Return of The Railgun, Markarov's Secret Decision

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Her legs.. she could feel them.. this wasn't fake walking like with the X Brace.. where she couldn't feel her legs at all.. her voice.. it was there.. it was there... her magic.. her old magic, she could feel it all.. her inner hollow, her esper abilities.. and finally, she could feel the dragon's blood boiling within her.. willing itself to come forth, to become strong.. to amass itself..  However, something was different.."

Mikoto looked at her wings.. they sparked with tremendous light, greeting Mikoto like long lost friends, however, this time she had four wings.. and the bracelets on her arms were vangaurds now.. had something happened to her abilities when they returned... she wasn't sure.. but right now.. she wasn't too focused on that.

"Welcome back.." Mikoto whispered to her wings, a small tear trickled down her cheek.

Markarov grinned. "Now... it took a month.. but it worked.."

Markarov fell to his knees and groaned.

"MASTER!!" Mikoto knealt down as Erza hurried over and took Markarov in her arms.

"Don't worry, he's just used up plenty of Magic Energy.. after all this is the first time this spell has ever been used." said Erza.

"Erza! What happened!?" Mikoto asked. "I-I.. My powers are.. My legs..!"

Erza smiled. "Ever since last month, Master, me, Heaven Canceller and Porlyusica have been working on a spell to reignite your abilities.. the research was assisted with by Mayuri Kurotsuchi.. which is why I have been in contact with Toshiro Hitsugaya for so long.."

"A-and you!!" Mikoot pointed at Ichigo. "D-did you know about this!?"

Ichigo looked stronger for sure, just as Osamu had said. He now wore two black armored platings with white x shaped straps on his chest.. and white faulds around his Soul Reaper pants.

"Hey!" said Ichigo grinning. "Can't give away any surprises can I?"

"And you!?" Mikoto pointed at Kenpachi.

"Don't give me any spunk kid." said Kenpachi. "I'm just here cause I heard there was going to be some sort of super big fight going on!  And just my luck, all these guys look super strong.. heheheh.."

"Battle hungry as always.. keh.." spat Accelerator. "Ya know, I'm feeling pretty bloodthirsty myself! Tossing around my guild and turning everyone into zombies!? Whose head should I be ripping off for that!?"

Charles scowled at the 6 before him.. "So.. you helped little Ms. Misaka regain her abilities.. but that still won't help her stand against us."

"Markarov has wasted his magic.." said Hades. "Had a Wizard Saint fought alongside you 5 instead.. you might have won against us!!"

"Wizard Saint?" Mikoto muttered. "Hehehe...didin't Jose just say? Or are you all deaf? Isn't it true, that I was considered for that role!?"

Mikoto's wings spread out wide as a massive earthquake began to shake the entire environment.. the power.. eminating from her was so ginormous.. that all of Hydra Lord took a step back.

"Wh-what!?" Night Reveler stammered. "It's like she's hyped up on sugar and Red Rum!!!"

"He SOOO took that red rum reference from Twilight Prankster plays Dead Space 2.." Accelerator muttered.

"You watch that!?" Ichigo exclaimed. "I couldn't even get through 5 minutes of the first video!"

"ENOUGH OF THIS!!!" Jose roared. "I'll be in Hell before I get shown up by that pathetic guild again!!! DEAD WAVE!!!!"

Jose's body emitted a terrifying phantasmic aura, his scelera turned black as he fired a powerful beam of dark purplish energy from his hand. A poweful blast of magic worthy of a Wizard Saint, it's blast shaking the very air..

Mikoto moved at unreadable speeds, being completely invisible to the naked eye as she suddenly appeared in front of Natsu, and deflected the magic blast with a mere swipe of her hand.

"I-Impossible!!!" Jose dove in along with Mard Geer.. the two of them burning with enough power to be mistaken for gods..

"Thorns!!!" Mard thrust out a hand.. and hundreds upon hundreds of spikey thorned vines erupted out of the ground and the walls of the buildings and shot down at Mikoto as Jose spread out his hands.. his black aura growing. "PHANTOM WAVE!!!"

A mass of cloaked and hissing phantoms flew down at Mikoto, joining the thorns.. as the moves neared her.. Mikoto flew into the air.. leaving a sonic boom as she weaved in between the attacks.. She spread her wings out and  shot through the thorns, using the wings to slice them apart like blades as she pounded all the phantoms apart with her lightning fists.

She then opened her mouth, and a powerful beam of lightning tore out.. sending Mard and Jose flying..

Charles flew into the air on his own less spectacular lightning wings and blocked Mikoto's fist with a hand. "My my.. you've grown a little stronger... I must say, I didn't expect a revived Roar of The Thunder Dragon to regain it's power this fast!!"

"Idiot.." Mikoto said. "That wasn't a Roar of The Thunder Dragon.. that was just the residual electric charge that swelled up in my stomach from me getting used to having my powers back...."

Mikoot puffed up her cheeks. "Now this... is.. a real.. "ROAR OF THE THUNDER DRAGON!!!"

