To the beach! Part 2

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That's when they came into view.
"Stop running away! We were invited here too!" Screeched an angry clown, also known as Joker. He was in his usual outfit but instead he wore snorkels and a floaty on top.
The geisha, Michiko, was in a two piece but she wore a long, red jacket (similar to her usual outfit) around her shoulders, which covered most of her skin.
The ripper, Jack, wore a white shirt with black shorts as well as his top hat.
The Black and White guards, Wu Chang,  had separated and they wore matching outfits; the white guard wore a black shirt and shorts whilst the black guard wore a white shirt and shorts.
Joseph, also known as the photographer, wore an outfit that was similar to his usual one, but with short sleeves. Hanging around his neck was his camera without the stand.
Hastur, the feaster, was in his usual get up, this time he wore multiple sunglasses. Violetta, the soul weaver, wore a beautiful sun hat and a flower necklace.
Bane, the gamekeeper, also wore a flower necklace, but it was different. He decorated the bear trap around his neck with little, colourful flowers. He wore sunglasses and a hat, which now had two holes thanks to his horns.
Hell Ember, called Leo Beck, was wearing a pair of shorts and was shirtless. He had a flower crown atop his head and a pair of devilish sunglasses shaded his eyes.
The last hunter to emerge was Burke, huffing and leaning on his large hammer (idk what to call it). He hadn't changed his outfit, but he wore sunglasses atop his goggles and a hat.
"You were invited here too?!" Emma screamed, cowering behind Emily.
"Yes, I think that it's fair that we have a vacation too" Jack replied modestly, straightening his nonexistent tie.
"Why should you have a vacation? We're the ones running for our lives!" Kreacher yelled, waving his fist in the air.
"You survivors hit us with pallets and are toxic sometimes," Joseph answered, "especially this one group..." he glanced over at Martha, Naib, William and Kreacher who all looked away in guilt. Leo cleared his throat.
"But you see, that's all in the game. We're not playing the game, so I think we can all get along!" He said happily. There was a moment of silence as everyone thought about his preposition. Freddy was the first to speak up.
"I agree, let's all get along until we get back into the manor. But, we must make some promises!" He declared. Hell Ember nodded.
"What are these promises, Lawyer?" He asked. The man in question cleared his throat.
"On behalf of all the survivors," Freddy said, "I promise that we will not stun the hunters. Do you hunters promise not to harm us survivors?"
Leo Beck nodded. "On behalf of all the hunters, I promise that we will not harm any survivors." He pledged. Another moment of silence passed before Emily broke it.
"Now that that is all done, how about we drop off our stuff in the cabins?" She suggested. Everyone nodded in agreement and retreated to their cabins.
"I'm glad that our group can share a cabin together!" Martha exclaimed happily, falling down onto a bed. Naib sat down next to her and nodded.
"Yeah, it is nice that we can spend more time together" he said softly. Martha opened her mouth to say something when William came barrelling through the door and into the wall.
"CHRIST!" He yelled as he slammed his face into the hard, wooden wall. "I STILL WON!" He shouted, his words were muffled by the wall though. A groan came from the doorway.
"You have won but Kreacher will win next time!" Kreacher mumbled angrily. William laughed as he pulled himself off the wall.
"You say that every time!" He joked. Kreacher grumbled something under his breath but continued to his bed in silence. Martha and Naib giggled at the scene that just unfolded in front of them, catching the attention of the forward.
"Sorry, did we interrupt something? ;)" He asked suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows. Martha blushed and laughed whilst Naib just blushed.

"No, you didn't interrupt anything, but maybe we did. I did feel a lot of sexual tension.." Naib said, shifting the attention to him. William's smirk dropped and he frowned.
"I'm not gay!"
"Oh yeah! You're with the soul weaver, aren't you?" Naib said with a straight face. Martha was dying of laughter beside him. William smacked his forehead and sighed.
"I don't like any of the hunters!" He protested. Naib raised his eyebrows.
"Sureeeeeee" he teased. William groaned and fell to the floor with a thump.
Martha giggled and leaned over to whisper loudly in Naib's ear.
"I think you broke him" she whispered, causing the two to burst into a fit of giggles.
Kurt hurried into the cabin first, eager to see what it looked like on the inside.
"This is amazing! So different to the manor!" He exclaimed joyfully, his eyes sparkling with delight. Tracy walked in calmly after him, her puppet following close behind.
