Adam: Look around you, Blake. Jaune and his People are giving those in the White Fang a second chance to redeem themselves, to fight for a better cause than what they were doing now. We will only strike those that are irredeemable, those that cannot be reasoned with. If not, then they will be a danger to those around them. And you, Blake, do not see the error of your ways, deluding yourself just because you grew up with the White Fang. Times have changed, and it's time you accept it. If not, then you will be left behind to die.
Blake clenches the Handle of Gambol Shroud and dashes towards Adam. Adam went to parry her attack, but was met with her Shadow Semblance. Blake immediately attacks Adam from behind, only for him to block the attack with Sento. Adam swiftly kicks Blake in the chest, sending her in the air as Sento flies over to Blake, executing a spinning slash attack towards the non-vital parts in her body, Blood bursting out as Blake falls to the ground and was met with Adam punching her in the face, causing Blake to crash in the ground, hard.
Adam: You truly don't know what's going on because you refuse to see it. Everything you want to know is right in front of you. Again, you delude yourself into thinking it's not real. The White Fang doesn't revolve around you, and it never has.
Back in the Battle on the Courtyard, we see Neptune delivering swinging kicks filled with Water, sending many Students flying to the air and crashing on the ground. Neptune follows this up by sending out an Orb of Water that hits another Group of Students, causing them to fall into the Lake, allowing Neptune to restrain them by keeping them in the Lake, even going as far as nearly drowning them. A Beacon Student was met with numerous kicks to the face as Scarlet is up in the air, delivering said kicks. It sent the Beacon Student to the ground as more of them sprint towards Scarlet, but was with met with Sage appearing, unfortunately he can't use his Razor-Rimmed Hat, since it will kill the Students. Even so, Sage can still fight.
Sage delivers multiple fast paced punches and kicks towards the Beacon Students, a blue blur present after every strike, the strikes were powerful enough that it staggers the Students, or knocks them out completely. A Student was then met with a punch to the face, followed by a karate chop to the neck and a knee to face, being taken out, then Sage finishes off another by blocking their attack using his arm, then executes multiple punches to the face before sending them flying from a kick to the chest. As for Scarlet, he unleashes a flurry of punches at a Group of Students, knocking them out with a couple of hits along with a few kicks. Scarlet then equips his Nunchucks, doing a couple of tricks before smashing them at the Student's faces, knocking them out cold.
More Beacon Students were sent to the ground as the Malachite Sisters are easily dealing with them. Militia uses her Steel Fans to block the attacks of the Students, before delivering numerous kicks to their face, knocking them out cold. Like with the rest, she can't kill them using her Fans, but can injure them. She readies her Steel Fans and parries the attack of the Students, Militai then slashes at the sides of their bodies, staggering them as they grabbed on to the wound, allowing Militia to kick them in the face with swinging attacks. As for Melanie, armed with a Staff, she's in the Stairway engaging a small Group of Students. Melanie swings her Staff, taking two out by hitting them in the head, she went for a third, but the Student blocks her attack. Melanie responds by kicking him in the face. She quickly dodges a slash attack from one of them, then retaliates back by hitting the Staff on his legs, then the Penis, using the Staff to push him out of the way. Following it up with an uppercut and smashing the Staff on a Student's chest. More kept coming as Melanie continues to deliver more swings at them.
Then we have Jaune and Cinder dealing with a Group of Beacon Students, Jaune throws a Student to the ground, and immediately grabs on to a leg of one that tried to attack him. He kicks him away as Jaune uses his Bracers to block the attacks of another Student, then punches him numerous times in the chest before sending him off with a kick. As for Cinder, she also threw a Student to the ground and punches him in the face, hard. Then another Student went to attack her, but she blocks their attacks before unleashing multiple punches, getting them in an arm lock before elbowing him in the face. Jaune finishes off one more Student before a second attacks him, he blocks his attack then kicks him in the neck, bringing him down to the ground as he punches him in the head. Another makes an attack but was met with Jaune freezing his legs and Cinder punching him in the back of the head, knocking him out. She grabs the Student's Mace and uses it to smack a couple of Students, taking them out.
