Service 15

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May 3rd
Tokyo Station

The station was bustling with people and the sound of machines. It was busy and everyone seemed to have an destination in mind as they walked towards their platforms or ticket counters.

And among this, the station people could not ignore the vibrant red jackets that read NEKOMA on them. They sat near one of the pillars all together with their bags near them as they talked.

Unlike the other times they hadn't brought everyone only the regulars and one or two substitutes. Right now they were waiting for their manager and Coach Naoi to get them their tickets.

"Alright everyone, here are your tickets and passes. Don't lose them. I bought them in a way so that you can use them in Miyagi and in Tokyo. Plus you can use them to go there and come back here." A feminine voice rang out as the players stopped their chattering.

"Y/N-chan!" Yamamoto yelled in joy.

"Here you go." She chirped giving the tickets and passes to everyone.


"Thanks Y/N."

"That's really helpful."

"Okay so we should be departing in a few minutes so I suggest that you all get ready to leave."

The girl was dressed in a long sleeved shirt, her grey leggings and sneakers. Her hair was up in a bun as usual and her backpack along with her small suitcase was placed near her. They were heading towards the platform when Yamamoto said something that made the team amused.

"Uooooh......! This is my first time on the Shinkansen!*" Yamamoto exclaimed.

"URK! ....Seriously?"

"Y-You've ridden it before!?" He said surprised.

"That's normal....."

"I have!"

"Of course."

"EHH." Yamamoto whined and slouched.

"Still I've never been to Miyagi before. I only know about Sendai* but I don't know where Karasuno is though."

"Oi. Settle down and walk calmly. We aren't at school anymore." Kuroo says as he walks ahead of them.

"Ah sorry. Sorry." The players sweatdropped.

Kenma who had been ahead of them walked beside Y/N who was carrying her bag and suitcase. Glancing at Kenma she smirked before looking ahead. His cat like eyes were in focus as they approached the platform.

'Looks like I don't need to worry about anything.'

She smiled and slightly bent down when Kuroo wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Looking up at the black haired male she rolled her eyes before pushing him away.


"I'd prefer if you didn't use my shoulders as a stand, rooster-chan." She deadpanned, walking through the doors of the train.

"But c'mon Chibi-Chan. I was just kidding." He said.

"Fine. Fine."

She stood by the doors as it closed. Everyone took their seats but she chose to stand. Kuroo frowned at this.

"You aren't gonna sit?"

"Ah, no. I'd prefer to stand." She waved her hand before leaning against the wall and putting on her earphones once she had secured her stuff, so that they wouldn't drift away.

It was quiet for a few moments before she felt a presence by her side. The figure was also leaning against the wall, the red NEKOMA jacket was barely unnoticeable.

"Kuroo. Why are you standing?" She chuckled.

"Because our precious Manager is standing as well." He said smirking as he looked down at her. She nudged his side before turning her attention to her phone.

"Flattery won't get you anywhere Kuroo."

"A guy can try."

"You are impossible, I swear."

"Only for you."

"Please stop with those flirtatious remarks. They are making my head hurt."

"Man, you really are difficult."

"Heh. I kno–" She was cut off by the buzzing of her cellphone. Talking off her earphones, she answered the call.


A smile came over her as Kuroo watched her eyes light up staring at her phone.

"Sorry I gotta tale this." She said before answering it.

"Sure, go ahead." Kuroo smiled.

"Hey Yū!"

Kuroo could see how happy she was talking to whoever's was on the other line.

"Yeah I am. I missed you and the boys so much."

Considering from her words it was probably one of the Karasuno Boys.

"I'm listening. Seriously? Shouyou did that? Let me guess, Daichi got mad. Of course I know, I mean Daichi is well, Daichi."

Kuroo wanted to be the only one who made her smile so widely like that. His eyes widened as he looked away.

What am I saying? I have no right to be saying such things!? I couldn't possibly.....

He looked at the green eyed girl talking on her phone before he looked away and covered his lower face

......I couldn't possibly be falling for her. Right?


"Finally I'm back!" Y/N smiled as her eyes drifted over the view of Miyagi.

