Several more violent explosions shook the hall as Mikoto frantically climbed into he wheelchair, nursing burns all over her body.
Crap.. crap.. Mikoto thought as she did her best to try and roll to the other end of the hall.
Suddenly she felt an explosion erupt from right behind her.. and she flew into the air, clutching onto her wheel chair for dear life befroe she slammed into the floor and her wheel chair skated away from her all the way to where Bambietta was..
In just a flick of her palm.. Bambietta blew up the wheel chair in one deafening explosion.
"Oh ain't that a pity!?" said Bambietta with a cruel laugh. "Better start crawling or you're dead!!!"
Mikoto began crawling away with fright, moving her arms as fast as she could.. the other end of the hall seemed like a million miles away.. and at the end she could see a light. She had to get that light.. it was her only option.. if she got to that light, perhaps she would be safe! Right? Right!? She'd be safe right!?
"Come on.. crawl little monkey.. CRAWL!!" Bambietta let out several more explosions.
Mikoto desperately continued to crawl.. aware of the burning explosions just behind her.. this.. this was not what she was expecting.. sure she expected some sort of treachery or trickery.. but this was different.. she didn't expect them to go this far.. to play with and torture her like this.. not that she was any stranger to torture. but.. it just plain ticked her off!!
Mikoto continued to crawl.. desperate to reach the light she could see just barely getting closer...
But every time her arm moved again.. her body seemed to freeze up more and more.. that's when it occured to her.. the emergency device around her neck that would call Erza's cell phone if she were in trouble.. she still had it..
Mikoto took the little button from around her neck... she was just about to press it, when another devestating explosion shook the world around her.. and she found herself spiralling through the air and watching as the one hope she had of calling for help was incinerated in Bambietta's powerful explosion..
Mikoto would have screamed in pain had she still had her voice, except her mouth opened in a silent cry as she smacked into the ground and felt herself bruise. Luckily, one power that had never dissapeared when her powers were sealed, was the imensely durable bones she inherited from being a Dragon Born.. bones that had gotten more and more durable over time in response to being repeatidly broken in countless battles... but still just because her bones could survive.. didn't mean the rest of her could..
So this is it.. Mikoto thought. I'm going to die here in this place where nobody will ever find me.. what a stupid way to die.. after I've survived so much..seriously.. what the heck!?
Mikoto stopped her thoughts.. it was silent... the explosions had stopped. She heard footsteps as Bambietta casually walked over next to her beaten and worn body. Bambietta then crouched down and spoke to Mikoto.
"Yo... Misaka girl.. or whatever.. ya wanna know how abilities and superpowers came to be?"
"..." Mikoto just breathed heavily.. worn down to the point of exhaustion.
"It's survival." said Bambietta. "It's all about survival... and the fear that it can't be achieved. See.. picture this.. a tuskless elephant the size of a hamster lives in fear of the tiger who likes to go around eating his kind... so as a result.. that elephant evolves, becomes bigger, and developes brute strength and tusks for defense... a higher form of being then it's predecessor. See where I'm getting at? Unless you're afraid to die.. you have no purpose to gain power.. unless you're afraid those you care about will die.. it's pretty much the same.."
Bambietta shrugged. "My point is.. there's no point in developing any kind of power at all unless you fear something. Are you afraid your friends will die? Are you afraid your life will end? Are you afraid of no survival? You develope power so that you can protect that.. otherwise, you might as well remain a paraplegic mute the rest of your life.."
Bambietta sighed. "But of course.. it's not like you can automatically develope a power without some pain and sacrifice right? So do Osamu a favor.. and try to survive.. me.. I could care less actually.."
Bambietta snapped her fingers and an explosion erupted below Mikoto's belly, a small scale one, but painful, throwing Mikoto into the air and sending her crashing down onto the other end of the hall.
Mikoto looked up shakily..blood dripping from her forehead and down her chin as she reached up for an orb of strange light that only floated only inches from her finger tips.
"Come.. on.." said Bambietta. "DON'T YOU WANT TO SURVIVE!?"
(music starts..)
I want to survive.. Mikoto thought
I want to survive.. Mikoto thought.
"COME ON.. I STILL CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!" Bambietta roared.. letting out several explosions that erupted into massive proportions spreading towards where Mikoto was.
Mikoto's palm suddenly touched the orb.. and an enormous light coursed through her body.
"I WANT TO SURVIVE!!!!!" Mikoto screamed, thrusting out her other hand, and letting a lightning bolt blast straight into Bambietta's chest, throwing her back into the other end of the hall with a smack....
