Helena joined the other tributes, each made over, backstage at the amphitheatre. Cole, in his blue suit, nodded to her. No one else acknowledged her at all, except for the girl from District 5, Astrid. She wore a black dress with lightning details. "You look nice." She mouthed to Helena, causing her to blush.
Just then, Caesar Flickerman rushed past. His face was painted white; his hair, lips, and eyelids were ice blue. His suit was white, encrusted with millions of small diamonds and sapphires. "Good luck, everyone. And remember to smile." He addressed the tributes before rushing to his chair on stage.
Claudius Templesmith's voice rang out through the amphitheatre's speakers. As music began to play. "Ladies and Gentlemen, your Masters of Ceremonies and host for this evening, Caesar Flickerman." He announced, lights focusing on his chair. The crowd applauded as the flamboyant man smiled and waved. "Thank you, and welcome to the show! I hope you've brought your appetite for fun because tonight I go one-on-one with the Tributes for the 66th Hunger Games! And here they are!" More applause engulfed the amphitheatre as the tributes walked on stage, shrouded by the darkness of the stage. They all sat on the chairs assigned to them.
Applause echoed, cameras were everywhere. In the Balconies, the Gamesmakers sat watching, and Helena braced herself, all too aware that all of Panem was watching. She sat with her back straight, like Ambrosia taught her, with her ankles crossed. The interviews were about to begin.
First, it was Dominic from 1. Meaning Helena was last. "Dominic, we hear so much about alliances formed during The Games - tributes banding together in the early stages. Do you have a strategy in that regard?" Caesar asked. An evil smirk rose on the mans face. "Seems really weird to me, joining up with people you're supposed to be competing with. I think I'd be better off just killing them." He answered. Helena looked towards the other careers and was met with faces of anger. Clearly, Dominic hadn't shared his opinion on the alliance and, in doing so, metaphorically spat in their faces. Well, that's one less career Helena would have to deal with. Even Flickerman seemed surprised at this announcement of betrayal, evident by his statk, "Oh my..." The crowd loved his ruthlessness, however, breaking out in laughter and applause.
After Stella, the girl from 1 went, her interview a mix of anger and murderous warnings hidden by a smile, it was Carlisle's turn. "Carlisle, you're from District Two, which has produced an astronomically high number of Victors. Does that bring any burden with it for you?" Caesar asked him. Carlisle smiled charismatically. "It is a great responsibility, a lot to live up to in all honesty. But it's also a privilege - to follow in the footsteps of such great champions. I just have to match their intensity." He smirked, winking to a woman in the audience. Carlisle was met with cheers and shrieking from the women of the audience. He was playing the charmer.
Each tribute went up and said their piece vying for the attention of the Capitol and the Sponsors. "We are now down to our last two tributes, a pair who have redesigned the image of their district and drawn up a storm here in the Capitol." Ceasar spoke. "Please welcome to the stage Cole Fallow from District 12." The audience cheered as Cole walked over to Ceasar. He waved and smiled his suit sparkling slightly before he took a seat, shaking Caesar's hand. "Cole, pleasure to meet you in person." Caesar began. "And you, I have always been envious of your style." Cole said, gesturing to the bedazzled man. Caesar let out a hearty laugh. "Speaking of envious, your score from the evaluations. A ten - such a high score. Tell me about it." The host smiled.
"Well, back at home, in 12, I work in the mines. Long days labouring, pushing around heavy wagons of coal, mining the ore, and manoeuvreing through tight spaces." The audience was silent as Cole spoke, intrigued in the life of those who work. "It teaches you a lot of things, strength, agility, how to weild a pickaxe..." Cole trailed off. "A very rewarding line of work?" Caesar asked. "Definitely. We are able to provide a recourse that helps keep the entirety of Panem functioning. " He responded, and the audience applauded.
"And your family, do you see much of them with your long mining days?" The questions just kept rolling from Caesar. "No, it's just me and my mum." Cole replied swiftly, hoping to diverge from the topic. "Any siblings?" Caesar asked. "Not by blood, but there is this one girl, I think you all know her, but she's the closest thing to a sister I have. She's my little dove, Lena is." The audience awed at Cole's response, found family was always precious. Cole was surprisingly good at the whole people thing.
