Age of the Original Level 5s, Part 2

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Mikoto always thought that a faraway town in Fiore was the last place she would find a member of Necessarius. Well, she thought so unconsciously at least.  It seemed strange to her that their type of magic would ever associate with more rambunctious and brute force based magic of Fiore.

On Earth, magic was a difficult thing to master, requiring one memorize verses, fast, and study the different laws and methods every day..

However, it was different in Earthland. In Earthland, you took the magic that resided in your body and manipulated it the way you saw fit by learning deeper control over your body. If you were an awakened Dragon Born, your body instinctually knew this as if it were imbibed in muscle memory of some sort.  like a baby learning how to walk and talk. It was as if these abilities came naturally over time.

Of course there were more advanced spells a Dragon Born could learn that could only be achieved through practice till perfection. About half the spells Mikoto knew how to cast had been the result of experimentation with merging her esper side's ability to control electrokinises to a higher degree, and her Dragon side's ability to land powerful devestating blows as well as enhance her body physically.

About a third of her spells were of her own invention.. being spells that only one who controlled magic and an Electromaster power could master.. such as her 3 Dragon Slayer variations of the Iron Chain Sword...

The point was.. Mikoto never really associated the two sides of the magic coin.. even though they used one and the same thing..


Which made Agnese Sanctis's presence here of all places absolutely baffling to Mikoto.

"Y-you.. what.. You HOW!?" Mikoto stammered, pointing at Agnese.

"Wow..!!" said Natsu. "They're studying how clone nuns at this lab!! Then an army of nuns will take over the world and we'll all have to wear black and white forever!!"

"That is way off." Agnese muttered with a frown at Natsu. "To be honest.. I'm here because I heard from Stiyl that my uncle appeared in Academy City, and that you guys were trying to dig up the incident relating to all the original 7 level fives. I followed you all the way here with a few others... wasn't really that hard.. especially when you pulled off that Erotic Dancer routine at the entrance."

Mikoto and Lucy both blushed with embarrassment

"Aye!! Then you saw how brilliant my plan was!!" said Happy, right before Mikoto's fist came ramming down on his head.

"Brilliant my ass..." Mikoto growled.

Agnese raised an eyebrow. "You Fairy Tail types are as rambunctious as ever.."

"Please.. Agnese.." said Erza. "If you've come here to stop us.."

"Don't be ridiculous.." said Agnese. "I'm just wondering why you people are digging up an old incident as bloody as the Death Reach Level 5 massacres! I didn't think anyone would want to hear those bloody stories. It's practically a repeat of the Texas Chainsaw massacre in America.."

Everyone else looked at each other, thinking the same thing: Should they tell Agnese about Osamu?

Agneses sighed. "Listen.. forget hacking those files.. Necessarius and the Roman Catholic Church knows more about the entire incident then even the Board of Directors in Academy City."

"How?" asked Gray. "I didn't think any members of the Magic Side in that world associated much with the Science Side back then."

"Well.. there was one magician who was a member of Necessarius.. still is I should say." said Agnese. "A young magician by the name of Adira Ellis.. "

Agnese looked around. "This is hardly the place to tell the story though.. we should get out before those irritating lab security find us... I-I might have used a less stealthy way to get in.."

As if on cue.. shouts came from down the hall. "Where is that damn nun!!? Stupid girl hit me on the nose!!"

Mikoto wished she could say that the next 20 minutes were occupied by a well planned out stealth mission to get them out of the lab unnoticed.. but really, it ended up in the usual 'Fairy Tail' fashion..

Basically, they all fought.. Erza scared everybody, Mikoto railgunned a few holes in the wall, and Natsu ended up burning down half the lab..

After managing to hide out at a nearby hotel.. Agnese began her story.. a story that started 25 years ago..


25 years ago.. Academy City in the 20th century...

A 16 year old girl stood in the rain.. waiting at a bus stop in the dim gloom of a downpour. She wore blue shorts a white shirt with with a red cross on it and had black shoulderlength hair with red highlights. She carried a gymbag over her shoulder which contained a full set of Nun's clothing inside, though she rarely wore it.. she always felt the nun's habit was exceedingly uncomfortable. On her back was a large metal pole wrapped in cloth wrappings, suggesting that she was actually quite strong despite her rather slender and delicate looking frame.