"You seem awfully excited." Kuroo teased.

"Let me be at peace." She pouted causing the Nekoma players to blush

"Now, now. Don't tease the poor girl." Naoi said as he and Nekomata approached them.

"You are quite the lively bunch aren't you?" Nekomata laughed.

"Coach did you guys get your staying arrangements yet?" Y/N asked Naoi.

"Yeah we got the directions plus we rented a bus but it would be better if we hired someone who could take us to our destination."

"I practically know all places in Miyagi. Where are we gonna go?" She chirped. Naoi handed her the addresses.

"Oh, this place? I know it." She smiled reading the addresse.

"You do? That's great."

"Yeah one of my friends from the... Music Club.... lived near there." She smiled sadly. Naoi took note of her tone but decided to not say anything.

"Okay everyone on the bus! I'll be loading up the stuff with Naoi-San. Kuroo help us." She said as the others along with Nekomata got on the bus, taking their seats as the remaining three loaded the bags in the bus.

"I'll be glad to help." Kuroo grinned.

Y/N helped by the giving the bags to Kuroo and Naoi who then loaded it up. Giving her suitcase, Kuroo loaded it up and shut the car trunk.

"That should be about it." Naoi said as he climbed the stair into the bus.


"We didn't bring everyone so we don't need much space." Y/N sighed remembering how difficult it was to make Lev stay back at Tokyo.

"Ok on the bus." Naoi said before he went to take his seat.

"Well then Chibi-Chan, let us go." Kuroo smiled over his shoulder and received a nod from her. As soon as he turned forward, Y/N clenched her eyes shut tightly for a moment before breathing out softly.

Getting on the bus, she noticed that the only seat left was beside Kuroo. She sighed and sat beside him.

"Looks like I'll be your seat mate."



"Don't yell you idiot. My ears hurt." She said as she rummage through her bag, looking for something.

"Looking for something?"

"Yeah." She said before leaning back into her seat and sighing.

"Couldn't find it?"

"Must've packed it into the other bag."

"Was it something important?" Kuroo asked frowning slightly.

"Nah. It's fine. Anyways I gotta give the directions to Naoi-San so I'll be back." Y/N said before approaching the older male.


It was the day after they had arrived at Miyagi. Currently they were practicing in the gym provided to them. Y/N was filling up the bottles and towels as the boys practiced. Thankfully for her they had gotten a good and decent place to stay at a good deal.

"Break! Loosen up!" Naoi says as everyone walks over to the benches.

Y/N hands out their bottles and towels as she receives thanks in return. She rolled her eyes playfully approaching Kenma and Kuroo. Kenma was lying on the floor as Kuroo was sitting down.

"Hey you two cats." She calls put causing the two to look at her simultaneously.

"Huh, Chibi-Chan. Hey." Kuroo greets waving his hand.

"Hey Y/N." Kenma says as he sits up.

"Here you go boy, catch Rooster head." She gives the bottle and towel to Kenma before tossing the bottle and towel to Kuroo, who catches them.


"Thanks Manager-chan." Kuroo says as he wipes himself with the towel.

"You and your million nicknames. Just call me by my name, idiot."


"Don't smile." Y/N says throwing the spare towel at his face, causing Kenma to stifle a laughter.

"Kenma, you better not get lost. Miyagi is quite big and you barely know this place." She says as she knew that the pudding head would likey get lost.

"I won't."

"You will."

"I won't."

"You will."








Yaku looked at the two who were arguing back and forth, sweatdropping before looking at Nobuyuki.

"Again?" Kai sighs as Yaku pointed his finger at the duo asking Kai.

"Those two have one of the best co-ordination yet argue about the weirdest things."

"That's right, Nobuyuki-San." Yamamoto says as he wipes his face with the towel.



Karasuno Sougou Sports Park Training Camp Centre

Y/N was cooking dinner as she wore a simple grey long sleeved sweatshirt, leggings and house slippers. Her apron was draped over her as she stirred the rice before moving to cut the vegetables.

For the night she had decided on rice, Teriyaki Salmon, Tsukemono and miso soup. If she hasn't known the boys personally then she wouldn't have believed how huge of an appetite they had. She was chopping the vegetables when someone scared her from behind.


