Service 14

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The cultural fest was piling with students from different schools. It was indeed a colourful atmosphere which welcomed people into its warm embrace. People roam in groups or alone. The lights made the evening even more magical as the lights cast by the stalls and lantern made it seem like a fairytale.

Among this crowd of people walked the Nekoma Volleyball Team accompanied by the Fukurodani Ace and Setter. The Fukurodani Ace and Setter had bumped into the Nekoma players and after that they decided to head put together. Indeed it was a good decision because apparently they were also headed to the same destination.

The main attraction of the cultural fest. The concert organised by the Nekoma Music Club. Rumours had already spread that an individual outside of the school would be performing. Now, the Volleyball players knew which individual they were talking about and so currently they headed towards the backstage to meet the so called outsider.

However only Kenma, Kuroo, Bokuto and Akaashi went backstage as the rest had been left to get good seats upfront.

The students behind the scenes didn't stop them as almost everyone knew the Second and Third Years. Every now and then if someone passed by them, the both groups would say simple greetings before they would keep looking for the reason they came there. And the reason for their prescence was found when one of the students pointed out the dressing and makeup room where the person would be.

Akaashi knocked the door and waited with the other three for the door to open. A Nekoma student opened the door and smiled at them. She looked back into the room and asked if she should call the students in. A female voice said a soft yes and the student gestured he four in before she left the room.

"You guys are finally here. Where are the others?" A voice called out. Kuroo was about to call the female when she came put from behind the rack of clothes. Her outfit, makeup and hair done.

The four males felt themselves lose their breathes as Y/N stood in front of them. She looked beautiful. She always looked beautiful but right at that moment she just took their breathes away.

"What do you guys think?" She asked nervously gesturing to herself.

"" Kuroo stammered.

"You...I mean..." Bokuto stuttered.

"...." Kenma and Akaashi kept quiet as they just took in her presence.

"Its that bad huh?" She sighed.

"You look really pretty."

Her green eyes snapped up as she looked at the black haired male who would usually stay quiet and calm. She didn't expect him to say anything so to say that she wasn't surprised would be a lie. A soft blush came over her cheeks as she smiled.

"Thanks Akaashi."

"Akaashi spoke? THE Akaashi complimented a girl?' Bokuto said shocked.

"I know right." Kuroo eyed the blue eyed Setter.

"I mean Akaashi-San isn't wrong. She really does look pretty." Kenma said as he looked at Y/N. He remembered how the girl had told him last night about how nervous she was about today's festival. Back then he told her that she would no doubt do good. And know looking at her now, Kenma knew that his words were coming true.

"Chibi-chan, really are amazing. To look even more beautiful than normal." Kuroo teased as Y/N rolled her eyes at his comment.

"Rooster-chan don't annoy me. I'm already nervous. I messed up my lines during practice. I don't know what I'm going to do." She sighed as Y/N sat down on the couch and looked at her fingers. Kuroo and the others exchanged looks.

They hadn't seen the girl so nervous before. Infact they had never seen her so down and nervous before, so they were concerned if they were honest. They bad always seen her as they confident and clever girl but seeing her now they realised that she also had her moments of being down.

Y/N looked at the kneeled figure in front of her. His molten gold eyes looked into her green ones as he held her hands in his. Kenma stood beside Kuroo and placed a hand on her head.

"Don't be nervous we know that just like Volleyball you will do good today as well. We know that there must be a reason that you were chosen as delegate. No simple person would be chosen. You were chosen because your school saw the capability in you to be amazing. And plus you have us cheering you till the end." Kuroo smiled. Y/N looked at the Third Year in respect she nodded and smiled. Her eyes moved to Kenma who was standing in front of her. He patted her head softly.

"And plus, we are here so don't be nervous. Just be who you are and that's enough." Kenma said as he removed his hand and Y/N nodded and grinned murmuring a yes.

"Us too! Me and Akaashi will also be cheering you on so Y/N-chan cheer up!" Bokuto said loudly causing her to chuckle.

"Bokuto-San please calm down." Akaashi told his senior.

"Thanks Bokuto. That means a lot." She smiled.