Adira looked at the watch on her wrist, it was almost time.. she never missed a job.. not as an agent of the Church placed in Academy City.

These were turbulant times..Quite contrary to the belief of most 25 years later in the future, the 1990s was one of the most brutal decades in the battle between magic and science.

The Level 5 espers were all brutal and battle hungry, while magician double agents with specific training to fight high level espers..

Adira was a Level 5 stalker.. trained by Necessarius to spy on and combat Level 5 espers.. and today was the day of her first job..

One of Academy City's automated of the first of it's kind, as they had only just been invented this year, stopped by the bus stop.. and a man in a large concealing trench coat and hat stepped out.. handing Adira a photo with his gloved hand.

"This one's been giving us a lot of grief recently.. Impulser.. Number 1... get it done newbie... you remember your training?

"Yes.. of course.. why wouldn't I?"  said Adira.

The man nodded. "Good.. the Arch Bishop will need a report once you're done.."

In the blink of an eye, the man vanished.. and Adira was left alone in the rain. "Impulser hmm? First job.. and I already have to fight the strongest one in town.."

Adira sighed and pocketed the photo of her target before walking further through the rain.. as she continued through the rain.. she saw what looked like a purple and white masked harlequinn standing on the side of the street, also not appearing to mind the rain..

Adira eyed the strangely dressed clown, blinking for a moment. "And what are you supposed to be..?"

"GOD OF TROLLS!!! TROLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!" The harlequin shouted, squirting a bottle of ketchup into Adira's face and running off in a strange jolly dancing manner yelling. "YOLOLOLOLOL!!!!

"What on earth is a Troll..?" Adira muttered emotionlessly as the rain easily washed the ketchup off her face. such a strange everyone in Academy City like this?"

The harlequinn's jolly voice rang out of the distance in answer to her question. "ONLY THE ONES WHO WEAR CRAZY COSTUMES!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

Adira decided to walk in the other direction after that..

"Well I guess the first thing I need to do.. is get out of this cold drizzle.." Adira muttered.

Adira was just about to look for a building to walk into without raising much suspicion, when she heard a voice speak out.

"Now now.. where do ya think you're going? Your blood isn't on the floor... that's a problem.. that's a really big, BIG problem.."

Adira turned, her face still expressionless.. to see the boy that had been in the photo, also standing in the downpour, leaning next to a traffic light.

His blood red hair.. his matted hair that had a protrusion/mohawk- like style that almost seemed rooster like.. his pale silver eyes.... Impulser grinned maliciously, a strange quiver going through the air around his body.. "Now.. now now.. I couldn't help but notice the whole reception by the bus stop... you want to kill me huh? "

Adira felt fear clutch her heart. Of all the coincidences.. Why NOW!?

Adira took the metal pillar from her back.. and the wrapping fell away to reveal a heart shaped marking upon it, with a circle and triangle in the center...

"I am Adira Ellis, my Magic Name is Praesidium444, the Fortress that provides unwavering protection" said Adira. "And yes, there's no denying, I AM here to kill you.."

"Brilliant.." Impulser cackled. "JUST BRILLIANT!! I've been getting so darn.. BORED!!!"

At the word 'bored', Impulser slashed a hand outwards, and a flash of plasma energy created from the vibrations in the air, toreout and raged toward's Adira.

Adira took her pillar and rammed it into the ground.. cracking the asphalt as it dug in. The mark on it glowed red.. and a large magic circle appeared, deflecting the plasma energy like a shield.

"In the Bible.. faith was always regarded as the great shield of the Armor of God.. faith grants an unwavering protection.. therefore, by imbibing my Faith within this pillar, I can exert properties that immitate an invincible holy shield." said Adira. "Not even your ability to influence the vibrations of molecules on a microscopic scale can possibly break through my defense.."

Adira stopped talking.. wait.. had Impulser.. dissapeared!?

Impulser suddenly gave a laugh.. as he appeared right behind Adira, in a burst of unimaginable speed. "Great talk b*tch.. I have no idea what you said.. but your brains are about to be anywhere but in one spot.."