"Ah! Ouch!" She yelled in surprise and in that surprise she cut herself against the knife.

"Oh god I'm sorry! Are you okay? Oh god you are bleeding."

"Its fine. Calm down. Just get out of my kitchen. And sit on the tools or chairs." Y/N says as she ushers the male out of the working space towards the tools and seats. She puts her finger under the running cold water. Looking at the water feeling its coolness against her finger she asked the boy behind.

"So any reason why you scared me like that, Rooster?" She says glancing over at the Nekoma Captain.

"I just wanted to surprise you. I didn't think you'd actually get hurt." He says looking guilty, leaning against his elbows on the counter.

"It's alright I was almost done anyways." She said putting the vegetables into the pit and closing the lid.

"Can I help with anything?" Kuroo says watching her cook.

"Yeah, you could actually. Call the others would you? Naoi-San and Nekomata-San are out meeting with some colleagues so they will be eating out."

"Sure. Anything else?"

"Yeah and ask Yaku to set the plates." She said as she wipes her hand on the towel. Kuroo stood for a moment staring her.

"Beautiful...." He muttered staring the way the sweatshirt, leggings and apron adorned her. The way her strands of hair framed her face almost perfectly as her hair was up in a bun.

Her eyes widened for a bit as she had heard him but pretended to not as she was faced away.

"You said something Kuroo?"

"N-No! I'll get Yaku and the others!" Kuroo ran off as Y/N sighed taking off the apron and draping it over the tool. She leaned her back against the counter with her hands holding the edges. Her head hung low as her green eyes stares at the floor underneath her.

A moment of silence passed as she stood there quietly.

"Oh Kuroo...if only you knew the things I did, I doubt if any of you would even come near me." She whispers to herself so softly that it was barely audible.

She pulled herself together before preparing the food to be served. An enthusiastic Yaku came through the doorway as he smiled at her cheerfully.

"Y/N, Kuroo said you needed my help to set the plates."

"Yeah. Thank you Yaku-san. They are over there, on the side of the counter." She pointed out as Yaku grabbed he pile of plates and started to arrange them on the table.

"No problem. I am more than happy to help you. Since you do so much for us, I mean." Yaku grins.

Y/N smiles back and sets the food onto the table as Yaku widens his eyes in surprise.

"That's a lot of dishes! They look so delicious!" Yaku thanked the Second Year.

"It's fine." She waved off.

"Holy Crap those look delicious!" Yamamoto yelled as he drooled.

"Yeah the food looks amazing!" Inouka said in sync.

"Oi you two! Quiet down!" Yaku scolded.

"Yes Yaku-san."

Y/N served the food to the players as they joked around and thanked her for hard work. She shook her head and said that after hours of hard work they deserved it. Y/N let a smile itself on her face as she watched Kuroo scolding Kenma for not eating and playing games. Yaku yelled at Yamomoto and Inouka for eating so fast, telling them that they might choke.

"Kenma stop playing games!"

"Yamomoto don't inhale the food!"

"Inouka don't take so much!"

Sitting on the countertop she looked at the boys joking around, laughing, smiling, with a fond look in her eyes. In a short time she had become so close with them that it tended to scare her. Her green eyes sparkled brightly as she smiled at them. Looking at them Y/N knew that she wanted to protect the smile of all these boys.

Protect their happiness.


"Are you serious!? And I even warned him!?" Y/N said running through the streets, her phone to her ear.

"Yeah, Kenma got lost. Kuroo was sent to look for him. But since you know your way around, I'm glad that you agreed to search for him too." Nekomata's voice rang as she looked around for the pudding haired setter.

"I understand. I'll return with him and call me if you hear that Kuroo finds him." Y/N said before cutting the phone and slow down to a walking pace to look around.

"Kenma, where are you? I swear he is like Hinat– wait a damn minute." She frowns and then groans in realisation. "Kenma is supposed to meet Shoyo when he gets lost. Stupid brain, why can't you work faster?" She said before sprinting towards the opposite direction.

