The darkness grows.. it grows ever closer.. ever blacker.. it seeks to crush all things.. to devour.. But that darkness was defeated by one girl... who is this strange one.. this hero? Would she seek to defy us as well.. defy my master? Master Diablo instists... that she be monitored.. and monitor her I shall.... but...I do not understand... the one known as Railgun currently lies powerless within a wheel chair... is there something... ? Something I missed?
The darkness is closing in...
it's making me... hungry....
A dark room.. it's location was unknown to all but 6 individuals.. the only source of light within that room was a small lightbulb that hung from a dangling wire... flickering on and off as the strange man sat at the large round metal table that stood at the center of the room, on a rusted out old foldout chair.
The man wore dark pants and a black leather hoodie that obscured his face.. he sat there, his arms folded silently.. waiting..
After a few minutes.. a slender girl wearing a white thigh length trench coat.. a cap a miniskirt.. and black stockings..
"Bambietta Basterbine.." the hooded man spoke. "I see you've made it.. a little late perhaps?"
Bambietta shrugged. "I felt like blowing something up.. admittidly, on my way here, I saw a Game Stop that was just dying for a mega explosion....
"Hmph.. you've never been good at secrecy girl.." said the man.
"Can't help it.. everything is just begging me to make it go boom!" said Bambietta boredly. "Damn! I wanna blow up this place so bad! Make it go BOOM BOOM BOOM!!"
The man stood up suddenly. "NO!! if you even think about it.. I swear, if we have to find a new secret lair again just because you lost your temper.. again.. then I WILL-"
"Okay okay!" said Bambietta. "Yeesh.. you and your stupid love of secret lairs.."
"Well.. if we decide to meet in a Mcdonalds again we'll just look outlandish.. do you have any idea how strangely we dress?"
"Can't blame you there.." Bambietta said with a sigh before sitting down on a chair across from the man. "When are the others going to be here?"
"It shouldn't be long now.." said the man. "Erigor sent the message out about 3 hours ago.. everyone just seems to be slightly late.. how very bothersome..."
"Actually.. " said a whispering disturbing voice. "I'm already here."
Bambietta screamed and fell out of her chair as a tall man with long black hair appeared out of nowhere from behind. He wore a black mask that covered the bottom half of his face, with spikes running down the middle.. and a long white trench coat similar, yet longer in the length, to Bambietta's coat.
"AS NODT YOU FREAKING JERK!!!" Bambietta growled. "I'll blow you up!! All your stupid jump scares!! This isn't a horror game!!"
As Nodt bent his head at a ninety degree angle with a creepy creaking noise.. his black wide eyes stared infinitely. "But fear.. fear is the best mechanism by which we living things realize our humanity... irrational fear.. rational fear... it is all a complex mechanism that drives-"
"Yeah yeah.. just shut up." said Bambietta climbing back into her chair. "Fear this and Fear that.. that's all you talk about.. freak..."
While As Nodt proceeded to settle down in a chair, the old creaky door of the room opened and two individuals came in.. one was an old, thin looking man wearing a black hood and robe, with a large scythe in one hand.. while the other was a girl wearing a strange yellow nun's outfit that was decorated with a belt that looked like a crown of thorns.. her face was covered with piercings..and she held in her hand a long staff with a oddly shaped spikey hammer on the end..
"What a dump.." Vento of the Front muttered as the scythe man, Erigor the Reaper, took his seat among the group. "Did you pick the location just because you wanted a whole dungeon theme?"
"Maybe..." said the hooded man. "In any case.. it doesn't matter where we meet in the end.. as so long we get to the-"
Before the man could finish his sentence, there was a suddenly explosion of flames.. and a whole was blown straigth through wall...A man with a rather rebellious looking expression and a reddish colored mohawk walked through, wearing a similar trench coat to Bambietta and As Nodt.
"Bazz-B.." the hoodie wearing man sighed, between both you and Bambietta, it'll be a wonder if any of our meetings actually stay secret.."
"Hell with that.." Bazz-B said. "Just tell me what this meeting's all about! I'm in a bad mood.."
"Let me guess.." Vento muttered to herself. "Somebody made fun of that abomidable hairstyle again..."
"Calm down.." said the hooded man. "Bazz-B.. settle down or I'll let As Nodt get into one of his speeches again.."
Bazz-B muttered something about stupid people not understanding true style and sat down..
"Now.. we can commence this meeting." said the hooded man. "We have come to this.. Academy City.. for one purpose.. I found her.. the key..."
Bambietta's eyes widened. "Y-you.. no way!! REALLY!? In THIS dimension!?"
"Yes..except there is a problem." said the man. "except there is a problem.. it appears she has lost the power necessary to solve our little predicament.."
"You couldn't possibly mean Mikoto Misaka?" said Vento. "You won't get a thing from her.. her powers were sealed away.. now she's a mute paraplegic who can't even get up the stairs in her house without those stupid friends at her guild helping her..."
"No worries.. I have done extensive research in this city for years.. as you all know.." said the man. "And I've already developed a..proper.. method to handle the situation.."
"I know what you're thinking.." said As Nodt. "But her powers are far different from ours.. we have never unsealed a dragon's power before.. an esper.. yes... but never a dragon's.. nor a hollow's..
"Just leave that complication to me.." said the man. "In any case.. it is my opinion that this plan, has already succeeded.. our time as the Lost Ones will soon come to a close as intended.."
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