"No worries Y/N. We just hope that you will do your best and outshine everyone." Akaashi said softly and smiled for a second before it went away. Y/N widened her eyes and covered her face.

"What's wrong Chibi-Chan?" Kuroo asked confused. Y/N mumbled something which was inaudible. Kuroo looked at Kenma in question but Kenma shrugged not understanding what happened.

"What's wrong Y/N-chan! Are you again feeling nervous!?" Bokuto shouted.

"Seriously," Y/N started. She looked at Akaashi and sighed.

"Akaashi-san please don't smile like that. It's bad for my heart. I might fall for you."

At her statement Kuroo, Kenma, Akaashi and Bokuto widend their eyes. That was the last thing they expected to hear from her.

"What is wrong with your head?!" Kuroo and Bokuto laughed.

Kenma sighed at the bold statement of the female. Poor Akaashi was a deep shade of red as he blushed. Akaashi never expected her to be bold and something like that. He looked away and could hear Kenma telling her that she couldn't just go around saying stuff like while Kuroo and Bokuto were laughing like crazy.

"Y/N you can't just go around saying stuff like that."

"Bur Kenma, I just said the truth. Plus it's no lie that Akaashi's smile really could make anyone's heart go doki doki. My heart started beating really fast." She said chuckling. This made the laughing stop as the three males looked at her in shock. Poor Akaashi became even more red if possible.

"Chibi-Chan you seriously aren't kidding?" Kuroo sweated.

"Y/N-chan your heart really beat faster?" Bokuto asked stiffly.

"You seriously are strange." Kenma sighed.

"I'm not." She deadpanned as Kuroo and Bokuto became stiff and turned to stone. Before anyone could say anything a knock came, calling the girl for the start.

"That's my cue. I got to go. You" She trailed off.

"Yes we'll be watching." Kuroo smiled and Kenma patted her head. Bokuto grinned as Akaashi nodded.

"And cheering you on too!" Bokuto yelled.

"So do your best." They said as Y/N nodded and they went their own ways.


When the four had arrived near the seats they saw that the two volleyball teams had somehow gathered together and were sitting at the very front together. Now they were only waiting for it to start.

Suddenly the lights went off as the place turned dark. Murmers were heard through the darkness as a male voce rang through the speakers.


Y/N was getting mic fixed as everyone was rushing around and the makeup and hairstylist was fixing her up. She watched slightly through the space behind curtains searching for the teams. A smile came over her ruby lips as the sight of them at the very front.

"We'll be watching and cheering you."

"I never doubted you guys." Y/N said softly. With her mic and everything else set up she got into position under the stage as she could hear the announcement from above her, from the speakers.


"Students, teachers, staff members. We welcome you to the Nekoma Cultural Program and Festival. We hope that you have been enjoying it so far. And as you may have heard this year we have called someone to perform for you guys. So give a high round of applause for Dazai Y/N from Miyagi!"

The music started as the lights flickered around the seats and stage. Nekoma and Fukurodani players who were sitting at the very front were looking for the female and were waiting for her. Just then a voice rings out as everything comes to a still.

The lights flickered on and off before they landed on one person. Long black with silver ends, dazzling green eyes, tinted red lip and mic in her hand, she stood.

Dazai Y/N.

Fallen Angel of Karasuno.

Siren Muse of the Music Club.

Nekoma widened their eyes as the girl sang with such emotions that they feel her emotions through the words. Her passion for singing. Her joy in it. They could feel it all.

Fukurodani never expected to be so enchanted by a voice. Never had the thought that someone's voice would bewitched them. Yet here they were. Feeling themselves being captivated by the melodious sound flowing from her tinted red lips.

Kenma smiled when his and her eyes met. It was if Y/N could listen to his words. Their eyes seemed to pass their comments of encouragement as she gave a smile to Kenma.

'Just be who you are and that's enough.'

Molten gold eyes meet green, as the captain smiled at their manager. Their words didn't need to be vocalised as Kuroo knew and believed that his words had reached her. And he was convinced when she gave a nod.

'We'll be cheering you on until the end.'