Jaune: The one thing I never liked in the Academies is their overreliance on Aura, Semblances, and their Weapons. Take that away and they are nothing. Pathetic, Ozpin. This isn't what's needed for the Protectors of Remnant.
Cinder: Nor fragile egos.
The two look over to see only Ruby and Weiss are left among Team RWBY, they can be seen struggling against the Lin Kuei and Shirai Ryu.
Jaune: I'll deal with them.
As Ruby and Weiss fall back, the two were met with Jaune appearing through a burst of Ice. Not giving them a chance to attack, Jaune fires off an Ice Beam that freezes Ruby's legs in place. He went to attack Weiss as Jaune punches her in the face then knees her in the side of the stomach. She went for the attack, but Jaune headbutts her in the face. Weiss quickly using her Glyphs to zoom out of there as Jaune rolls to the ground to avoid it, countering her by firing off a Beam of Ice that freezes Myrtenaster.
Jaune: It was foolish of you to come here, Weiss. Once word of this goes out to the Public, Mistral won't accept this, and I know your Father won't. He already has a bad reputation after he tried to buy out the RDA with force, and in turn, was forbidden from entering Mistral forever. But with you doing this, it's going to cement it even further.
Weiss can only look down, knowing what Jaune said to be true. And she knows her Father will be furious once this gets to the Public. But before she says anything else, Sun appears, executing a jump spinning kick, hitting Weiss in the face. He did not stop there as Sun executed multiple spinning kicks, all of them striking Weiss, then finishes her off by doing a front-flip kick, hitting Weiss on top of the head and sending her to the ground.
Jaune: Excellent work, Sun.
He walks over to Sun but before he could respond back to Jaune.....
A shot rang out as the two turn to see Ruby was able to break through the Ice, using Crescent Rose to free herself. Jaune thought she wouldn't do that in fear she will blow her legs off, but it appears it worked.
Sun: I'm surprised she used that strategy.
Jaune: Indeed.
He now walks over to Ruby and has Crescent Rose pointed at him. Without any hesitation, she fires, only for Jaune to turn into Ice and explode, shocking Ruby. But was met with Jaune appearing from behind and kicking Ruby, sending her to the ground. Jaune wasted no time and fired a Beam of Ice at Crescent Rose, freezing it to not allow Ruby to use it.
Ruby: Why? Why are you doing this?
Jaune: What I'm doing is for the benefit of Remnant. The World isn't Black and White as how you perceive it to be. It is cruel, and not a Fairy Tail. It does not work like that, and never will. What you are told are nothing but Fantasies instill upon you by your Family to keep you safe, to keep you naive and ignorant of this World. Cause to them, you are not Ruby Rose, but Summer Rose, and always will be. I want you to remember that. You are nothing but a Replacement for your Mother.
Ruby took in the words that Jaune told her, and looks up in shock to see Jaune in front of her, the Cryomancer unleashing two punches towards Ruby's chest, following it up with a hit to the side of her stomach, and lastly, her face, knocking her out.
Yang: Ruby!!
He looks to see Yang charging at him, her eyes red. Yang jumped to the air and delivers a punch, which Jaune dodges. He continues to dodge more of her punches before Jaune delivers his own set of them, and finishes his combo with a spinning kick, now throwing his Kunai that is connected to a Chain towards Yang, hitting her in the chest as Jaune throws her to one of the Smelting Stations in the Temple.
Jaune teleports in a burst of Flames in front of Yang, letting out a kick towards the side of her stomach, followed by a left hook, and more punches, with Yang blocking them. He was able to get an opening and sock her right in the cheek, Jaune went for another punch while grabbing on to her arm, then delivering a much heavier punch, followed by more. Yang was saved when a Beacon Student showed up and kicked Jaune in the back, forcing his attention on him as Jaune fires off a Beam of Ice, freezing the Student. Yang took this chance and elbows Jaune in the face, then kicks him in the knee, as she grabs him by the neck and tries pulling him towards the large Pot of Molten Liquid,
There was a struggle at first as Jaune tested his might, and won. He moves his head backwards, headbutting Yang in the face. Then looks towards her and punches Yang in the nose before elbowing her. He grabs on to Yang's face and did something unexpected.
