Jaune of the Lin Kuei: Second Khapter

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used to be the Office of the Headmaster of Haven, but has been changed, and Jaune redesigned the Office to fit the motif of the Shirai Ryu, with its Insignia carved in the middle of the Floor. There, in the Desk, we can see Jaune working tirelessly on getting everything set for the Initiates to be trained under the guidance of the Lin Kuei and Shirai Ryu's teachings, as he was met with Cinder entering his Office and walking over to his Desk. He gave out a tired sigh and spoke to her.

Jaune: Cinder, I want an update on our new Initiates.

Cinder: In a surprising turn of events, all of the Haven Students have joined up with the Lin Kuei and Shirai Ryu, the Upperclassmen surprised me, but after they learned of what their true purpose is going to be, seeing Lionheart is just going to send them to their deaths. They decided to join up with the Clan since in their minds, they'll die for a better cause and at least have honor in doing so.

Jaune: That's good to here, and with our Contacts in the Mistralian Underworld, we have the entirety of Mistral under control, if you don't count the Mistralian Military.

Cinder nods, stepping over to the Window as she gets a good view of the outside. Seeing the Training Fields and Courses where the Initiates are being taught by the Members of the Clan. All of them practicing different forms of CQC, along with parkouring and stealth based movements. She smiles, being proud to lead this Group of Individuals, knowing they will take the fight to Salem, sooner or later. But she turns to Jaune as Cinder remembers one detail of the Mistralian Military.

Cinder: Has your Uncle Jacob and Aunt Meredith know of your, our achievements in Vale?

Jaune: He has, and is proud of it. Can't say the same for my Father.

Cinder nods, knowing how strained the relationship is with Jaune and Johnathan, I mean, she also hates his guts for banishing her over an argument.

Cinder: Have they showed up here? Contacted you?

Jaune: Mostly my Sisters. As for my Parents, I believe Uncle Jacob is keeping them in line until the time is right. By that, I mean this.

He then shows off an Invitation, given to him by his Aunt Meredith.

Jaune: An Invitation to our Family Reunion. Look, I may not be an Arc in my eyes. But to those that cared or supported me, they are still Family, and I wish to show them how much I've grown.

Cinder: What happens if we encounter your Family? You know you've been gone for too long, and most importantly, you're with me. The Girl Banished from Clan Arc.

Jaune: Then we deal with it. Together. After all, we both made a promise to watch each other's backs for all of eternity, right?

Cinder: Always.

The two share a smile and stared at each other lovingly, but that moment was interrupted when the Doors of the Office opened in a rush.

???: Sorry to interrupt, Grandmasters. But we have urgent news.

Two Individuals entered the Office while also bowing in front of Jaune and Cinder. The first one is a Woman described to be wearing a purple Bodysuit that is outfitted with numerous Armor Pieces all over her body, which are Gold, with some pieces being that of a darker purple. She also dons a Skull-shaped Helmet with Horns present around it, along with a Mask. She is Militia Malachite. The other is also a Woman, who wears a green Bodysuit similar to that of Militia's, but has green and Gold Armor with Leather Straps placed around her waist. She dons a Hood along with a Metal Green Mask. She is Melanie Malachite.

(Left to Right: Militia and Melanie)

Jaune: What is it?

Militia: It's Beacon, Grandmaster. They barged in the Gates of the Fire Garden and are demanding to speak to you at once.

Melanie: They said if you don't come out this instance, they would destroy the entire Fire Garden. Sun and his Team along with Masters Emerald and Taurus are dealing with this matter as we speak. But you need to get down there, Grandmaster. This spews trouble.

Cinder: And who is leading this Group?

Melanie: Team RWBY and PRN, Grandmaster.

All three Woman can hear a sigh coming out of Jaune's mouth, but he knows this confrontation is inevitable.

Jaune: Militia, Melanie, contact the MPD and have them send all available SWAT Units to the Fire Garden. Depending on how many Students are here, they will surely listen to the Police. If not, they are nothing short of foolish.

He then makes his way to the Exit, with Cinder following him.

Cinder: You're really going to confront them?

