Jaune of the Lin Kuei: Second Khapter

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Beacon Academy: Ozpin's Office

In Ozpin's Office located in Beacon, he can be seen watching the News on his Desk as Lisa Lavender is reporting big News regarding that of the White Fang and the Vytal Festival.

Lisa: Hello, everyone. This is Lisa Lavender live with the Vale News Network with Breaking News. Authorities have discovered last night regarding an attack in the Docks, Police found the entire Warehouse to be destroyed, Ice flooding the entire ground, and numerous dead bodies, which have been confirmed to be White Fang.

The TV Screen now shows the Area has been cordoned off, with Vale Police securing the Warehouse along with cleaning up the bodies.

Lisa: But the biggest Story here, is the Kingdom of Mistral is taking credit with this attack, stating that with the help of the Lin Kuei, a Faction rumored to be growing around Remnant, with many Citizens believing them to be our Saviors or a Threat, were the ones responsible for eliminating the entirety of the White Fang Branch in Vale. We even have Footage of the Mistral Council speaking about this matter.

It now changes to that of the Entrance of the Mistral Council Chambers, where one of the Councilmen can be seen speaking in a Podium in front of the Press.

Mistral Councilman: I would like to inform the Vale Council along with that of their Police Force, in conjunction with the Mistral Defense Force, Mistral Police Department, and the Mistral Special Operations Unit, we have been tracking down Tyrian Callows, a known Serial Killer that escaped a Prisoner Transport a few months ago, along with that of the White Fang Mistral Branch, have led us to Vale. With the help of Adam Taurus and Ilia Amitola, who are known to be part of the White Fang, especially the infamous Adam Taurus to those in Atlas, are actually Operators, Agents for the MSOU, working as Double Agents for the White Fang to take down this Terrorist Organization from the ground up.

There were many murmurs from the Reporters, many of them asking questions regarding Adam, especially concerning the Innocent Lives he has killed when he was "Undercover".

Mistral Councilman: I know Adam's actions cannot be irreversible and I know the Families that had to endure to Adam's killing won't ever forgive him. But, it was necessity, sacrifices needed to be made in order for us to take down a greater Threat. The Kingdom of Mistral will compensate you for your losses....

Even with that, those Families won't take this statement too kindly, but there is nothing they can do, because this is the only way for Adam to stay off the radar from the Authorities, by revealing he is a "Double Agent" for Mistral.

Mistral Councilman: But I can say this, Adam along with the Lin Kuei, whom many of its Members are Faunus, are hard at work ridding the White Fang around Remnant. As of now, all Branches of the White Fang, including the recent Incident in Vale, have all been eliminated, with only Menagerie remaining. And, thanks to the Evidence Adam and his People have given us, especially with what happened to him in the Mines a long time ago. This will hopefully fix the issues when it comes to the abuse and racism of the Faunus Workers in the Mines, and to hopefully free them from the SDC's Custody, allowing us to take them in. And yes, they have a place in the many Companies in the Kingdom of Mistral.

This was met with many cheers from the Faunus in the Crowd, as numerous Reporters asked questions about this matter, knowing the SDC won't take too kindly of this, knowing Mistral's relationship with Jacques after they decided to make their own Company with a different Fuel Source, one better than what the SDC could offer.

Mistral Councilman: And lastly, I know all of you have heard about the arrest of Leonardo Lionheart, and I'm afraid it is true. Leonardo Lionheart has been arrested for conspiring against a Criminal Organization. We had three Double Agents posing as his Minions and have gathered Evidence of him sending numerous Huntsmen and Huntresses to their deaths, to be slaughtered by the Grimm. That is why Mistral's Huntsmen are dying by the minute, it was because of him.

The TV Screen now shows Footage of the Mistral Police Department or MPD, escorting Lionheart out in Cuffs and shoving him inside a Police Car with many of Haven's Students watching with worried looks, now wondering what the fate of the Academy will be.

Mistral Councilman: Now then, I would like to bring in Jaune Liang, the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei to have some words regarding the Incident in Vale.

The Councilman looks behind him and addresses Jaune.

Mistral Councilman: Grandmaster.

