Ты ляжешь вместе со мной?
надеюсь вам зайдет…
надеюсь вам зайдет…
Те са от различни светове. Тя е израстнала с болка а той с пари, щастие и какво ли не. Двамата се влюбват но има и много предпяствиия в тяхната любов.…
Това е продължение на Второто име на любовта-болката. Тук нещата ескалират. Оказват се живи родителите на Беатрис. Любовта на двамата противоположни влюбени дали ще оцелее.…
-я никогда бы не забыл твои глаза.-…
Главная героиня Тарриэль решила стать актрисой, и не просто от нечего делать, а её всю жизнь тянуло на сцену. Как-то раз она записалась на театральный кружок, где преуспела, нашла новых друзей и.... как бы она это не отрицала.... влюбилась. Влюбилась! Да она пыталась, наоборот, отделить от себя парней! А этот то ещё оказался и самой настоящей жевачкой! Прилип и не хочет отпускать! У Тарриэль все же есть выход из этой ситуации, но цена его...…
Тя е момиче с тежко минало. Той е разглезен,спи с всяка срещнала и несериозен. Между им пламва неописуема любов. Ще имат много спорове и дразги но дали ще се разделят?…
Sit down and let me tell you a story...…
After Tsubaki's fight, everyone lived normally again and Mahiru and the other eves hang out from time to time. But everyone knows that good things don't last for long. There is a ninth servamp, Regret. She was mad that Sleepy Ash killed their creator and wanted revenge. She was searching for him for years and finally found him. One day she found Misono and demanded that he took her to the servamp of Sloth. He refused, but Regret knew that his servamp was not with him at the moment. With Misonos's frail body and weapon being a chair he was an easy target. She killed him and soon after everyone found out. They were all sad and promised to avenge him, but All of love now had no eve. He was walking around the streets during winter and he met her. Read to find out what happens to reader-Chan!P.S: There will be shiping like LawLicht and KuroMahi…
One being stands in front of the greatest conflict in his life. And he remembers...…
две девушки прогуливались по ночному Берлину, еще не зная, что их ждет…
узниате всё сами…
The aphmau crew send pierce and ein to bulgaria for 1 week because they were tired of getting pranked by both of them. What will happend in there read and see…
Хора не мога да обясня точно какво става. Просто прочетете книгата…
Y/n didn't know what will happen to her. That she will become a slave to Sans. Her's own father will give her to him. Her father was lose from Sans and then when Sans hear that she have a daughter and wanted her. But the two of them didn't know that they will start to fell for each other.Y/n - You're name L/n - Last name= 18 year old.B/n - Brother's name L/n= 10 year old.M/n - Mother's name L/n = 39 year old.F/n - Father's name L/n = 38 year old.N/n - Nickname.Sans, Lily - 18 year old.Papyrus, Metatton and Napstablook - 17 year old.Undyne, Nice Cream(NC), Burgerpands(BP) - 19 year old.Alphys, Roxy - 19 year old.Grillby, Dogo - 22 year old.Muffet, Dora - 21 year old.Frisk and Chara(thay are twins), Asriel - 16 year old.Faku, Snowey(he is puppy, but can talk), MK(Monster Kid) - 15 year old.Alex, Kris - 20 year old.❤ - Filings/Determination in me.💙/❤ - Power (Y/n); Power/Filings(Санс) .🌟 - Pretty/good thinks.⭐ - Bad thinks.* - Thinks.^ - Talking on the phoneLike I said in the first story I'll do the story in this account too and some others story's too.…
Y/n fall in Underground she help to monster to go up to the surface and be friends with them and fell in love with the skeleton who names is Sans. He love her too and one day thay tell each other what thay filling. 💙❤Thay love each other forever❤💙 Y/n L/n - You're name Last name. = 17 year old. B/n - Brother's name. = 10 year old. M/n - Mother's name. = 38 year old. F/n - Father's name. = 37 year old. N/n - Nickname. Gaster = 39 year old. M/n and Arial (or the river person who is girl) = 38 year olds. F/n = 37 year olds. Grillby, Dogo = 20 year olds. Muffet, Dora = 19 year olds. Undyne, Metatton, Nice Cream(NC), Burgerpands(BP) = 18 year old. Sans, Y/n and Serina =17 year old. Papyrus and Asriel = 16 year old. Frisk and Chara(thay are twins) = 15 year old. Faku, MK(Monster Kid) = 14 year old. Scuych = 12 year olds. ❤ - Filings/Determination in me. 💙/♥️ - Power (Y/n); Power/Filings(Санс) . 🌟 - Pretty/good thinks мисли. ⭐ - Bad thinks. * - Thinks. ^ - Talking on the phone…
Вторая часть сборника «Конец Поэтической Эры»…
please do not read this if you are under 13…
В моем фанфике Том Каулитц самый опасный убийца в Токио у него есть банда мотоциклистов Билл Георг и Густав они убивают кого хотят и полиция ничего не сможет с этим сделать…
впервые пишу что то в таком формате..…