Charles pushed away and ducked down just in time, as a blinding bright blue light exploded from Mikoto's mouth and ripped into the heavens, blasting off the top half of two sky scrapers several blocks down the street. The Roar attack shot into the sky, and blasted an entire rainstorm sized cloud to bits in the night sky, while the remaining clouds all sparked with lightning in response.

Charles landed on his feet and staggered back in absolute amazement. "Impossible... how.. unless.. unless her Dragon DNA reacted to the X Brace absorbing her power.. and adapted to it as a method of survival!? Sh-she's got the power of a Dragon Born with 50 years of experience!!"

Mikoto sighed and popped her neck as she landed next to her friends. "Hey.. Natsu.. see that girl over there?"

Natsu put a thumbs up. "Yeah.. she the one making all the zombies?"

"Yep.. don't worry about her though.. I figured out I can use my Hollowfication to return everyone to normal.. but, watch out if she attacks..."

"Alright!" said Natsu cracking his knuckles. "I'm all FIRED UP!!!"

"Oh my, my my my MY!!!" Night Reveler cackled sinisterly. "Looks like we've got ourselves a real fight club back here, eh Charles?!"

"Hmm.. it seems we do." said Charles with a slight smile. "Fine then, let us begin.. Night Reveler.."

"5 BATTLEFIELDS COMING UP!!!" said Night Reveler rubbing his hands together. That Erza gal is busy with ol grampy pa over there, so these 5 should suffice!!! WHAMO WHAMO!!! CIRCUSS STADIUM!!!!"

Night Reveler slammed the ground with his gloved hand...

Immediately, strange distortions in space began to rip through the air.. and walls made of space itself began to come in between each opponent and ally, seperating them..

Accelerator and Jose Porla found themselves standing in a large stone hall with a throne in the back, a simulated recreatioin of the main room of Phantom Lord's guild..

"Geh.. what a load of rock and crap." Accelerator muttered. "I heard Phantom Lord was a dump from Gajeel, but I didn't think it was this crappy!"

"Oh.. you and I are going to have such a FUN time.." Jose growled sinisterly..

Kenpachi and Mard Geer found themselves standing atop a massive palace that sat on a ginormous cube shaped island that floated above what appeared to be Magnolia Town..

"Welcome to the Cube.." said Mard. "This is where Tartarus formerly had it's base, before it was destroyed by Fairy Tail...quite a battle it was... really quite the battle.."

"I don't care how it was.." said Kenpachi. "I wanna know... are ya strong?"

"Strong? Well.. I was one of Zeref's strongest demons.. SLASSHHH!!!!"

Mard's sentence was cut short by a jagged weather beaten blade slashing through his torso.. and splattering the stone floor with blood.

"That's all I needed to know.." said Kenpachi, looking positively happy with blood lust. "Me an Nozarashi can't wait..."

Natsu was left in a room with Night Reveler.. standing in what appeared to be a circus tent, full of clowns all laughing in the audience and honking horns and fake noses.

"Holy shiz this is weird!!" Natsu said, looking at the clowns. "Are they like your cousins or something!?"

"Very funny Natsu Dragneel!!" Night Reveler chuckled. "But.. I'm.. still.. Funnier."

Ichigo Kurosaki ended up standing on an island before Hades.. it was Tenrou Island, it's massive tree, towered through the sky at the center of the island..

"Ichigo Kurosaki." said Hades. "I've heard much of you, but I never have fought you before.. tell me.. Zangetsu is your Zanpakuto am I correct?"

"Well.. yeah.." said Ichigo. "Except.. one little detail.."

"Yes? And what might that be?"

"You said Zanpakuto." said Ichigo. "You didn't say Zanpakutos....there's more then one see.."

Ichigo drew the large moon shaped black blade from his back... with his right hand.. and with his left, he drew a smaller, long, yet short smaller blade from his side... 

"What!?" said Hades. "TWO Zangetsus!?"

"What can I say? It's been a crazy two months" said Ichigo.

Mikoto and Erza were left facing Charles.. who stood before them in a large circular ruined courtyard.. all around.. were ruined buildings that towered into the heavens.. and a dark bloodred sky obscured everything..

"This is Nebulosos.." Mikoto said with a sad recognition. "A simulation of it at least..near the neighborhood where I used to hang out with Coluber.."

"That Numensapien serpent you spoke of who was your friend in that life?" said Erza.

"Yeah.." said Mikoto. "That one... how would Night Reveler know what this looks like though?"

"He doesn't." said Charles. "I do.. I designed each battle field from Night Reveler's spell to give us all a home court advantage. You, and your memories of Fulguras, won't be able to fight properly with all these memories pressing down you... Mard Geer, fighting upon his precious Cube, will be able to perform his strongest Curse Spells.. and so on, and so forth."

"You might have miscalculated on that.." said Erza. "I'm here, and I have no memories of this place."

"Heheheheh.. you know so little of your own reincarnated past Erza Scarlet.. " said Charles. "You see.. Mikoto Misaka isn't the only Numensapien to have ever been reincarnated iinto a human!"

Mikoto felt her brain take a swan dive then a belly flop. "Y-You're just trying to throw us off!! Anyways, if you think you can take us both on at once Charles Stuart, you're going to pay for your pride!!"

