was pulling the strings. If they framed her this easily, who knew what else they had planned to make sure that she was convicted.

I suddenly remembered that fortune teller and cursed that she was right. Did the victim have to be Arianna? Couldn't it have been me instead?

There must be something I can do, right?

Before I could consider further, there was a knock on the door. Juliet called out to them, demanding to know who they were.

"Sir Trevor Irving speaking, I heard that Prince Christopher came here. I must speak to him," the voice replied.

I perked up. Did he, Arianna's brother, have a plan?

Wait, did he even know what was going on yet? I gave him the morning off because of my date with Arianna (though I wouldn't have been surprised if he was overlooking my work pertaining the Autumn festival instead).

Reading my mood, Juliet allowed Trevor in. He entered swiftly and stopped several feet away from us, his eyes were concerned when he saw the thrown around pillows.

He bowed before speaking. "Your Highness, your attention is required for some preparations for the ball."

I blinked, once and then again.

He's talking about the ball?

At a time like this?

I exchanged a look with Juliet. Maybe he really doesn't know?

"Have you heard about Arianna?" Juliet asked before I could open my mouth.

Trevor's face was expressionless. "Yes, Your Highness –"

"Drop the 'Your Highness' crap with me! Right now, I'm talking to you as your sister's friend," Juliet snapped. I could tell she was glowering at him.

"How are you so calm right now and wondering about the ball?" I asked, my voice tense. At this rate, I wasn't going to attend the ball. Not while Arianna was in custody. It didn't make any sense for me to revel when she was locked up.

"I understand what has happened but right now, there's nothing I can –"

"So, you're going to do nothing?" Juliet seethed. The tension in the room thicken and I could feel rage bubble in the pit of my stomach.

"What's happened is really unfortunate –"

I marched over to him and grabbed him the collar. "I know the two of you don't have the best of relationships but she's your fucking sister!"

"I know that –"

"Then why are you so calm? And what do you mean it's 'really unfortunate'? She was framed! Someone is out to get her and you're here prattling on about some dumb ball."

I was shocked at my sudden outburst but not surprised. I knew that Trevor loved his sister and that he was willing to put in effort to restore their relationship once they were both ready for it. I knew that it hurt him that they had grown apart, so they were nothing more than acquaintances and there wasn't much he could do. They were both hurt and the both of them needed to work to salvage their relationship.

I also knew that he had a job to do but his nonchalance was frustrating. Yes, it was the day of the Autumn Ball but there were bigger priorities right now.

Trevor's face contorted in rage. "Then what do you want me to do Chris? Demand that they unleash her just because I think that she's innocent? Start a mob? Sneak in and break her out myself? If any of those things could succeed then I would try it," he spat. His gaze was hard and didn't falter.

I let go of his collar, now surprised at his outburst.

"I've sorted out a team of lawyers and hired a private investigator. What have you done Christopher?"

I flinched at the venom in his voice. My mouth was dry and my mind went blank. I hadn't even thought of the most basic things. Even Juliet didn't speak. Trevor had already managed to do more than I, the Crown Prince and Juliet, the Princess.

I couldn't respond.

"Exactly," Trevor quipped but then his shoulders dropped. "Right now, there isn't anything else we can do except sit and cry about it. The ball is still going ahead. So why don't we get on with what we need to do before we both lose our damn minds?"

He was breathing heavy and the tension radiating off him was thick enough to cut with a knife. This was the first time I had seen him lose his composure this much.

He didn't want to lose another sibling.

Juliet didn't want to lose her best friend and I didn't want to lose the love of my life.

If we wanted to do something, we had to think more like Trevor.

"Thank you, Trevor, I didn't –"

"It's fine. But please, when it comes to my family don't doubt me. You too, Juliet." He turned and faced her. "Or am I going back to 'Your Highness' now?"

Juliet smiled softly and briefly. "'Juliet' is still fine and thank you." She got up from the couch and walked over to us. "You've already done what you can and we can't sit and cry about it. Even if Arianna did want us to cry about her. Until Mom and Dad and back we have to make sure everything is running smoothly for the ball and that word out this doesn't get out."


Turns out word had already gotten out and the whispers from the guests were relentless. I had only entered the ball and I could hear her name. News had gone out that the thief had been apprehended and someone drew the connection with Arianna's absence. It didn't matter that Trevor had sent word out that she was feeling unwell this evening and so she couldn't attend.

The true culprit was not holding back, and I knew that it was going to get worse. Once the press caught hold of this, it would spread like wildfire.