Jaune: Yes, and show that their actions will lead to dire consequences. Let's hope Ozpin does the right action of punishing them. If not, then what you told me, was right all along,

The two quickly make their way to the outside of the Building, as Jaune will have a reunion he'll never forget.


Sun: Like I said, Blake. You, all of you, are not welcome here. This is a violation of the Law, and you will all be subjugated to immediate arrest if you don't disperse!!

In the Courtyard of the Shirai Ryu Fire Garden, the entirety of the 1st Year Beacon Student Body is present, all of them wearing their Huntsmen Gear, armed with Weapons and ready for a fight. The Lin Kuei and Shirai Ryu Ninjas have surrounded the Beacon Students, with the Initiates being forced to step back. And in the middle, we see Sun along with his Team, Team SSSN, talking to Teams RWBY and PRN.

Like with Sun, they wear their own Sets of Gear, all of them being part of the Shirai Ryu, with Neptune part of the Lin Kuei. Scarlet David dons a dark, Armored Uniform made from Steel and Leather. His hair has grown past shoulder length and keeps it tied like a ponytail. He also dons a red Headband, with red Robs wrapped around parts of his body. Then Neptune Vasilias, he dons purple and black Garbs, similar to that of the other Ninjas in the Clan, but incorporates a more regal theme in his overall appearance, mainly Gold around his Cloth and Armor. And finally, Sage Ayana; he wears similar Armor to that of Scarlet, but that of a different Design, donning red Robes around his Armor, and is armed with a Razor-Rimmed Hat.

(Left to Right: Scarlet, Neptune, Sage)

Yang: We're not leaving until we see the Faker's face!! And if you don't, we'll burn this place to the ground!!

This was met with many of the Beacon Students agreeing to what Yang said, as Scarlet shook his head in disappointment and spoke.

Scarlet: You don't realize that your actions will lead to your immediate arrest. The Shirai Ryu Fire Temple is an Academy belonging to that of Mistral, and if you destroy it, the Law will ensure you don't see the light of day.

Yang: The Law can't touch us! We have Weiss by our side and Ozpin will merely cover for us once this is all over.

Sun glances over to Neptune and he nods, Sun, looks around to see the Drones have already been set all over the Courtyard. They are filming everything as we speak, which makes this easier for them to gather Evidence.

Sun: But it doesn't give you the right to barge in here and demand us like you own the place. Let me remind you that this isn't Vale, it's Mistral, and you have no jurisdiction here.

???: Indeed.

Everyone looks towards the Entrance of the Main Temple Building and see Jaune along with Cinder, Emerald, and Adam, exiting out of it. Just the sight of Jaune made the Beacon Students clench their fists and grit their teeth in anger. They can't wait to make an example out of him, and they don't care if he's a Grandmaster, they're connections can get them out of this predicament.

Jaune: As Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei Temple and the Shirai Ryu Fire Temple. I advise you leave this place at once, if not, I will have the Authorities deal with you when they arrive. This action will not go unpunished, especially those that hail from Mistral.

Yang: We don't give a damn what Mistral will do!! We're from Vale, we can do whatever we want without consequence!!

This was met with numerous other Beacon Students cheering, knowing this statement to be true. Jaune sees their cheers and can only shake his head in disappointment.

Jaune: Undisciplined and dishonorable, as excepted for those who are under the heel of the Vale Council. And I ask why you are here to my Former Team. Mistral is your Home, and any action that will be done here, will no doubt cause you to be unwelcome in your own Hime. After all, don't you want to kill the Nuckelavee and avenge your Parents, Ren? If you do, then leave. The same can be said for you, Nora. As for you, Pyrrha. I'm certain your Mother will be disappointed in you, knowing she is a Colonel in the Mistralian Rangers. She will not take your actions here lightly.

What he said made Team PRN look down in shame and regret. When they saw the News of Jaune being the Leader of the Lin Kuei, a powerful Clan that has been taking names all around Remnant, they were skeptical about it. But seeing him take down Tyrian Callows and the entirety of the White Fang Vale Branch, then being named a Military Organization along with given the rights to Haven Academy, turning it into a better Institution than what Lionheart could have ever done. They knew they were wrong. And knowing what Jaune said, their actions will force them to never be allowed to step foot in Mistral ever again. Not even Pyrrha's Reputation will save her as her Popularity is slowing decreasing because of the People's interests in joining the Mistralian Military and now, the Lin Kuei.

