Service 13

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Y/N had run over to the Coach and Naoi and stayed beside for most of the time. Y/N was helping Naoi arrange some papers regarding the Nekoma Volleyball Club as the players Nekoma watched as she still refused to talk to Kuroo which made the Captain sulk.

"Chibi-Chan~!" Kuroo whined.

"Naoi san should I put these papers in the teachers room later?" Y/N asked ignoring the sulking Captain behind her.

"Yes and make sure that all of them are here before you put them back." Naoi nodded.

"Y/N-san!" Kuroo again called out her name as she ignored him. Yaku snickered as he watched the scene with the others. They had also noted that Y/N still had her hair down and that made her even beautiful. It also came to their notice that even some of the Fukurodani players noticed.

"Dazai-San was it?" An elderly voice rang out as she turned around.

"Coach Yamiji." She and Naoi bowed as Yamiji just said it was alright.

"I'll leave you two to talk."

"Thank you Naoi-San." Yamiji said.

"What was it Yamiji-San? I don't know what you might need with me. Is there something wrong?" Y/N asked him.

"I was wondering, do you play volleyball Dazai-San?" Yamiji asked her.

"Actually yes. I am a player of the Karasuno Boys Volleyball Team."

This made Yamiji raise an eyebrow as he questioned her again.

"Boys Volleyball? I thought your were a manager."

"Oh. No, no. I'm actually here as a delegate from my school for the Nekoma Cultural Program, and then since I'll be missing practice our Vice-principal made sure that I could practice with the Nekoma VBC team. And then came request the Nekoma wanted a temporary manager, so our advisor asked me and here I am."

"I see. Tell me, have you ever coached or had any professional experience in Volleyball?" Yamiji asked as Y/N simply shook her head.

"Not exactly. I actually came back from the States a few weeks ago after three months. I was away from Karasuno due to matters regarding the Music Club. Now, if you'll excuse me." She bowed and Yamiji nodded as she walked away.

Yamiji watched the girl put away the papers as he frowned. That girl was being truthful but something about her words wasn't adding up. It was strange that even she seemed to appear simple she surely wasn't. Her words seemed to be twisted yet presented in her own way. It was as if she could easily see through anyone and guess what they were thinking.

The boys were practicing spiking and
Y/N was walking around looking for any stray bottles or towels. She was walking by when Bokuto called out for her.

"Y/N-chaaan!" Bokuto yelled.

"Ah, Bokuto-San." She walked over to the two toned boy as she greeted him and Akaashi.

"Akaashi-san. Was there something that you needed me for Bokuto-San?" She asked the Third Year after she had received a nod from Akaashi as a form of him greeting back.

"Y/N-chan you said that you were a player of the Volleyball Club in Karasuno right?" He asked grinning.

"Yeah. So?" She asked a bit puzzled at the boy's behaviour.

"What position do you play? Libero? Ace? Spiker? Setter? Which one?!" Bokuto asked impatiently.

"Me? Well I play as a Libero, Setter and Spiker. It basically depends on which match I want to play as which. On occasions I would just play as Libero and Setter. But I like Wing Spiker too." She said making the Fukurodani players who had heard her widen their eyes.

"Wait! You play in all three positions?! Agaaashi! Did you hear that!" Bokuto asked his junior who was also surprised.

"Y-Yeah. I did Bokuto-San."

"You stuttered." Konoha pointed out.

"But is that allowed?"

"I mean if you can play then what's the problem. Like I said I can just change jerseys or just choose which position I want to play during matches." She shrugged.

"But still to be able to play all positions...."

"That's kinda insane."

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Y/N-chan wanna practice with us in a short match?" Bokuto asked excitedly. Y/N looked at Coach Nekomata who gave his approval. Akaashi asked Yamiji and he also said yes.


"Well then, please take care of me." She said politely to Akaashi.

"Thank you for agreeing to Bokuto-San. Please take care of us too." Akaashi said as well.

"Is it just me or does the atmosphere around those two seem too sophisticated?" One of the Fukurodani players sweatdropped.

"Nope, I feel the same way."

"Okay then, a short practice match will be taking place. Team A and Team B. These will be the two teams." Naoi said as Y/N sighed.