Camera Flashes erupt as the Reporters and the Crowd watching the Speech, whisper and murmur amongst themselves as they are face to face with the Leader of the Lin Kuei, Jaune Liang. He steps in the Podium and begins talking to the Press.

Jaune: Greetings to the People of Mistral. I will make this quick, but enough to give you your answers. First off, the Lin Kuei was the one responsible for Lionheart's arrest, I and my Partner discovered a plot in Haven where the Leader of this Criminal Organization wishes to rid of all the Huntsmen in Mistral. After all, it was made easy when the Military started taking over as the Defenders of Mistral, while the Huntsmen and Huntresses were being sidelined.

Many of the Citizens knew what Jaune meant, when the Kingdom of Mistral implemented the different Military Departments of Mistral, it led to the creation of the Defense Recruitment Bill, leading to the phasing out of Huntsmen and Huntresses, which was not taken kindly by said Group.

Jaune: And if you remember, Lionheart was one of the many People vocal about this new change, worried about the consequences. But in reality, made his job a lot harder of ridding the Huntsmen of Mistral, he lost control since he was the Former Headmaster of Haven, which allowed him to give out Missions to the Huntsmen. In short, the Lin Kuei saved your Lives. As a matter of fact, my Agents who were tasked of going undercover, were able to reveal that Lionheart sent them to Beacon to destroy Vale. The reason? To reveal themselves in the Vytal Festival, and they were close if it weren't for us. That is why our Investigation led us to Vale, and allowed us to work with the Mistralian Military, seeing as this plot, is much bigger than we thought. We couldn't inform the Vale Police Department nor the Vale Council of this matter, fearing they may have connections to this Organization, given the Police allowed their actions to happen in the Docks, and the fact, they are working with the White Fang.

There were murmurs among the Faunus, many questioning why the White Fang would want to work with Humans, when they know they will never do so.

Jaune: For the Report regarding the White Fang. All we can say is Tyrian Callows formerly led the Branch in Vale, turning it into a Cult. One that aimed for the extinction of Humanity, and it was a threat the Lin Kuei extinguished. But, even with our Heroic actions, there will always be consequences.

On cue, Jaune gestures the Councilman to speak about this matter, as he nods and heads over to the Podium.

Mistral Councilman: Despite our efforts of stopping a plot that would have destroyed Vale, along with eliminating the Vale Branch of the White Fang, we had done so without authorization from the Vale Council.........not like they'll even approve of it, they were angry they didn't take the credit.

He made sure to whisper the last part as Jaune glanced at the Councilman.

Mistral Councilman: That is why, effective immediately, all Citizens of Mistral are banned from entering Vale, those who are in Vale for the Vytal Festival are to leave the Kingdom at once by order of the Vale Council or be subjugated for prosecution. Also, the Kingdom of Mistral is not allowed to partake in the Vytal Festival indefinitely, and will no longer host it in the coming years. And all Citizens of Mistral, especially that of the Lin Kuei, are to be arrested on sight if entering the Kingdom of Vale.

The Councilman looks towards the Crowd to see their reactions, and surprisingly.....this was met with a few negative reactions, knowing Mistral at this point in time, due to the many advances and changes made to their Kingdom, is better off without Vale in the Picture. The only People not pleased with this, are the remaining Huntsmen and Huntresses, along with the Students of Mistral who are in Vale for the Vytal Festival. Seeing this, Jaune heads on over to the Podium to announce something big.

Jaune: Fret not, my fellow Haven Students. Because Lionheart is no longer the Headmaster of Haven, someone needs to take his place. That is why I and the Lin Kuei decided to take over Haven, and reformat it into an Institution belonging to that of the Clan, and it is here where you can learn our Ways, our Values, our Teachings, so you can fight to protect Mistral from Threats that plague it. Fight for the right cause and choose your own destiny. Fight with Honor and Integrity, show the World just what we are made off. Show the World what the Lin Kuei is capable of. Oh, and yes, this has already been approved by the Council, isn't that right Councilman?

He says, knowing the Reporters will ask him about this.

Mistral Councilman: Indeed, and that is one of our big announcements. The Lin Kuei and the Shirai Ryu, Clans that have helped Mistral for the past months, are now officially and LEGALLY, an Educational Institution, a Military Organization, and a Defense Force to the Kingdom of Mistral.