So, Team PRN did the smartest thing and dropped their Weapons, surrendering themselves to the Lin Kuei and Shirai Ryu, as its Members rushed over to them, restraining the three and bringing them out of the Fight. Their actions made Team RWBY furious.

Ruby: What are you doing?! Why are you siding with the Criminal?! He doesn't deserve to be a Leader!! He's a Killer!! A Murderer!! That is not something a Huntsmen does!!

Cinder and the rest of the Clan tried their best not to laugh at the absurdity on what Ruby has spoken. While Jaune can only sigh, seeing Ruby being not only naive, but also ignorant of what the World truly is. He hopes this kind of mindset won't stay, especially when she gets Older, or else she is nothing but a lost cause to this World, and will face a fate worse than death. The worst part about it is, the ones at fault are her Family.

Cinder: Child. Do you not realize what Huntsmen and Huntresses do? Do you really think they are not one to take a Life?

Ruby: They are not!! Huntsmen and Huntresses are Heroes, just like in the Stories my Mother told me!! They are nothing like you!!

Jaune: They are just Stories, Ruby. Stories. Huntsmen and Huntresses kill, you refuse to accept it and made yourself be ignorant of the truth.

Ruby: Lies!! What you say are lies!! The Jaune I know would never do something like this!! He would never kill anyone!!

Jaune: The Jaune you know in Beacon is not the same as the one in front of you. I would have taken a Life if it means saving the Life of another, my Family and many of those in Mistral know that to be the truth. No matter how much you avoid it, eventually, you will face the dilemma of taking a Life, either to save yourself, or those around you. It is something you will do for the rest of your Life, given your Profession. If you do not wish to do such an action, then I suggest looking for another Profession.

Yang: Hey, lay it off!! See, Ruby! I told you he was not good for you from the start!! He's ruining everything Mom taught us!!

Jaune: No, Xiao Long. You are the sole cause of Ruby's naiveness, you and your Family. Even if you try to hide the truth, the grim reality, Ruby will face it, and if she doesn't understand it, know just how vile and cruel the World really is. It will eat her up, and put her in a state of no return.

Yang's eyes turn red at that moment, and just as Yang was about to dash towards Jaune, the Lin Kuei and Shirai unsheathe their Katanas, with some readying their Bow and Rifles, all of them aiming at Yang.

Jaune: I advise you don't attack me, Xiao Long. Doing so will give me a reason to apprehend you.

Blake: Answer me this, why did you lie about the Attack? I know Adam, and he is not the Double Agent, Mistral claims him to be.

He looks towards Adam as he gave him a nod, then turns to Cinder, who does the same gesture as well.

Jaune: Lie? We never lied. We merely twisted the words of the Story to benefit that of the Public. What you don't understand is the truth can go different ways. Either the People will accept it, or won't. They will only believe what they want to believe.

Ruby: But the People need to know the truth!! What you are doing is wrong!!

Jaune: And do you believe telling the truth will always go your way, Rose? There will be those that accept it, and those that don't.

Yang: Then I will just beat them up to make them accept the truth, Ruby will give them.

Jaune: That is nothing short of oppression. Which will lead more People to go against you. You truly have no sense of morals nor reality, Xiao Long. Only caring about punching everything in sight, no ounce of respect, care, or honor, just like your Mother.

Yang: Why you-

She was thankfully stopped by both Ruby and Weiss, as Blake was the next to speak.

Blake: Enough, Yang. But let me ask you this. I asked you the same question back in the Docks. Your Clan speaks of Honor, Duty, Redemption, and yet you mercilessly and brutally killed those Faunus back in the Docks!! Don't tell me all of your so called Values are nothing but lies?!

Jaune: They are not. We killed them because they are a threat and will do more harm than good, moreso by the fact, Tyrian Callows turned them into nothing short of a Cult. You saw it yourself. They needed to be extinguished. Those who were forced to join the White Fang have already been saved by Adam and Ilia, the ones you saw in the Docks are Extremists.

