It's been 2 months since Mikoto's powers were sealed away.. Mikoto has been confined to a wheelchair.. and it is now the day of her 16th birthday. She has never felt more useless.. and though her friends in Fairy Tail do all they can to try and cheer her up.. there is no escaping the terrible feeling of being powerless to protect her friends..
Then.. six mysterious beings appear in Academy City, calling themselves the Lost Ones. 3 of them, are beings called Quincies... 2 of them are magicians.. and one is a Level 5 esper long forgotten. They seem to have a vested interest in helping to restore Mikoto's lost powers... however, what do they have to gain from helping her? There is something more to this.. and like it or not.. Mikoto has once again sunken into a battle that she might not come out of...