"Yes Y/N-San?"

"Do you expect me to play in these clothes?" She deadpanned causing Naoi to realise that she was wearing leggings and a hoodie.

"A-Ah sorry Y/N-san! Please go change." He said as she nodded before running off.

"Eh? Where did Y/N-chan go?" Bokuto asked as Naoi replied.

"She went to change to her practice clothes."

"Ah I see."


Y/N opened her bag and changed into the black shirt, arm sleeves that reached her wrists, her wrist bands, shorts and leggings. Pulling on her kneepads and socks she sat bending over for a moment. Taking two pills from her bag and sipping some water, she tied her shoelaces and walked out with her phone in hand.


"Sorry I was a bit late, I couldn't find my shoes." Y/N said as she Wales into the gym.

"Its fine, but won't you feel hot with those sleeves?" Naoi asked as the female just shrugged.

"Not really. I'm used to these. It's my hair that I'm worried about. I'm not used to it being down while I play." The female sighed.

"What happened to your hair band?"

"My hair band?" Y/N glared at Kuroo from the corner of her eye.

"A little bug took it off and I can't find it. Plus that bug looked really weird and gross." Y/N said as Naoi had a confused look. Kuroo felt arrows stab him as the people around him laughed at his misery.

"I s-see. Why don't you stretch a bit?" Naoi suggested.

"I was about to. Say Naoi-San did you announce the teams?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah I did. You will be with Kuroo, Kenma, Yaku, Yamamoto, Kai and Fukunaga. While Fukurodani will have their regulars. I'll leave you to stretch now." Naoi walked away. The girl sighed before putting in her ear buds and stretching. While stretching Y/N had been really quiet as she listened to music.

Kuroo and the others set up the court properly as they hadn't notice that she was stretching or was even there. Naoi announced the teams and Bokuto was excited to play against her. Taking a deep breathe Y/N pulled off her ear buds and put them away with her phone. She walked over to the boys.

"Oi. Can we start?" Y/N said as she crossed her arms.

"Oh Y/N you are back!" Yaku said surprised.

"Yeah I was back a while ago Anyways let's play." She said as she got to the wingspiker position and stretched her hands behind once before looking at the people on her team.

"Let's see how well you play Chibi-Chan." Kuroo grinned.

"Pretty sure I play better than a certain Rooster-chan." She smirked.

"Ooooh! She got you Captain!" Yamamoto snickered.

"Oi Yamamoto Urusai!" He yelled back.

"Ok, everyone to your places. First serve by Fukurodani. Begin." Naoi blew the whistle.

Bokuto served the ball with great speed and Yaku received it. Y/N had a small smile as she watched Kenma pass it to Yamamoto who spiked it. It was received by the Fukurodani Libero. The ball went to Akaashi who tosses to Bokuto. Y/N had a lazy grin as she watched Bokuto pinpoint an opening. Bokuto spiked it towards and she easily received it.

"Slow." She said as Kenma tossed the ball and Kai spiked. Nekoma got one point.

"Did she just receive Bokuto's spike so easily without flinching!?"

"What the heck?"

"Whose service is it?" Kuroo asked as Kenma sighed before pointing backwards. Kuroo paled as he felt pity for the Fukurodani players.

It was Y/N's turn to service and even Nekoma was a bit concerned as to how Fukurodani would receive the balls.
Y/N closed her eyes and let out a breathe. When she opened them there was a sharpness in them. This made the players flinch. Her face was completely calm which made her eyes even more terrifying. Her eyes locked onto Komi's as she smirked and pointed at him. Making him flinch.

The Nekoma players realised what she was doing. They felt pity for the poor Fukurodani Libero as Y/N bounced the ball once. Naoi took a few steps back, looking at Naoi. As he blew the whistle she took a few steps back. Tossing the ball up, she ran, jumped and spiked.


Komi widened his eyes as the ball hit the place right beside him. Akaashi gulped as he didnt even see the ball being hit. The Fukurodani players were in shock. They never expected Y/N to be able to hit with so much strength.

"What the heck...?" Komi whispered.

"You, Libero of Fukurodani. I noticed this before but you aren't really good at fast and strong serves. Right?" She tilted her head slightly while smiling a chilling smile.