Impulser's hand glowed with tremendous heat and shifted around like a hologram as the molecules shook and vibrated like  high speed buzz saw..

Impulser moved the hand around like high speed bullet, only to have it parried away in a burst of sparks by Adira, who wielded the massive pillar like a bow staff.

"My pillar also takes on the property of 'Faith', making it invincible." said Adira. "Non save God himself can break this pillar."

"Oh? That's quite interesting.." said Impulser with a cackle. "I can still break you though.. right!?"

Impulser raised a hand.. and the air around it began to shiver and vibrate.. twisting the heavy falling rain around him.. suddenly.. much of the heavy rain converged on Impulser's hand and turned into a massive cyclone of water.. as if an entire ocean or lake were rising up against Adira.

Adira's eyes widened with amazement... she was not expecting something like this.. no way..

"Like it.. it's not often it rains this hard.. and let's me try this trick out!!" said Impulser with a laugh. "Water molecules are just so moldable aren't they!!"

Impulser brought the flood crashing down at Adira, before Adira rammed her pillar back into the earth and held on for dear life as the swift current crashed against her..

Then.. as soon as the wave had come.. it stopped.. Adira didn't get it.. the flood around her slowed down to an abosolute calm before draining away.. more drenched then ever.. Adira stared at Impulser.. who had stopped talking...

He was staring at the knife in his chest, with a rather bemused expression.

"Well.. that's pretty damn unfair.." Death Reach muttered, before he coughed up blood and fell over...

And then.. that figure came.. it's black form fitting suit.. and padded armor.. it's faceless mask which bore two glowing goggle lenses...

Death Reach slipped out silently from the shadows.. not making a noise.. ignoring the amazed Adira as she removed her knife from Impulser's corpse..

"Trophy number 1 obtained.." said Death Reach in her staticky disguised voice before she took Impulser's body and slung it over her shoulder.

Adira could harly believe her eyes.. the Number 1 Esper.. and this person had slain him in all about 2 seconds flat.. from what she heard, normal weapons weren't even supposed to work against somebody who could configure his molecules to withstand blades and impact..

"W-wait!" Adira called out.. but the being had dissapeared...

Adira stood up.. leaning on her massive pillar for support. She wasn't sure on how to proceed from here. What should she do..?

"Write up a report.." Adira muttered to herself. "Yes.. that is the prime directive.. I must write up a report.."

A little later, Adira walked into a hotel lobby, sopping wet.. her large pillar wrapped up and slung over her back again..

The girl at the front desk looked younger then Adira..but Adira didn't judge.. she knew that students made up the general population of the city.

"May I h-?" the girl began, but stopped when she looked at this rather strange visitor.. what with her massive pillar, that looked way too heavy to carry, and her sopping wet shirt which had become seethrough to show a Hello Kitty bra underneath... not to mention, Adira didn't seem embarrassed in the slightest about it..

"Eh.." said the front desk girl. "Er.. you.. um, how should I put this?"

"I know quite well about my partially visible body through the art of remaining in the rain too long." said Adira. "I intend to change into my only dry clothing as soon as possible.. that is if you have my room ready.. I believe I was registered under the name Rebecca Walton.."

"Er.. yeah.." said the girl, typing away at the registry. (The PC was one of those old bulky desktop models, but it was still more advanced then what the rest of the world had..)

The girl handed Adira a room key. "Just.. be sure not to disturb any of the guests.. Everywhere in the city is kinda dangerous lately, so it's amazing anybody's even coming here to take classes anymore.."

Adira took a quick hot shower.. and of course dressed into the only clothes she had available to her.. which was  then black nun's outfit. The nun's dress was shorter then normal nun clothing, only going down to her thighs. there was also a white cross in the center of the outfit. Of course, this was all a result of her former status as a member of the Roman Catholic Church, and her association with God's Right Seat as the 42nd Terra of The Left..

She left her nun's habit off.. as she rather despised having to cover up her hair.. and left the habit sitting on her pillow in the room.. she then sat down at the desk, turned on the lamp.. and took out a piece of parchment, a bottle of ink, and an eagle feather quil, then she began to write.