Mikoto's eyes went wide with surprise. "D-did I just speak? M-my voice.. it's "
Mikoto tried to move her legs.. no.. they were still paralyzed.. but.. she could speak.. and though she could feel no magic energy in her whatsoever still nor any trace of hollowfied spiritual pressure.. her mind felt widened.. as she had regained nearly all her ability to calculate wind currents, see electrical lines.. she was a Level 5 esper again..
Mikoto clenched her fist.. and it crackled with an electric charge. However, this was nowhere near the kind of power she had when she was a Level 5 before.. even before she awakened her Dragon Born powers.. the level of power she felt now was that of a Level 5 who had just come out of Level 4.. perhaps around 70 percent of Mikoto's true esper powers.. and about only 30 percent of Mikoto's power when she had her Dragon and Hollow powers added to the mix..
But that wasn't the important part.. the important part was.. now she actually had a chance now.. a chance to fight back!
Mikoto gritted her teeth and sent an electrical charge surging through her limp and unmoving leg muscles.. sending signals coursing through her nerves... with a little difficulty, she staggered to her feet.. forcing the legs to move with an electric charge... this trick allowed Mikoto to move in a fight, even if her entire body was paralyzed.. however.. it had the side effect of turning her into a human tazer whenever she had the mistake to touch somebody.
Bambietta stood up, chuckling a little. "Alright.. I finally got to hear that voice of yours eh!? Well not bad.. I heard you're actually quite a singer.. too bad I have to rip those vocal cords apart now!! COME ON!! SHOW ME WHAT YOU'VE GOT!!!"
Bambietta drew what appeared to be a a short scimitar-like sword and dissapeared in a flashing burst of speed.. taking Mikoto by surprise.. she suddenly appeared above Mikoto and sliced her blade down.
Mikoto lashed out a hand.. and an electromagnetic surge pulsed out of her.. stopping the metal blade mid swing and throwing Bambietta back.
Mikoto then held a hand to her bangs and drew out an arc of lightning from her hair to her fingertips before letting a large lightning spear blast out at Bambietta..
"Seem familiar?" said Bambietta. "This is a moving technique called Hirenkyaku.. you could say it's like the Quincy equivelant to an Arrancar's Sonido and a Soul Reaper's Flash Step.. but I always felt that this was way faster!!"
Bambietta blitzed out of view again, using Hirenkyaku.. and reappeared behind Mikoto.. however.. Mikoto once more created a powerful electromagnetic field around herself and repelled Bambietta's blade.
"Whoah! fast relexes!" said Bambietta.
"It's not Rocket Science to track people who use Flash Step or the technique you use." said Mikoto. "My power allows me to sense electrical current. When one uses a speed technique like that.. they become faster then the air current around them.. which create's friction. That friction then creates a slight static charge that I can sense in certain situations.. I've been using this technique ever since I first came up against Soul Reapers and Arrancar.."
Mikoto thrust a palm straight into Bambietta's gut. "I'm not even close to the power I had before I lost it.. BUT EVEN YOU CAN'T TAKE THIS MUCH VOLTAGE AT CLOSE RANGE!!!!"
There was a massive surge of lightning as Bambietta's body lit up like a Christmas light party.. and the Quincy was thrown to the floor of the hall.. smoking..
"Y-you...passed." Bambietta groaned. "Damn.. I so want to use my full power against you.. but you already passed the test.."
Mikoto suddenly felt the electrical charge leave her legs.. and she fell to the ground, limp, panting. "Well.. this was.. strange.."
There was a revving sound.. and a flash of light..and Mikoto suddenly found herself back in the cubular room.
"BRAVO BRAVO!!" Osamu clapped enthusiastically. "You passed!! You managed to get through the first step.. regaining a portion of your esper abilities.. I'm sure by now you've noticed you managed to regain your voice."
"You.. are a crazy maniac!" Mikoto muttered. "And you blew up my freaking wheelchair.. how am I supposed to drive home now?"
Osamu eyed Bambietta. "Awwwwww!! Bambi!! What did I say about getting overboard!?"
"DON'T CALL ME BAMBI!!!" Bambietta roared. "I'LL BLOW YOU UP FOR THAT ONE!!"
"Hahahaha!!! That coming from the girl whose former team mates in the Quincy army called her Bambi-Chan!!" said Vento.
"Don't start with me you Catholic reject!!" Bambietta growled. "You're the one dressed up like a halloween nun!!"
"What was that you non-Christian Heretic!?" Vento growled, pulling out her spiked wind hammer.
"Whoah whoah whoah!!" said Osamu, jumping in between Vento and Bambietta. "Seriously, we just cleaned this place up after Bazz-B got angry 'bout that funny tasting fish! We don't need any more destruction.. in our... SEEEECRET LAAAAAIIIIRRRRRR!!!!"