With that, Erza and Mikoto charged Charles Stuart..


Markarov was floating in a bright light.. he could already tell that he had lost consciousness.. which meant his brats would have to fight on their own. But he had faith in them.. he knew they could do it..  especially given what he knew he had to tell Mikoto Misaka...

Suddenly, the light dyed down.. and Markarov found himself in a large flowery field overlooking a glorious landscape.. he was sitting in an outdoor chair next to a white round outdoor table with an unbrella stand... Sitting next to him.. pouring a pot of tea cheerfully was..

"Misuzu.. Amor.." Markarov smiled cheerfully at the woman and girl that sat next to him.. Mikoto's human mother and her Numensapien mother.."

"Hello Markarov!" said Misuzu cheefully as she took a sip of tea from the cup that Amor had poured for her..

"You wouldn't believe how hard it was to organize a 4 way dream conversation like this." said Amor with a chuckle. "I needed permission from Central 46 in Soul Society just to let Misuzu come down and communicate with us... and reaching a Dragon's telepathy stream when I'm lightyears away in space is quite difficult.."

As if on cue, the beautiful golden dragon Thundaarix glided out of the sky and and landed gently next to the group, snorting gently.

"Hello Thundy!" said Misuzu with a wink. "How are you?"

"I am well my old friend!" said Thundaarix, nuzzling Misuzu affectionately with her snout.

"My my.." said Markarov. "I didn't think I would get the chance to meet you all.. in one strange circumstance.."

"Well.. this is a parents only meeting.." said Amor. "And you definitely count as a parent.. and a very good one too.."

"Thank you.. Markarov.." said Misuzu. "For looking after my baby girl..both of them.."

Markarov chuckled. "It's only right.. both Mikoto and Little Lucy are a part of our family, though I have to wonder why Lucy isn't here... she makes a good godmother..."

"Actually.. we're here to talk to you, because of Mikoto in particular." said Thundaarix. "You are the one we can count on most for this.. because you are the one who can be there for her the most.."

"Hmmm.. am I really suited to that?" said Markarov. "I promise.. I will do all in my power to protect her as I do all my brats.. but she is growing up... and I am getting old.. most my life and youth has already left me.. In fact.. next month.. I intend to announce the 7th Guild Master..."

"True.." said Amor. "But we know that Mikoto is growing up.. and that she's becoming more and more a woman by the day... we are glad for her independence.. however.. there is a secret about her birth we never shared with anyone.. one that all of us have known... ever since she was born as a human.."

"A secret greater then the fact that she was the Lance of Gungnir?" Markarov asked. "At moment, nothing would surprise me.."

"Hmmm.." said Amor with a playful smile. "Actually.. it's regarding her father.. not Tabigake.. her Numensapien dead husband.."

"Mikoto told me from her memories as Fulguras, that she never knew him.. that he died fighting one on one with Diablo Etwatia." said Markarov.

Amor, Thundaarix, and Misuzu all looked at each other..

"Well.. from the moment Mikoto was first born.." said Misuzu. "Thundaarix here actually stayed with us for several weeks.. just to ensure she didn't have any diseases rot did you say?"

"Yes.. it's common in newborn Dragon Borns." said Thundaarix. "I wanted to be sure.. in any case.. as we were caring for her.. the both of us began to have the same repetetive visions of.. something rather strange.."

"We saw a man.. he wore a blue kimono with floral paterns, and carried two katanas with him." said Misuzu. "The both of us.. having the same visions.. Tabigake also had the same.."

"What these two didn't know back then." said Amor. "Is that they were seeing visions of my husband.. Ronin.."

Markarov sat up as straight as his short stature would allow as he accepted the tea cup from Amor. "That.. is something else..did he say anything?"

"No.." said Misuzu. "But.. we have been recently having the visions again.. even in Soul Society.. people still sleep! Can you imagine that?"

"This time.. he came to me in the vision as well.." said Amor in a shaky voice.. "W-well.. he... said.."

Markarov couldn't blame Amor for being so shakey.. according to Mikoto.. Numensapiens never remarried.. they took love really seriously...

"He said.." Amor continued. "Diablo's bane.. is our daughter.."

Markarove stroked his chin in a meditative thought.. "I see.. I will do what I can to keep an eye out for her safety, she can take care of herself.. but trouble just seems to stick itself more to her then it does with Natsu..."

"In... other news..." said Amor. "I heard.. from Twilight Prankster of course..he's got ways of knowing the situation anywhere...I mean, somehow he manages to play Dead Space 2 and League of Legends and upload them to Youtube even though we're on another planet..... he told me... that you and your Grandson.. Laxus.. agreed on something recently regarding the next master..."

Markarov smiled. "Well... you wish to know whom I have decided on.. I bet you all can guess.."

"I-isn't she a bit young?" said Misuzu. "A-are you sure?"

"Well.. it's not like she'll be guild master right away." said Markarov with a chuckle. " Hmm.. Guild Master Mikoto Misaka.. kind of rolls off the tongue a bit.. doesn't it..?"  

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