"How did you....?" Komi said in surprise.

"I watched you guys play and I picked up all of your habits and weakness."

"But it was only one match so how ca–"

"Does it matter?"

"What?" Konoha asked confused.

"Does it matter how many times I watch you or anyone play? If I can figure out your weaknesses and habits then you can't really do anything." She said in way that seemed as if she were stating a fact. The Fukurodani players realised then. That this girl was truly bad news.


"Kenma pass the ball please. It's my serve again. Oh and if you guys want to talk can we do it after we finish playing?" She said as the person became quiet.


Y/N bounced the volleyball a few times and breathed out. Naoi blew the whistle. Her eyes scanned the court and she grinned finding an empty spot.

"You know? You really shouldn't keep any empty places in match."

Before anyone could comprehend her words she spiked the ball at far corner of the court as Sarukui was unable to reach there in time.

"Sarukui-san doesn't have a lot of speed when coming to fast serves. Quite interesting." Y/N remarked.

"How the hell is she able to find these things about us in just one match!?" Konoha said frustrated. Kuroo chuckled.

"That's our manager for you. Her calculation skills are terrifying and her volleyball skills are no joke." Kuroo said smirking.

"She is like a monster." Komi shivered.

Y/N continued serving until Komi was finally able to receive it but it ended up in him rolling backwards because of the force. Akaashi tossed to Bokuto who spiked but it was received by the female towards Kenma. Kenma tossed to Yamamoto who spiked but it was blocked by the Fukurodani blockers.
Y/N dug up the ball as it perfectly went to Kenma who tossed to Kai.

It was yet again blocked and this time Yaku dug it up. Y/N called put Kenma's name as he looked at her.



Kenma tosses to Y/N as she jumped. Her jump made th people on both courts widen their eyes. She was almost above the net and with a smirk she spiked the ball using her left through the block causing it hit the ground beside Komi who was unable to receive it. She landed on her feet and bit her tongue at the pain.

"Of course she can jump and spike amazingly as well." Konoha groaned.

"Y/N-chaaan! That was so amazing! You jumped so high! Did you see that Agjaaashi!?" Bokuto yelled.

"Bokuto-San please say my name properly."

In the end the team of Nekoma won due to their solid receives, blocks and not to mention Y/N's crazy abilities.


Everyone was cleaning up as the Coaches talked with each other. The Fukurodani Managers were cleaning up their stuff while Y/N was putting the towels and bottles in their respective places. She pushed a strand of her back as she let out a huff.

Her hair was down because she couldn't find her rubber band from before and didn't have an extra. She was also mad at Kuroo for hitting Kenma plus causing her to lose her rubber band.

She needed to look for it before the gym was closed. It was important to her. That rubber band was a gift to her during her stay in the States and she treasured it a lot. Y/N looked around the place where she was and searched with a frown. Some of the people around her took note of this and were confused as to what she was looking for.

"Y/N-San." Lev's voice called out as she got up from looking under the bench.

"Yeah Lev?" She asked the running silver haired boy.

"Is this yours?" Holding out a rubber band he asked.

The rubber band was a green color with golden designs and the initials of her first and last name. She let out a sigh of relief and took it from his hand. She held it close to her as she thanked him.

"Thank you Lev. This rubber band is very important to me. Thanks for finding it." She smiled causing the boy to look away and rub his nape.

"It's alright." With that he ran off to help the others.

Y/N smiled at the rubber band with adoration, a look which was noticed by the Nekoma players and some Fukurodani players. That rubber band must mean a lot to her if she made such a look. She pulled her hair up and put it back into its usual style.  With that she went back to her job.

She stood by the Coaches as both the teams stood in front of them. The players were being given a briefing about the match. And that is when Nekomata added something to the conversation that made Y/N want to hit him.

"Ok. So as the students of Nekoma know, tomorrow is the Cultural Program for Metropolitan Nekoma High School. I am sure that all the schools in the Fukurodani Group were informed. This year however we have something a bit different planned out." Nekomata started.

"This year, Dazai Y/N, our manager will be in charge of the concert. This is also the reason why she has come to Tokyo. So I hope that you all will be here tomorrow to support her." Nekomata grinned.