Jaune: I would like to address this to all of Mistral's Citizens, despite Mistral no longer participating in the Vytal Festival. It is not stopping us. This is merely an inconvenience to you all. But, for those among the Students of Haven who no longer wish to become Huntsmen, the Lin Kuei will accept you in our Ranks, no matter who you are, and where you came from. As long as you show your strength, your integrity, and your honor in our Institution, one that will guide you to greatness. Then you will have the honor of being Remnant's TRUE Protectors. We are the Lin Kuei, more stealthful than the Night, more deadly than the Dawn!

He says as Jaune takes his leave from the Podium, with the Councilman saying a few more words.

Mistral Councilman: That will be all for today.

This was met with numerous Camera flashes and Reporters asking a multitude of questions, as the TV Screen was shut off by Ozpin, who leans towards his Chair and drinks a Cup of Coffee, now processing this Information.

He didn't like what is happening right now. Jaune Arc, or Jaune Liang now, a Student that many in Beacon considered to be mediocre, with reasons being that even if he has Aura, he doesn't have a Semblance, and could not use his Weapon, a Sword known as Crocea Mors very well. But, the Staff, minus that of Goodwitch, pointed out that Jaune is an extremely good CQC Fighter, and an excellent Tactician. Quite frankly, Ozpin believes Jaune should have went to Atlas instead of Beacon, but he knows Jaune has no keen interest in serving Atlas as a Soldier, given Mistral has its own Military.

But the fact that his Clan, the Lin Kuei, a Clan he was able to build and grow into a powerful one in a matter of Months, used Powers that are not akin to Semblances, but that of Magic. Something in which, he has Qrow investigating, which sadly, only leads to failure.

And another fact is, not only did they kill Tyrian Callows and the White Fang. They also arrested Lionheart of charges in conspiring and plotting against the 4 Kingdoms, something in which, he never knew, but Jaune and his Clan did. Ozpin has a feeling this plot that Jaune spoke of, may involve Salem, and that this Criminal Organization is working for her. Again, he will have to find answers for this. Maybe find Jaune and his Clan, try to get those answers out of him. Question is, how?

Then there is the conflict regarding Vale and Mistral. To be honest with Ozpin, Vale would be fine or won't bat an eye if Atlas was the one to do it, the only reason why they are angry is because of Jaune. The Vale Council is flummoxed by the fact that someone who faked his way in Beacon, and is mediocre in Combat, is not only leading a powerful Clan, but is now part of Mistral as a LEGAL Organization and Institution, along with taking down a plot that would have destroyed Vale, than there was him eliminating the entirety of the White Fang Branch. Ozpin found their reasons to be petty and them having bruised egos, wanting to take credit for the annihilation of this Threat. But this isn't the first time a Kingdom had issues with Mistral.

After all, Mistral created their own Military in secret, foregoing the Vytal Peace Accord which put a strain between the relationship of Mistral and the 3 Kingdoms, especially that of Atlas. Ozpin fears one misstep with the Vale Council, and sadly, Beacon, will lead to drastic consequences in which the Vale Council won't give a damn about.

But Ozpin is more upset about the decline and steady decrease of Huntsmen and Huntresses, with Mistral almost being non-existent. This will be a problem for him as Ozpin cannot coarse any more Huntsmen to be part of his Shadow War, and he doubts the Mistral Military would join in on this War, nor will the Lin Kuei.

Ozpin can only sigh at this, knowing more problems will arise because of Jaune's actions. Unknown to him, an even bigger problem is coming, and it doesn't involve Salem.

Meanwhile with Team RWBY

Yang: Are you kidding me?! Not only is the Faker the Leader of some dumb Clan, but now he has an Academy?! This is complete bullshit!!

Right now, Team RWBY are in their Dorm Room watching the News, and weren't pleased with what was said. The obvious factor is Jaune being praised as a Hero, and that they are ignoring about him faking his way into Beacon, like it didn't even matter to them. They should have punished him or forced him out of his pathetic Clan and gave it to someone more fitting. It was made worse by the fact that Haven Academy now belongs to Jaune, and there is nothing they can do about it.

Weiss: There's nothing we can do, Yang. It's the Mistral Council's decision to give the Faker and his so called Group, recognition and a place in Mistral. They won't listen to a Student, especially if this will undermine their efforts of getting a potential ally, not like Arc has any potential to begin with.