Blake: They are not Extremists!! They are misguided, their hate for Humanity is making them blind!! They don't know what they're doing.

Jaune: Actually, they do, they bask in the chaos. It's like saying you're innocent because you left the White Fang, like all your Crimes were erased just because you are now a Student of Beacon.

Ruby: You're wrong about Blake!! She's not like them!! She left the White Fang for a reason!! She's changed, unlike you!

Jaune: Just because she left, doesn't mean she is exempted for her actions. In the end, she was still part of the White Fang and took part in their Activities, illegal ones at that. Which makes her in the same predicament as me, her being in Beacon doesn't change it. And not only that, I would like to tell all of you that your actions won't be acceptable in Mistral. I don't care if you have connections to the Vale Council, this won't be left untouched. The People will want Blood, and they will get it unless you make the right choice. Which is simply to leave. It's that simple.

At this point, Yang is getting annoyed with all the talking, especially Jaune's monologuing.

Yang: Again with this bullshit!! You're trying to make yourself look so wise just because you are some kind of Grandmaster!! I mean, what makes you so special anyway?! To us, you're nothing more than a Fraud who cheated his way into Beacon!! What do People even see in you?!

Jaune: I am not special, nor do I consider myself a God among Men, a Savior, a Messiah. I am just a Warrior who's doing his Duty to protect Remnant from the Forces of Evil. As for you, Xiao Long. You are nothing more than a Prisoner of your own twisted delusions.

That was it, Yang's eyes turned red and readies Ember Celica, she fires out Fire Dust from her Gauntlets, all of them hitting the Gardens and Temples, causing it to burst into Flames as Yang charges at Jaune. He knew this would happen and waited for Yang to get close, and once she's in range, allowed her to punch him in the face numerous times. When he had enough, Jaune grabs Yang, then kicks her in the knee, breaking it, as Yang grunts in pain. Jaune then teleports away, leaving behind an Afterimage to restrain Yang, before coming back to kick the still standing Yang to the other side. He then looks over to Cinder and the rest of his Clan.

Jaune: Let them make the first shot. After that, it's fair game.

They nod as the Beacon Students begin their attack, the Lin Kuei and Shirai Ryu allowed the Students to take the first hit, before going for the defense, numerous Ninjas of both Clans unleash punches and kicks that bring the Beacon Students down to the ground as many of the Students started destroying the Fire Garden, along with attacking the Initiates, actually going for the kill. But was met with Emerald teleporting in a burst of Ice, she kicks a Student in the chest, sending him flying, before grabbing on to a Student's Weapon, lifting it upwards and punching him in the gut, then elbows him in the same place. She loops back around and kicks a Weapon off a Student's hand, followed by suckerpunching him in the face.

The rest of Jaune's Friends engages the Beacon Students as Blake sneaks around, waiting for the right moment to attack Jaune, but was met with Adam using his Telekinesis to send her crashing to one of the Stone Walls in the Garden.

Adam: For someone who wants to go into hiding and not have her so called "cover" be blown. You're doing a poor job at it.

Blake: Shut up!! I won't stop till the White Fang that Jaune killed will get Justice!!

She gets up, and was suddenly lifted up in the air by Adam's Telekinesis, Adam turns around and delivers a downwards slash, the Telekinesis throwing Blake towards the other side as she crashes to the ground.

Adam: Justice? Do you claim those among the White Fang, like me, who murdered Human, even Faunus, along with destroying their Homes, removing the Traits of the Faunus for siding with the Humans, deserve Justice? You must be deluding yourself to your ideals.

Blake fires off a Grappling Hook from Gambol Shroud, but was immediately cut off by the Blade of Sento. Adam sends out his Ancestor's Spirit behind Blake, kicking her in the back to allow Adam to deliver a spinning jump kick, hitting Blake in the face and sending her to the ground.

Adam: You call the Clan merciless Killers for not sparing the White Fang, but you fail to realize what they are doing right now.

Just as Adam takes a step, he was met with a few Beacon Students that tried to attack him, Adam dodges a swing from a Student before delivering a right hook to his face, knocking him out. He then blocks an

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