"Do you have a girlfriend back home?" Caesar tasked him. "No." Coles' answer was short and sweet. But the host didn't buy it. "A handsome lad like you?" Cole blushed slightly. "There must be some special girl. Come on, what's her name?" Cole sighed at Caesar's insistence. "Well, there is this one guy. I've had a crush on him for as long as I can remember. But it's not reciprocated." The boy from 12 spoke, earning a sympathetic murmur from the audience. "And why not? Does he not like boys?" Flickerman questioned. "It's not that. He's openly out, but I don't think he even knew I existed before the Reaping." Cole admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. "So here's what you do. You win and return home in triumph. He can't turn you down then, eh?" The host suggested, trying to lighten the mood.
"Winning doesn't matter to me." Cole stated. Caesar was confused. "Why not?" The 18-year-old sat forwards, hands clasped. "I wouldn't want to go home without my little sister. She's more important to me than any boy." He said, looking to Helena. He smiled, and she smiled back. Cole was telling the truth, not that it mattered, the audience loved the narrative. They clapped and cheered.
Cole's interviews finished soon after that, and he walked off stage with an ovation from the Capitol citizens. "Ladies and Gentlemen, our evening is drawing to a close. I am sure you have all been waiting eagerly to get to know our final tribute. Here she is, Helena Jade Baird." Caesar announced.
Helena walked towards the man with a bounce in her step, the layers of her chiffon dress flowing and shimmering in the stage light as she moved. She gave the audience a little curtsey before taking a seat next to Caesar. She swung her legs as her back was straight. "Helena, my my, where to start? The absolute gorgeous creation that you are wearing or your evaluation score. I don't know which is best." The man compliment. Helena smiled as her cheeks reddened. "Mr Flickerman, you really do know how to make a girl feel special." The audience clapped at the girls charming response.
"How about we start when you first took our breath away? The tribute parade?" Caesar questioned, causing the audience to cheer. Helena nodded in agreement. "Helena, when you came out in the opening ceremonies, with wings on your back and embers glowing, my heart actually stopped. What did you think about that costume?" Flickerman asked. "Do you mean after I got over the overwhelming amount of love from y'all here in the Capitol?" She questioned with a smile and a tilt of the head. The audience awed at the girls' adorable display. "Yes, start there." The host requested.
"I thought Rosier was brilliant, and it was the most gorgeous costume I'd ever seen. I couldn't believe I was wearing it. I can't believe I'm wearing this either!" Helena admitted gleefully. She looked to her stylists, who made the tiniest circular motion with his finger, twirl for me. Helena stood up and twirled, showing off every aspect of the dress. She loved it, and the audience loved it, giving her a feeling of freedom. "Oh, do that again!" Caesar requested, watching the girl in her element. And so she did. As she twirled, the light caught the crystals on her dress, making it appear as if Helena was glowing.
Flickerman helped her steady herself, and the both of them sat back down. A smile was carved into her face, genuine and joyful. "I would give you, and that dress, an Eleven - which reminds me of your Training Score. Tell us about that." He complimented. Helena paused demurely, wondering what to say. "I'd say that I'm lucky, luckier than most, to receive such a generous score from the Gamemakers. I don't really remember doing anything impressive. It's just my normal." Helena replied. "Are you at all afraid it might put a target on your back?" He asked. "Absolutely terrified. But I have faith in my abilities to help me stay out of trouble in the Arena." The 12-year-old responded. The crowd applauded the confidence and bravery the young girl had in the face of danger. "And those abilities?" The man questioned, causing Helena to smile.
"I don't want to give all my secrets away do I now." The audience laughed at her humour. "But I'll tell you this. I'm fast, and I'm agile. There may be a few more tricks up my sleeve, but all I know is that if they can't catch me, they can't kill me. So don't you rule me out just yet." Helena spoke. "I wouldn't in a million years, Darling." Caesar put his arm around her and kissed the top of her head. An AWWWWW rose from the crowd as the chimes of a bell tower rung through the Capitol. "Well, ladies and gentlemen, it appears that we have run out of time." The audience sighed in disappointment. "Helena, we wish you the best for tomorrow." Caesar spoke. The girl waved to the audience as she made her way of stage, but not before she turned and ran towards Caesar, enveloping him in a hug. "Thank you, Mr Flickerman." She smiled before actually leaving.
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