"WHAM!!!" Bambietta's fist and Vento's fist came smacking into both sides of Osamu's face.
"ENOUGH ABOUT THE SECRET LAIR!!!" The twosome shouted.
"E-er.. excuse me?" Mikoto said. "Can you just explain to me what you did?"
"Why.. that's a rather fun one actually!" said Osamu with a wink as he rubbed his cheeks in light of being punched. "That light orb you touched.. is a portion of what we call Infiltrator Class B.. it drills into your subconsciouss.. and amplifies certain emotions while pulling at your physical body...
"Well to make it simpler to understand." said Osamu. "We were able to use the orb to pull your Esper power out of your body, well at least partially, because you were amplifying the emotions that a normal creature gains when he needs to activate a primary defense mechanism to defend itself."
"FEEEEAAAARRRR!!!" said As Nodt, his neck and wrists twisting and cracking in his normal terrifyingly disturbing manner. "That is the emotion that inspires the basis for powers to re-emerge.. that pure instinct has allowed your power to wrench itself out.."
"And as your powers were never taken away.. but just sealed." said Osamu.. all we needed to do after that was drag that power out to the surface.. and then get you use to them again by having Bambietta go a few light rounds with you.. rest assured, if she used her full power.. like her Quincy Vollstandig.. our room would probably be in shambles.."
"So how come you could only pull out of my powers?" Mikoto asked. "Why just my esper power? And only a fraction of it too?"
"Remember what I said earlier?" said Osamu. "Regaining the amount of power you had is going to be extremely strenuous.. especially given how powerful you were to begin with... look at you.. you managed to go toe to toe with Bambietta and you were concentrating half of yourself on forcing your legs to move with a constant steady charge. If you want to regain the Dragon, The Hollow, and the rest of the Esper... you're going to have plenty of days to spend here before you're done.."
"Just one more thing." said Mikoto. "It's time you told me exactly why you want to return my powers.."
Osamu looked at Erigor.. who nodded.
"Tell her.." said Erigor. "it's about time.."
Osamu looked at Mikoto. "Mikoto.. we, are what people call the Lost Ones..that means.. we were all supposed to die at some point.. but didn't. Due to mysterious circumstances.. sometimes.. if a human soul dies in a way that's outlandish or rather.. strange.. sometimes that human's soul will be brought back.. however.. as a result.. Death himself curses that soul.. as a result, we must go through life in sort of a cursed existance.. we become sick often... food has no taste to us... and should we die a second time.. our souls would be stuck in a limbo and unable to pass on to Soul Society."
"That's... terrible.." said Mikoto.
"Yeah.. " said Osamu. "Erigor actually used to be an enemy of your guild who joined the Oracion Seis.. however.. he was killed by a canniblistic demon who left his skeleton out to rot in the sacred forest of Thundaarix back on Fulmen.. Bambietta here was turned into a zombified slave by one of her former colleges.. a Quincy named Giselle Giwelle, whose epithet was Z.. the Zombie.. Giselle then drank her blood to restore her own body after a failed fight with Mayuri Kurotsuchi. Vento here.. well he had an unfortunate run in with the science side of your city after a rather large confrontation with your friend Natsu Dragneel, she was subjected to some rather odd experiments... and finally Bazz-B.."
"DON'T!!!" Bazz-B's body blazed with flames. "Don't you even DARE Mention how I died!! That was the most freaking embarrassing thing EVER!!! NO NO NO NO NO!!!"
"Okay fine!! But seriously it's not that bad!" said Osamu with a roll of his eyes.
"JUST SHUT IT!!" Bazz-B exclaimed. "It was the worst okay!? THE WORST!!!"
Mikoto decided it was probably better not to ask after that.
"Anyways.." said Osamu. "The reason we need you is-"
That's when the sound of a bell rang through the room.. as if it were coming from outside.
"Ooohh.. customers.." said Osamu. "Maybe they'll finally buy the snow globes!!"
"Oh jeez.." Vento rolled her eyes. "You.. are a silly idiot."
"Wait.." said Bazz-B.. "You forgot to close the bookshelf entrance you dopes!! BAMBIETTA!!"
"Don't look at me!!" said Bambietta. I was.. was..."
"No excuse... that's what you have." Muttered Vento.
Before everyone else could react further, None other then Lucy Heartfilia herself walked down the stairs, followed by Natsu.
"Eh? Hello? I'm looking for some new can openers...." Lucy stopped short.. she had just noticed Mikoto lying on the floor, no wheel chair.. and with her clothes rather torn and her body covered in bruises and other injuries.