She looked around and that's when a hand landed on her shoulder. She turned around and sighed in relief at the taller male.

"Any idea where our Setter could be?" He grinned and at the knowing look on her face, he knew that Y/N knew where to find their Setter.

"I think I do, Kuroo." She grinned.

"Led the way."

"Oh I will. I mean city cats don't really have a sense of direction out of cities do they? They are just poor ol' kitties." She teased and ducked from Kuroo's hand which tried to pull her cheek.

"You little—"

"Oooh! The kitty is getting angry! Run!" She ran away with Kuroo hot on her tails.


When the two had calmed down, they turned the corner talking. Kuroo had his usual NEKOMA jacket with him and his hair was as messy as ever.

"Okay then I'll be heading this way." The Karasuno Second Year said as the two of them came at an intersection.

"Okay. Then, I'll take this way." Kuroo pointed.

"Inform me if you find our Setter." She smirked.

"Sure, sure, Chibi-Chan." Kuroo said as the two parted ways.

"Idiot Kuroo. I'm not even that short." Y/N grumbles as she walks ahead. Turning the corner, she catches a glimpse of Kenma and Hinata, immediately she hides herself behind the wall.

"It's really weird isn't it, don't you? After all, Middle Blocker is a position played by taller players." Hinata says smiling. Y/N could feel that he was embarrassed saying it but he did anyways.

"........" Kenma looks at the orange haired boy for a moment in silence before he speaks up, turning back to his game.

"Yeah.... well that's true, but.... Not really."

Hinata was surprised at the pudding head's words as it was evident on his face.

"When I go to play games, they say that about me a lot, too. The setter is a position for the person with the highest level of ability so why is that guy in that spot? And stuff like that. Sports are particularly my forts, either...." Kenma says.

"Huh.... Hey! Is your school strong!?" Hinata asks excitedly. Y/N chuckles silently as she peeks from her place slightly. She noted that Kuroo was approaching the two boys. Thankfully they hadn't noticed her. She put her phone on silent, just as a precaution.

"Umm, I wonder. Apparently they were strong in the past but then they went into decline. But, lately, I think we are strong." Kenma said, a noticable glint in his cat-like eyes.

".....Which school do you g–" Hinata was cut off by a certain bedhair's shout.


"Ah." Kenma says and Hinata flinches at the appearance of the third year.

"It's Kuroo." Kenma says as if to Hinata.


"Well..." Kenma says grabbing his stuff.

"Until next time Shouyou." He waves to the orange head as Kuroo gives a glance to the First Year.

Y/N gave a final glance at the First Year before she turned away hearing Sugawara's voice. It was strange. Watching the things she read about and saw happen in front of her in reality. These occurrences kept reminding her again and again that Dazai Y/N was an outsider. An outsider who wasn't even supposed to be here.


Opening her phone she saw the text from Kuroo.

Found him.
–Rooster Bedhead🐓

Y/N looked forward and shut her phone.

"I know idiot. I know." She walked towards the school where they were supposed to have a practice match with another school.


Tsukinokizawa High School
First Gymnasium

"Its amazing that they came here all the way from Tokyo."

"Yeah. I haven't heard of this school before though."

"What was it again? Nekoma, right?"

The players of Tsukinokizawa talked near the entrance.

"Their setter is kinda short don't you think? Plus he doesn't seem like the athletic type."

"Do you think they have a reserve setter? That guy looks a bit of an unsteady setter."

They remarked watching Kenma practice with the others. Some of them were still getting dressed in their jerseys.

"Their manager is really hot though. They sure are lucky."

"I dare you to get her number." One of them teased the other.

"I'd hit that though."

"She is probably only good at managing, I don't think she plays. Quite a waste though." Another remarked.

They watched Y/N who was writing in the notebook, passing water bottles or talking with the coaches and players. The door opened behind them as a shadow came over them. Kuroo stood with a smirk and glare.

"That 'unsteady setter' that you are talking about, is our 'heart', 'backbone' and our 'brain'. And the girl whom you are talking about is our precious manager plus an amazing Volleyball player. So I'd prefer if you thought twice before speaking." He glared at the last part.

The players flinched as the announcement was

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