Yang: Can't you like, use your Status as a Heiress to remove the Faker from Power?

Weiss: No, Yang. I can't. If I do, will lead to grave consequences in which, my Father won't like. And if it were a possibility, Mistral has no interest in dealing with the SDC after my Father tried persuading them into giving the kind of Fuel and Minerals, Mistral uses. Since they no longer make deals with the SDC. I tried asking Pyrrha, Ren, and Nora if they know what kind of Fuel their Kingdom used, but all they said is it's a well kept secret that the Public, except that of its Workers, don't know about.

Ruby: But Weiss, we need to do something!! Jaune killed People!! He should be in Jail for that!!

Blake: What's worse about it, Ruby. Is that Jaune lied.

The three of them looks towards the Bed to see Blake getting up, her body has Bandages wrapped around it, as they didn't want Goodwitch or any of the Staff to find out about their Mission, cause if they do, it will lead them to trouble. So they ultimately decided to let Blake rest, which was a difficult task, and bandaged her up, letting her Aura heal the injuries.

Blake: I know Adam and Ilia, they were never Double Agents of Mistral. What the Council and Jaune are saying is nothing but a lie, they're twisting the truth to benefit their own selfish desires. I don't believe that Adam is a Member of the Lin Kuei, he would never side with the Humans nor let one command him.

Ruby: So that means we need to tell the truth. Spread the word that they're nothing but Liars!! If so, we can put them down for good like the Criminals they are!!

Weiss: And how, pray tell, are we going to do that?

Blake: We head over to Mistral and confront Jaune. I heard many of the Beacon Students are also not happy about him being praised as a Hero and taking control of Haven. They said they're using their connections to get them a Bullhead for Mistral, if we want Jaune to be exposed, we'll have to join them.

Yang: Fine by me!! As long as I get to beat the Faker along with his Students and destroy his School to the ground like what I did with Junior's, count me in!!

Weiss doesn't like how Yang said that, destroying a Club is a different story compared to destroying a School of a different Kingdom.

Ruby: Wait, is Team PRN joining us?

Yang: We can convince them to join, the more the merrier.

Blake: Although, I heard from some Students that Cardin and his Team aren't joining this confrontation. Cardin said he met Jaune and regretted his actions of exposing his Transcripts, saying he wishes to join the Lin Kuei to make amends and to honor the death of his Little Sister. Cause he stated she will be disappointed at seeing what kind of a horrible Person he has become.

Yang: Oh well, sucks to be them. Who needs that kind of bullshit, making amends, honoring People, caring about others, sounds like a load of Adult nonsense. I myself, don't need that in my Life. Those Idiots are going to miss on a beatdown of a lifetime, and I can't wait to destroy everything the Faker has built. That will teach him to mess with us!!

Weiss: Just make sure not to go overboard.

Yang: Why? I don't care if I go overboard. Even if I burn the entire place down, it doesn't matter. Ozpin will get us out of this situation like he did with Blake in the Docks, and, the Incident the other day. So we're fine.

Weiss: I'm not so sure about that, Yang.

What she said was ignored as the three Members of Team RWBY get ready for their trip to Mistral to confront Jaune, not knowing just how bad their actions will bite them in the ass.

Mistral: Shirai Ryu Fire Garden

What used to be Haven Academy, has now turned into a School for the Lin Kuei and Shirai Ryu. Jaune and Cinder also discussed that since the Lin Kuei Temple serves as the Base of Operations of the Lin Kuei, their Base of Operations in Mistral, shall be headed by Cinder, which makes this Place belong to that of the Shirai Ryu. It was given the name, the Shirai Ryu Fire Garden, after the original Location of where the original Shirai Ryu hailed from. Its design is that of Temples, similar to that of the Lin Kuei Temple, but outfitted to match the Environment of Mistral, it has numerous Ponds, Lakes, and its most notable feature are the Gardens, the name stems from the Garden's Plant Life, which has an intense reddish-orange and fire-like color. Many of Mistral Citizens found the Academy to be tranquil, peaceful, and also catering to their Culture, embracing it.

In the Office of the Grandmaster, it

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