Once I made my entrance to the ball, I immediately called Sir Harper over and I asked our attendants to stand back to ensure that no one could hear us.

"Why am I hearing about Arianna in connection to the case? You said that it will be dealt with the utmost confidentiality and privacy."

Sir Harper's face was still as if he was calculating his expression and his response but he still had a glass of wine in his hand.

"One of the guards must have let it slip, I'll have it investigated immediately. Please do not worry, Your Highness."

My eyes narrowed. I knew that Sir Harper was a proud man, he worked hard and always reaped the fruits of his labour. Today there was something especially arrogant about him, whether it was his posture, sharp smile or the leisurely way he held a wine glass, as if he had won something.

But at the same time, he was surprisingly calm for someone who had uncovered the thief who stole the crown jewels.

I wouldn't have been surprised if he let it slip, just so he could take the credit.

"I would worry more about yourself than Miss Irving, Your Highness. You should dance with Sydney, especially as she would be your betrothed."

I frowned. "I haven't agreed to anything."

"There is no one else for you to marry," he pointed out and swirled the wine around in his glass.

I eyed the glass, wanting nothing more than to douse the drink on his head.

"He deserves some time to understand what has happened. Mum and Dad won't say anything if he doesn't make a decision today," a voice added.

I turned and saw Juliet stride towards us. I was surprised she got past the attendants, but with the pissed off expression she had on her face, I doubt anyone would deny her anything.

"Ah but you know it is tradition –"

"There is another Autumn Ball next year and the year after and every year for the foreseeable future. So, you need not worry," Juliet informed him. She even added a sweet smile at the end.

"I will marry Arianna," I stated. I met his gaze fiercely. He oversaw the palace security, had ties to the police force, and even had his own police force. He would be a force to reckon if we butted heads together on Arianna's innocence. But, I will not back down.

"You will not be able to marry a criminal. What would that say to the people of our country? Nobody gets special treatment."

"She's not a criminal," I seethed, my voice raising slightly. Juliet rested a hand on my arm reminding me that I couldn't cause a scene. I already knew that my and Juliet's meeting with Sir Harper would ensnare the attention of the guests.

I took a deep breath. "Why are you so insistent on my marriage?" I asked, my voice was forceful. "I'll have many years until I ascend the throne and that gives me plenty of time to find someone to marry."

"That is correct but as a member of the council I must remind you that it is not a requirement for you to love who you marry. You must think of what is best for the country first and foremost."

"I am not so useless that my credibility as a monarch is influenced by who I choose to marry."

I held Sir Harper's gaze until he relented.

"Very well, Your Highness. But please remember that given though you have feelings for Miss Irving, you cannot protect her once she is on trial. As a member of the Royal family you must remain unbiased towards any crime and criminal towards the throne and the very country of Syvenia," he said. My gaze hardened but he did not react. "Please relax, Your Highness. If you are uneasy, the guest will be too. You do not want to confirm any of their suspicions. Dance with some of the ladies. I know my Sydney would love a dance with you." He took a sip of his wine. "Now I will take my leave."

Sir Harper bowed to the two of us and left.

Once he was out of earshot, Juliet spoke. "What a dick."

I cracked a smile. "I know right."

"He was acting so high and mighty. You should have shown him his place. You're the Crown Prince."

I rolled my eyes. "I didn't say anything because I was scared I was going to strangle him." I turned towards her. "Besides you're the Princess and a more terrifying force to reckon with."

"You should be more concerned about yourself. You've been so soft since you've fallen in love. It's disgusting."

"I thought you... what was the word? Shipped us. I thought you shipped us."

"It was fun in my head and now that it's actually happened..." Juliet grimaced.

My eyes narrowed. "Are you serious?"

Juliet cracked a smile. "I'm just kidding the two of you are cute. Besides, it's really, really funny seeing Arianna having feelings for someone."

I smiled. I still can't believe she has feelings for me! I need to get her out soon.

We glanced around the party. The ballroom was decorated exquisitely with orange, yellow and white and the guests all dressed up elegantly and peering our way. When everything started a few months ago, I had expected to announce my engagement today.

Everyone else expected that too and without Arianna present, everyone's suspicions and expectations lay on Sydney.

I looked over to Juliet. "Mum and dad are late," I said. "Looks like we'll have to do their thing."

"Right," Juliet agreed, suppressing a frown. "Try not to kill any of the guests."

I scoffed. "You should be more concerned about yourself."

Juliet and I dispersed separately into the crowd. I greeted the guests and engaged in talk big and small, diverting any enquires pertaining Arianna or my engagement, but that didn't stop any comments.

"You and Miss Harper will

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