He slams Yang's face on the Molten Liquid, Yang struggling as Jaune plunges her face even further in the Pot. Jaune lets go of her and steps back, as Yang stands upright, now screaming in intense pain and holding her face, Blood dripping out of it. She now falls to her knees and continues screaming in pain, as Yang shows herself, revealing that her mouth, cheeks, and nose have all been burned, its appearance looking all mutilated as you can see her Teeth, the red Muscles, and the Bones around it. Even a part of her Hair has been burned off, leaving it shorter now.
Mistral SWAT: Mistral Police Department!! Hands up in the air or we will open fire!!
But before anything could continue, screams were let out as the MPD has arrived. Police Cars and SWAT Vans came rolling in as Police Officers and SWAT rushed out of those Vehicles, aiming their Rifles and Pistols at the Beacon Students. All of them shouting out the same commands, "Drop your Weapons and put your hands in the air!". But knowing the Beacon Students, they have connections with the Vale Council, deluding themselves into thinking they can get out of this situation despite attacking the Authorities, and that's what they did.
The Beacon Students charge at the Police with the intent of injuring them or worse, killing them. Seeing their commands are not being obeyed, along with the fact that the Beacon Students are firing their Dust Weapons. The Police had no choice but to fire their Weapons, the Bullets piercing through their Aura, as Mistral opted never to use Dust again and went for a more lethal means, now using Gunpowder. The rain of Bullets take out all of the Beacon Students charging at the Police, their Blood spilling out everywhere as they fall to the ground, either severely injured or dead.
Mistral SWAT: We won't ask again!! Drop your Weapons and get down on your knees!! Now!!
More of the Police Officers continue to shout out towards the Students, with a few smart ones dropping their Weapons on the ground and surrendering, giving the chance for the Police to arrest them. Signifying the Battle is over.
Firefighters and Paramedics have now arrived in the Fire Temple. The Medics can be seen tending to the injured or wounded Beacon Students, while the Lin Kuei and Shirai Ryu faced minor injuries, they are being attended by their own Medics. As for the Firefighters, they are putting out the fires caused by the Beacon Students. Jaune now walks over to Cinder who is seen talking with Adam as they look towards Jaune, he just finished talking to the Police and will give out what was said to the two.
Cinder: So, what is Mistral planning to do with this attack?
Jaune: I gave the Evidence to the Police, all of the Footage we got from the Drones and testimonies from every single Member of the Clans will be substantial in prosecuting the Students. They told me this won't go unpunished. This attack will reach the Mistral Council in a matter of hours, and best chance, this will be released to the Public. We all know the People of Mistral won't accept this.
Adam: No doubt, but we know the Vale Council and Ozpin will try to salvage this. Save their Reputation, or in Ozpin's case, his Recruits.
Jaune: Indeed, I will give you more updates as the days go by. We're still working with this. In the meantime, I will speak to my Former Team before we head back to cleaning up this mess.
Cinder and Adam nod, as Jaune walks over to Team PRN, who are speaking to the Police about their own testimonies to hopefully pile up the Charges that will be given to the Beacon Students. Once the Cop was done, Team PRN sees Jaune walking up to them. He didn't let them speak and said what needed to be said.
Jaune: I would like to say you three made the right choice of not joining this fight. You saved yourself a lot of trouble. But word of advise, don't go back to Beacon anymore. Not after what's happened here, and if you need a place to go, my Doors are open. But let me tell you this, cause I won't repeat myself, I will never forgive you for your actions. You've broken my trust, and trust is a two way street. It will take time for wounds to heal, but what you did, what I did, will not be forgotten. So I suggest we move on from it, and start over when the time's right.
The three nod to what Jaune, they aren't happy that Jaune will never forgive them for their actions. But they're happy that he doesn't hate them nor resent them. He then walks over to Pyrrha and places his hand on her shoulders.
Jaune: And I'm sorry, Pyrrha. You will never get an ounce of friendship with me nor love. As I already have someone in mind, someone who was there for me in the beginning. So don't try anything foolish, it won't end well.
He says as Jaune gestures over to Cinder, giving Pyrrha an idea on who he's talking about, all she can do was sadly nod at this.
Pyrrha: Of-of course, Jaune.......we-we understand. We'll head over to my Parents House in the meantime and think about your offer.