When Y/N met the gaze of the Fukurodani Ace she couldn't help the smile that came over her when she saw how excited he was. Bokuto gave a huge grin and waved his hands. Bokuto and Y/N smiled at each as their smiles conveyed their messages.

'We told you we would be cheering you!'

Y/N felt her gaze soften when her green eyes land on the dark eyed, Fukurodani Setter. He had always been stoic but at that moment among so people she could make out the light in his eyes. Akaashi was truly enjoying himself at this moment. He was truly happy. And Akaashi knew that his message reached her when she nodded and smiled.

'Do your best because we know that you will outshine everyone else.'

She felt herself smile widely when her eyes landed on Yaku and Lev. The half Russian was yelling and cheering alongside Yaku who was trying to calm him down. Dazzling green eyes met light ones as Y/N smiled at Lev.

'We knew you could do your best!'

Her eyes landed on Yaku who was grinning widely at her. The Libero was cheering her on along with everyone else from Nekoma and Fukurodani. And he knew that his words had reached her when she twirled slightly during her songs and smiled.

'Go ahead and show everyone your true abilities!'

Y/N felt herself go calm and could feel her emotions bursting through her words as she sang. At that moment she truly was happy.

At that moment she was herself.


"You were amazing Y/N-san!" Lev yelled as everyone met up behind the stage. After Y/N's amazing performance Nekoma players along with Bokuto and Akaashi had met up with her. Now they were all talking and offering words of praise.

"That was really soothing to hear." Kai chuckled.

"You really did outshine everyone." Kenma and Akaashi nodded.

"Chibi-Chan you really are amazing aren't you?" Kuroo chuckled.

"See we told you we'd be cheering you on!" Bokuto said loudly.

"Thank you everyone! Your cheering and encouragement ready means a lot to me!" Y/N smiled and everyone blushed slightly.

"So now what?" She asked them.

"Let's look around the fest and then meet up for the fireworks?" Yaku suggested.

"That's a good idea."

"Yeah, Yakkun really is reliable."

"Well then let's go!" Bokuto pulled the green eyed girl as he started to walk
The others followed after home with laughs or chuckles.

They went to different stalls and tried out different games, food and even won many things.

"Yamamoto don't glare at them like that!" Yaku yelled at the Mohawk haired as Kuroo and Y/N laughed.

"Eek! Yaku-san gomen!" Yamamoto said in panic.

Y/N participated in a shooting game and went against Bokuto. Eventually Kuroo joined in when the two teased him for being a coward. In the end Kuroo and Bokuto ended up making a mess and Y/N along with Yaku had to apologise to the stall owner.

Later on Bokuto and Akaashi left the group saying that they needed to group with the Fukurodani players. Mostly Akaashi who had to practically drag Bokuto away as he was desperately clinging onto the female.

It took Kuroo, Lev and Yaku to yank the Ace from her.

They left but not before Y/N and Akaashi exchanged emails and contacts with each other. When the girl had asked for Akaashi's number the setter was a bit surprised but gave it. Now the Nekoma team and her were roaming the gift shops.

"Hmm, these look okay I g– Lev what is that on you head?" Y/N asked chuckling.

"Ah I found it and now it isn't coming down." Lev said pointing at the cat sitting on his head.

"How do you even get a cat on your head?" Kai and Shibayama sweatdropped.

"You seriously are strange Lev." Yaku sighed.

They teased Lev about the cat until it jumped from his head and landed on the ground before running away. Poor Lev sulked a bit before Y/N dragged him to the food stalls. Kuroo yelled at them to not run.

"Takoyaki or momos?" Y/N asked herself as she looked at the options.

"Decided yet?" Yaku asked as she shrugged before ordering Takoyaki.

"How much is it?" Y/N looked into her wallet to pay but looking up someone had already paid. She playfully glared at the culprit.

"Wah! That's not fair!" Y/N whined.

"Next you can pay me back." Yaku ruffled her hair.

"I'll keep your word."

Everyone took their food and found an empty spot. They either sat on the benches or ground or leaned against wall as they gathered together.

Y/N looked at Kenma who wasn't eating anything and just playing videos games. She rolled her eyes and huffed before taking a Takoyaki and patting Kenma.