"M-Mikoto!?" Both Natsu and Lucy exclaimed.
"Hey guys!! They have snow globes in-" Happy flew down the steps.. but the moment he saw Mikoto, he dropped his snowglobe and it smashed to pieces. "M-Mikoto!?"
Lucy ran down to Mikoto and started fussing over her. "L-look at you.. you're all covered in burns!! Wh-what are you even doing in here and.... and..."
Lucy's eyes seemed to light on fire as she looked up, her teeth gritted with malice. "Who did this!?"
"That was me!" said Bambietta raising a hand. "All me!! I administered each and every injury. Except the Wheelchair.. that blew up on it's own.. oh who am I kidding? I blew that up too!!" (Flashbacking to a TFS Nappa moment.)
Lucy's expression turned absolutely demonic as she pointed a finger at Bambietta. "Natsu.. sick em..."
"BOOYAKASHA!!!!" Natsu launched himself at Bambietta, engulfing his body in flames..and began pounding Bambietta into the ground.
"HEY!! YOU FREAKING TURD!!! GET OFF OF ME!!" Bambietta screamed.
"IRON FIST OF THE FIRE DRAGON!!" Natsu rammed a flaming fist straight into the side of Bambietta's face.. causin her to explode into the wall with a tremendous boom in a ball of flames.
"OH YOU'VE DONE IT NOW!!!" Bambietta wiped some blood off her chin.. and two massive wings made of spiritual energy that had teardrop like edges and a star-shaped halo appeared. "You're gonna take a load of my Quincy Vollstandig!!"
"NOOOO!!!!" Osamu shouted. "NOT IN THE SECRET LAIR!!!"
"WHAM!!!" Osamu found himself knocked into the floor as Lucy did a jump kick straight into his face. "I'm gonna give you pain like nobody's business for what you did to her!!"
"G-guys?" Mikoto stammered. "Er.. Guys..?"
Happy had flown over to As Nodt and began scratching at him with his tiny paws. "You bully you bully you bully you bully!! I hope all your fish stays rotten forever!!!"
As Nodt grabbed Happy by the tail and stared into him with his black disconscerting eyes. "I... am... going.. to..." As Nodt's head twisted and turned around 360 degrees with a series of pops and cracks. "Cut off... your genitals..."
"A-a-a-AYE!!?" Happy went absolutely pale with shock.
"FEEEAAARRRRRR!!!" As Nodt let out a demonic laugh as Happy began to scream.
"THIS GUY IS NUTSO!!!" Happy yelled. "TOTALLY NUTSO!!"
"U-uh.. guys!?" Mikoto repeated louder this time. "Please stop!! They're not-"
"OPEN GATE OF THE MAIDEN!! VIRGO!!" Lucy pulled out one of her golden keys, instantly summoning the maid celestial spirit Virgo. "
"Yes Princess? Would you like to administer punishment?" asked Virgo.
"Yeah!! Punish that freaking retard over there!!" Lucy growled.
"Of course Princess." said Virgo who spiralled like a drill into Osamu and began spanking him. "I shall deliver maximum punishment!"
"OW OW OW!! WHY DOES IT HURT SO MUCH YET FEEL SO GOOD!?" Osamu roared as Virgo spanked him.
"YOU PERVERT!!!" Lucy screamed.
"Uh-guys...seriously.." Mikoto said, again trying to get everyone's attention
"YEAH!!! BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM!!" Bambietta laughed like a maniac as explosion filled the room, catching Bazz-B and Vento in the crossfire, the two of them screaming angrilly at Bambietta for being a jerk as Natsu continued to send out destructive flaming attacks..
"You wanna see... MY REAL FACE!?" As Nodt said in his demonically creepy voice as his bones continued to crack and pop, freaking Happy out to the maximum.
"OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!" Mikoto screamed at the top of her lungs.. lightning arcing out of her bangs. "EVERYONE JUST FREAKING STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
It was as if time itself had frozen over.. and for a moment, everyone just stared at Mikoto.. then..
"Mikoto..." Lucy shook a little.. tears gushing ou of her eyes. "Y-you just spoke.."
"W-well. yeah.." said Mikoto rubbing the back of her head and blushing slightly. "I-I did.."
Lucy, Happy and Natsu converged on Mikoto and began hugging the life out of her.. laughing with tears of joy. "YOU GOT YOUR VOICE BACK!!!"
"Y-yeah.." Mikoto said with a little difficulty as they squeezed her ribs. "I guess I did!"
Mikoto couldn't help it.. she began to
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