Service 14

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other was getting up.

Kuroo being busy fighting the two didnt notice the tthird one sneaking up from behind. Kenma called put Kuroo's name but by then someone had ready punched the third guy.

He stumbled back as he saw the green eyed female glaring at him. Her eyes seemed like that of a snake's as he shivered visibly. He moved forward to tackle her but Y/N stepped to the side and kicked his side causing him to fall backwards. Kenma widened his eyes at the girl.

"You bitch!" The man ran forward with his fists drawn.

Y/N stayed silent as she held his first and twisted it making him groan in pain. She didn't stop until the man was whimpering in pain. Y/N let go and did a roundhouse kick to his head knocking him out instantly.

"Don't call me a bitch. And don't you dare hurt my friends. I'll kill you." She glared.

Averting her eyes to the two guys fighting Kuroo. Y/N noticed that the middle Blocker was having a bit difficulty and so she decided to step in. She gave a roundhouse kick to one of the guys in front her in the head as he stumbled to side, hit the wall and fainted. Kuroo widened his eyes at the girl. Her bright green eyes which were usually dazzling and bright were now dark and stormy.

"Pathetic." She glared at the two men on the floor. Kuroo punched the last guy and caused him to lose consciousness.

"Y/N that was...." Kuroo was speechless. What was he to say? He had no clue. All this time Kuroo had always seen a happy, loud or cheerful version of her but this may be the first time he saw such a dark look on her face.

"Are you hurt Kuroo?" She asked in concern.

"No, I'm fine. The question is are you fine?" Kuroo asked in return frowning. Even after all this she cared for others rather then herself. She kept baffling him.

"Its right, I'm good. Kenma you good?" Y/N looked at the pudding haired setter. Kenma nodded hesitantly.

".....Yeah. I'm fine."

"That's good. Do me a favour would you two? Keep this a secret from the others, please." She said.


"Okay." Kenma cut off Kuroo. The two males shared a short glance and Kuroo sighed before looking at the female.

"Okay we'll keep it a secret." Kuroo said rubbing the side of his neck.

"Thank you guys."

"Anayways we should head to the others." Kenma pointed to the time.

"Oh yeah let's go!" Y/N exclaimed before she and the other two ran off, more likely, Kuroo and Y/N pulled Kenma with them as they ran.


"Whew! You guys made it!" Yamamoto yelled.

"We thought you would miss it." Kai said as Y/N shook her head.

"No way am I missing the fireworks. Especially the chance to watch it with you guys." Y/N smiled.

All stood side by side to each other as they waited for the fireworks to begin. A voice shouted out as they looked behind them. Two figures were approaching.

Bokuto and Akaashi.

"Kuroo bro!" Bokuto said running over to Kuroo waving his hands.

"Boku-bro!" Kuroo yelled back.

"Akaashi! Bokuto! You guys are here!" Y/N beamed as the two nodded.

"Wouldn't miss it for anything!"

"Bokuto-San wouldn't stop complaining about watching it with Nekoma and you. So he dragged me along with him." Akaashi said sighing as Y/N patted his back.

"There, there. I feel you Akaashi. This happens to me with Toya and Ha–" She stops midway as she realises her words. Pulling her hand back she looks away.

"Sorry about that. We should catch up to the others." Y/N said before she ran to the top where the others were waiting at. Akaashi frowned at this. She seemed to be happy and then as if  realising something she became quiet.

Akaashi thought of Y/N as a mystery.

A mystery that may never be solved.

"Akaashi come up! Everyone is waiting!" Bokuto yells out as Akaashi snaps out of his thoughts and let's put a soft groan before running up to the others.

They stood together as the dark sky was empty with an occasional star here and there. Y/N stood between the two captains who had their setters on their sides. Nekoma players stood by Kenma's side.

And soon the fireworks filled the sky as that marked the beginning of the end of the fest. The fireworks filled the sky in a array of colours. The once plain sky was now decorated in flowers and explosions of colours as the light radiated off their eyes.

Kuroo looked down at girl by his side, smiling seeing the awed expression on her face. Without noticing his large hand held her small one. He looked back at the sky and watched the explosions.

Feeling a large hand engulf her smaller one, Y/N looked up to Kuroo and saw him looking at the fireworks with a smile on his face. She shook her head and held his hand tighter as she could feel Kuroo interwine their hands.

Kenma not noticing their interwined hands, looked at the girl from the corner of his eyes, having a small smile on his lips when he saw her bright eyes. Looking back at the fireworks he couldn't help but feel like their brightness was nothing compared to Y/N's broght eyes.

Akaashi glanced at the girl in curiosity and smiled softly when he saw how the light from the fireworks casted a soft glow over her. Her eyes looked brighter and a big smile was stretched over her face.

Y/N felt another hand hold her smaller ones. She looked up and saw Bokuto's yellow eyes look at her from the side of his eyes as he had smile on his face. Not being able to help it, the dark haired female returned the smile, holding Bokuto's warm hand tightly.

Yaku felt his breath leave him when he saw the soft glow that was casted on her front he fireworks. How her skins seemed to glow in the dark. Her tinted red lips, seemed soft yet the cosiness of her cheeks made her look so mesmerising.

Lev didn't know how to decipher his emotions but looking at the girl with her dazzling green eyes staring at the fireworks he could feel a tug in his chest. He wouldn't refuse the fact that the smile on her face made his heart beat faster then usual.

Standing under the fireworks all of them had one thought. The Nekoma players knew, the Fukurodani Ace and Setter knew and Y/N knew.

'I want to spend more time by her/their side.'

And thus ended the Nekoma Cultural Fest. And with that began the journey for Miyagi. Y/N couldn't wait to see her boys again.

..........The Fallen Angel of Karasuno is coming back.

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