"Wha– Oomp!" Kenma widemd his eyes as Y/N shoved the Takoyaki in his mouth. She grabbed away his video game.

"Eat. No more games for now."

"Uh.....Y/N be a bit careful would you?" Kai said concerned for the setter.

"You can't just go around shoving food into people's mouths!" Yaku scolded her.

"Its okay." Kenma said swallowing the Takoyaki. Y/N chuckled and nodded at the two Third Years.

"Holy crap. She actually got Kenma to eat." Yamamoto said surprised.

"Ne, Chibi-Chan feed me too." Kuroo said as he looked up. He was sitting on the ground with Yaku, Lev, Kai, Shibayama and Yamamoto. The others were standing while only Kenma and Y/N was sitting on the bench.

"You have your own food." She deadpanned.

"Pfft!" Yamamoto snickered as Yaku held his laughter.

"Eh?" Kuroo sighed.

"But if I don't you'll be annoying so here." She extended her hand to Kuroo, holding the Takoyaki in her chopsticks as Kuroo had a surprised look.

"Seriously?" Kuroo asked slightly confused.

"My hand is hurting. Take it or leave it." She grumbled.

Kuroo took the Takoyaki in his mouth and averted his eyes while chewing. Yaku and Yamamoto teased the poor captain who had slightly red cheeks.

"Kuroo is blushing!"

"Y/N you really know how to deal with our captain!"

Laughter echoed as they made fun of each other and joked around. Y/N sat back and smiled at the Nekoma players who were laughing and smiling while teasing each other. A soft look came over her as the darkness of the evening cast a shadow over her. Kenma looked at the girl from the corner of his eyes and couldn't help but smile a small smile.

"Everyone, please note that the fireworks shall start in thirty minutes so we request you to get somewhere, where you can see them clearly." The announcers voice rang through the speakers situated through the grounds.

"Well that's our cue. Why don't we meet up at the hill on the back of the school? How about everyone goes on their one and then meet up there?" Kai suggested and everyone agreed.

Everyone took off on their own and the green eyed female was on her for a few minutes. She was currently at one of the gift shops getting some souvenirs for her team back home. Shuffling through the racks she smiled when she found little keychains which had fly written on them.


My dear Karasuno Boys, I hope that your wings soar high and that one day you don't have to watch others above you anymore. One day you will flying with your own wings. Higher than the stars and finally be able to see past the horizon.

Y/N remembers a quote from the Haikyu! Manga and Anime. When she had read and heard it, it touched her heart. A whisper left her lips barely audible to nobody else but her.

"Humans aren't born with wings so they find ways to fly."

She buys a bunch of the keychains and places them into her bag before going towards the different spots. She was near the games when she was cornered.

"Hey there."

"Huh?" She said in confusion and gripped her jacket looking at the men in front of her.

"Let's have a chat shall we?"


Kenma and Kuroo were walking around the place where they had different games. Kuroo figured that Kenma wouldn't take interest in any thing other games so that led them to their current spot.

"Kenma stop playing your video games." Kuroo says snatching the device from him and pocketing it.

"Kuroo you are annoying." Kenma sighed.

"Why you little–"

"I already told you I have friends waiting for me, so please move." A familiar voice rang out through the corner just as the two were about to pass it.

"C'mon girlie just stop acting tough."

"Please move away because I need to leave."

"Kenma that voice." Kuroo narrowed his eyes.

"Its no doubt Y/N." The two of them turned the corner and indeed there was Y/N there cornered by three guys.

"Like I said stop resisting." One of them grabbed her arm.

"I would suggest that you leave her." A low voice rang as Y/N and the guys looked to see Kuroo and Kenma standing there. Kuroo seemed annoyed and irritated as Kenma seemed irritated.

"Move along kids. We don't have any business with you." Another guy snickered.

"That's our manager you have there. I think it is our business." Kuroo smirked.

"Get lost." One of them threw a punch at Kuroo who dodged it and kicked the guy in the side.


"You little brat!" Another man ran to Kuroo as the Captain moved his head avoiding the punch. Kuroo pulled his fist back and punched the guy's jaw. He stumbled to the side as he held his jaw. Now the two of them were surrounding Kuroo as the

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