Ren: Indeed, seeing what's going to happen in Beacon. I believe it's best we leave. Staying in Beacon will only bring us trouble, this, for example.
Jaune nods, as Ren bows in front of him, which was followed by Pyrrha and Nora. They took their leave, as Jaune sighs at this, not only did he have to deal with the idiotic Beacon Students, but later, he will have to endure the reunion of his Family, and he knows it won't be pleasant. He shook off the thought and heads back inside, Jaune has a lot of work to do to fix up the Temple.
Argus: Arc Family Compound
It's now Night as we are brought to the Arc Family Compound, a large Set of Homes belonging to that of Clan Arc, and it is located in Ansel, a Settlement located in the City of Domremy in Mistral. In the Main Compound, which serves as a Mansion, there is a big celebration going on as Clan Arc is having a reunion, with many of its Family Members meeting after so long, along with introducing them to their Companions.
Many of them conversing with one another as they are met with the Doors of the Main Entrance opening. Everyone there turns to it and were met with a surprise. Standing in the Front Entrance is none other than Jaune, who is joined by his Clan, preferably Cinder, Mercury, Emerald, Neo, Roman, Adam, Hazel, and another Member of the Clan.
As they enter the Halls of the Mansion, Jaune looks around to see the place is packed. He isn't surprised to see all of his Family present along with that of their Friends, which is a lot considering most of the Arcs, preferably those of his Grandparents and their Cousins, were one of the many Individuals that forego the Treaty in the 4 Kingdoms and created their own Military. With Clan Arc along with other prominent Clans in Mistral funding it, it led to the creation of multiple Divisions, such as the Mistral Defense Force, Mistral Police Department, the Mistral Special Operations Unit, Mistral Rangers Division, Mistral Air Force, and the Mistral Navy Defense Core. So in short, Jaune has come across a lot of Military Officials and Friends in his time here before he left.
???: Mr. Arc.
The Group stops in their advance, with Jaune not looking forward to this meeting. They all turn to the voice and were met with Ozpin and his Inner Circle.
Jaune: Ozpin, I didn't expect to see you here. But I prefer you call me Jaune Liang now. Even if I don't use my Family Name anymore, there are still People here that care for me.
Ozpin: I understand. Can we-
Jaune: If we wish to speak. Let us take it outside, away from prying eyes.
Ozpin looks at Jaune before nodding, as Jaune escorts him and his Group to the Balcony of the Mansion leading to the Gardens. As they made their way there, Ozpin couldn't help but stare at Hazel, knowing what happened with him regarding his Sister. He remembered Hazel hated him for what he did, so Ozpin wonders why he joined Jaune's Clan.
Jaune: So, what is it you wish to speak about? But I wish to ask you this. What are you doing here? You know you are not welcomed here.
Cinder: Indeed, I take it you heard of the aftermath of your Students' attack on our Academy?
Ironwood: Yes, we did.
Jaune: Multiple accounts of Aggravated Assault, Arson, Assault/Battery, Attempted Murder, Conspiracy aka against Mistral, Destruction of Property, Disorderly Conduct, Disturbing the Peace, Harassment, Hate Crimes, Trespassing, Vandalism, Terrorism, Coercion, Assaulting a Minor; which are some Children we brought to the Temple, and Public Endangerment. The list goes on Ozpin.
Neo: And let us not forget Obstruction of Justice. Which goes to the Families of the Students who are using their connections to the Vale Council to only give them a slap to the wrist, but free them of all Charges by bribing or dismantling the Evidence we gave them. The same can be said for what you are doing to Team RWBY, Ozpin.
She says as Neo opens her Faceplate, revealing herself which shocks Ironwood.
Ironwood: Wait, you're-
Neo: Yes, it's me. Trivia Vanilla, General. And I take it you're surprised of my Exosuit? I know this is something you're going to have your Bootlicker of a Specialist copy, just like what you did with the AKs I designed!! But, I would like to thank you, Ironwood. Because of Atlas screwing me over, kicking me out, it allowed me to meet Jaune. And there, allowed me to create all the Projects that I wish to create, Projects that are far superior than anything your Scientists can ever make. Not only that, I have someone on my side that actually helped me with this, and he's here right now.
On cue, Ozpin's Inner
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