My first day here was rather unexpected Ms. Stuart.. I know your daughter Laura was just born today.. but I ask you to please bear with me as I made a rather disturbing discovery. Impulser, was somehow privy to my arrival upon reception of the job, and as predicted, his strength when fighting directly against an opponent was far too powerful. I estimate that had he fought at full strength, I would have been dead in an instant, despite my spells for impenetrable defense.

However, I was saved, though I don't believe that was my rescuer's orriginal intention, by a rather skilled assasin of sorts. Whether the assasin was male or female remains a mystery to me. His or Her strange clothing made sex rather ambigiuos. However, it is either a beautiful woman, or a very slim and fit man. He or She disguises his or her voice with some sort of electronic device. In any case, I must plead with you Ms. Stuart, that you send me something like the Number 7 next time. Appologies for my complaint, but sending me to go against the strongest esper in the entire city on my first job seemed a bit harsh from my perspective.

And in other news, I believe this city is slowly losing it's grip as a result of it's inherent devotion to what it calls science. Just when I arrived, I encountered some sort of masked idiot dressed like a court jester. And he seemed to possess some frigteningly good hearing..

Suddenly, there was a tapping on Adira's window.. and she nearly screamed out in shock when she saw the harlequin in question spray painting, "Twilight Prankster Wuz Watching you Change" on the window. On a 4th story window no less.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!! NUMBER 1 TROLL!!!" The clown shot off into the city.. apparently flying..

On second thought.. I believe the city has been secretly manufacturing genetically modified Super Clowns with extremely perverted tendencies. I recommend immediate war, and that we burn the one called Twilight Prankster at the stake!

Adira sighed and crossed out the lines she just wrote, she didn't want the Arch Bishop to think she was delirious.

Disregard the lines I crossed out just now.. I have had a very trying day..

Sincerly, your daughter, 

Adira Ellis Stuart .

P.S.. I have not yet caught sight of my brother Eolas.. but I must say, I rather fear meeting him if half the tales are true.

Adira folded up the parchment and put it in an envelope inscribed with a magic circle with a pentagram in the center. She then threw it into the air, chanted some words, and the letter dissapeared..

Adira sighed and looked at herself in a hand mirror.. she immediately noticed some blonde color near the roots of her hair..

"Oh jeez.." Adira muttered. "I hate having to re-dye everything.. why did me and my silly sister have to share the same freaking hair color?"


Present day.

"Alright, any questions?" Agnese closed the book containing Adira's letter. The hotel room had turned rather dark asa the light outside was growing dim in the sunset.

"Wait.." said Natsu. "SHE'S A BLONDE!?"

"That's your takeaway?" Lucy muttered, rolling her eyes.

"Hold on, I don't get what this has to do with Osamu." said Mikoto. "I mean, sure, we're talking about generally the same time period here.. But we've figured out is that Laura Stuart and Eolas had a Sister.. and that Impulser had a very undignified death.."

"Hey.. how do you think it would turn out if Impulser fought Ben 10?" Natsu mused.

Erza punched Natsu in the head. "You're getting off subject!!"

"Have.." said Agnese correcting Mikoto's earlier statement. "Adira was frozen in a spell gone wrong.. and is currently frozen in time back at Necessarius as Laura works to revive her.. it's taken years.. but she might finally be revived around next month.  But you're getting ahead of yourself Misaka.. I haven't even finished the story ye-"

Before Agnese could finish her sentence, a nun, who looked slightly older then her.. around Touma's age perhaps, peeked in.

"Eh? What is it Orsola?"

"There's a Lyon on the hotel phone calling for Misaka.. I said I'd let her know.." said Orsola.

"THERE'S NO MISAKA HERE!!" Mikoto cried out. "HANG IT UP!!!"

"Sorry, that's rather impossible.." said Orsola. "As he said he won't leave until he's finished declaring his love for you.."

Mikoto went pink with embarrassment. "W-we can finish this story later right?"

"Well yeah." said Agnese..

"Alright.." said Mikoto. "Lucy, you've got the blowhorn?"

Lucy nodded.

"Right.. let's make some ears bleed.."

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