Y/N glared at the old man causing Naoi to sweatdrop.

"Coach I think you shouldn't have told them, maybe you should look at Dazai-San." Naoi said to Nekomata.

Nekomata noticed the glare that was directed towards him from Y/N, but he simply smiled causing the girl to smile back too. Naoi felt himself sweatdrop at the two.

"Well then good practice. Goodbye."

"Thank you for having us!"


Y/N waited for the coaches to lock up. She stood beside the door as Naoi locked up. She and Kenma were still here. When Kenma asked Kuroo and the others to go on ahead they were instantly questioning him as to why he wanted to stay. Thankfully the green eyed female butted in and said that she needed some help from Kenma. The others also wanted to help but Y/N threatened them and they ran away.

Kenma glanced up at the girl beside him from his game. The female had yet to tell him as to what she wanted to show him. And truth be told he was getting anxious thinking what it was. Ever since Y/N told him that she wanted to show.him something he had excited yet nervous to know what it was.

Y/N and Kenma gave bows to Naoi and walked away. Now the two were left alone as they walked side by side in the night air.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask you something." Kenma said softly, glancing at the girl. Y/N looked at him in question as if asking what was wrong.

"Where are we going?"

"Its a place that I found during my stay at Nekoma actually. I go there whenever I'm feeling down or just want to get away to some place quiet." She smiles at the pudding head.

"Ah...I see. But why me?" Kenam asked.

"Because Kenma reminds me of myself at times. Or maybe it's because I don't like seeing Kenma sad." She said facing forward. Kenma parted his lips slightly as his eyes were slightly wide.

He reminded her of herself? Kenma was confused. The two of them were heaven and earth different. Their very personalities were different. Their attitude. Everything.

"I see." Kenma said looking down fiddling with his fingers. Y/N reached down and grabbed his hand. They two of them stopped as Kenma looked at the green eyed girl in surprise.

"Kenma. You are more amazing than you give yourself credit for. You are one of the most amazing people I have met and meeting you is something that I don't regret. For me," She interwined their fingers as Kenma's eyes widened.

"Kenma being himself and happy is more than enough."

He looked away and blushed softly as she looked at with a soft gaze. Ever since she had come here at Nekoma, the green eyed girl had noticed that Kenma was more withdrawn then others.

Y/N had always viewed Kenma who had the tenacity to draw people in without knowing, as an amazing person.

He had helped her a lot while her visit to Nekoma. The two of them had gotten close over the days and eventually both of them became comfortable with each other. In her eyes she had always viewed Kenma as someone who was quiet yet amazing in his on way.

So when Y/N heard him say those things about himself yesterday, she felt that she wanted to make this boy happy no matter what. Make him realise that he was more than enough for everyone.

She wanted him to realise that Kenma was perfect the way he was.

The moonlight shone over them as Kenma and Y/N stood there, their hands interwined. Y/N smiled and pulled the boy with her, running. Kenma was startled and tried to keep up with her running. He covered his lower face with fist as Kenma looked at the back of the green eyed girl. This peculiar girl was disturbing his peculiar heart.


"Haah... haah... you are so fast."

"Sorry. I wanted to show you this soon."

"Show me what exactly?" Kenma raised a brow as he huffed. The girl smiled. She went behind him and covered his eyes, surprising him.

"Walk I'll show you."

And so he did. Kenma could feel the air around him a bit cooler than before. It didn't help that he felt her warm breathe on the back of his neck.

"What exactly are you showing me?"

Y/N giggled and removed her hands, standing beside him.

"This." She motioned upwards.

"What's up– wow." Kenma felt himself surprised at the array of stars scattered across the sky. The normal empty skies of Tokyo were filled with sparkling dazzling stars. Among the yeats that he had lived in Tokyo, Kenma had never seen such a view before. For him it felt like he was in an entirely different world. Kenma could hardly believe that you could see such a view in Tokyo. A chuckle broke him from his trance, causing him to look at the girl beside him.

"Told you, it was amazing. Have a sit." Y/N patted the place beside her as she plopped down on the concrete floors rooftop. Kenma nodded and sat down beside her.

"How did you find this place?"

"I did some exploring. Found this place. It makes me feel at peace. I have always loved

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