"Hmm, it is really nice in here.." she mumbled to herself. She looked down at her controller again and started it fiddle with it. The puppet started moving again and he positioned himself in the corner next to a bed.
"That's my bed, the one next to my puppet" the mechanic stated immediately. The explorer shrugged and continued to look at the cabin.
Vera suddenly rushed inside and slammed the door behind her.
"I refuse to be in the same cabin as him!" She yelled. Tracy tilted her head curiously at the panicked perfumer.
"With who?" She asked. Vera was about to answer when the door burst open.
"Doors can't seperate us, my love!" Kevin shouted determinedly, his eyes sparkling. Vera screeched and ran behind Tracy.
"GO AWAY KEVIN" she screamed, bursting Tracy's eardrums. Kevin smirked and lassoed Vera, pulling her close to him and, keeping a hand on her back, bowed her down near the floor. Vera blushed slightly but she started to push him away.
"Stop it Kevin!" She protested loudly. Tracy decided to step in.
"Please stop, this isn't how you woo a girl, Kevin" she sighed, gently pushing Vera away from the cowboy. He smirked seductively at her.
"Are you sure?"
"I think I've read about this somewhere, where a cowboy goes around trying to woo everyone.." Kurt said suddenly, nodding thoughtfully at one of his books. Tracy sighed. Why am I stuck in a cabin with these idiots?
"Right this way, Helena" Emily said softly, helping guide Helena into the cabin. Helena nodded gratefully.
"Thank you, Miss.Dyer!" She thanked, smiling brightly. Emily smiled back and plopped down two suitcases on a bed. Emma came rushing in whilst laughing.
"This is gonna be so much fun! We can eat, swim, make sand castles, swim, eat, swim and it's just gonna be amazing!" She gushed as she leaped onto a bed. "Don't you guys agree?"
"I'm sure it will be lots of fun, Miss.Woods" Emily replied joyfully whilst Helena nodded happily. Margeretha came inside and shut the door behind her. "I'm excited to try out some of my new music boxes." She stated happily, putting her luggage on another bed next to where the gardener was sitting. Emma's eyes lit up and she turned to face her.
"You have more than two different music boxes?" She asked, tilting her head curiously. Margeretha nodded with a small smile.
"They're a work in progress so I don't use them in game," she said, "but I'd like to use them soon."
Emma smiled.
"That sounds fun! Can I help?"
Margeretha smiled and nodded again.
"The more help the merrier!"
Emma let out a whoop of joy and lied down on her bed.
"I'm so excited for all the stuff we can do! But maybe we should do it tomorrow..." she said thoughtfully. Emily nodded in agreement.
"Everyone is tired from walking for so long," Emily added, "I'll tell them in a few minutes, let them unpack and relax."
"Ahh, we finally made it! I can rest my legs.." Lucky Guy sighed as he walked into the cabin. He dropped his luggage onto the floor and face planted onto a bed. Freddy came in a few seconds after.
"What are you doing, Mr Lucky?" He asked in a stern voice.
"I'm resting" Lucky guy replied in a muffled voice. Freddy rolled his eyes.
"All of you are buffoons.." he muttered as he placed his luggage neatly under his bed. Suddenly, Servais appeared on the lawyer's bed.
"Sorry Freddy boy, but this bed has been claimed by me already" he stated with a smirk. "Soo, move your stuff and go to a different bed."
Freddy stood taller and crossed his arms.
"Why is this bed yours? I don't see your luggage near it!"
"I was here first, so therefore it's my bed"
"But I have both myself and my luggage near this bed, so it's mine"
"Please stop arguing you two, thank you" Aesop interrupted, closing the door behind himself.
"You might disturb a few people" he pointed out, placing his luggage softly on the bed next to where Lucky guy was passed out. Freddy sighed and turned away from the magician, who did the same.
"You both are childish, just share the bed" Aesop suggested with a straight face. Lucky guy awoke from his slumber with a start.
Aesop looked at him questionably but made no comment. Freddy cleared his throat and picked up his luggage.
"You m-may take the bed, S-Servais" he stuttered out with a slightly red face. Servais nodded.
"T-thanks" he mumbled back. Aesop smiled.
"Now, wasn't that easy?"
Fiona crept inside the small cabin. The floorboards creaked under her weight and the air was dusty. She coughed softly and groaned.
"Why am I stuck inside the worst cabin?" She muttered. She felt a hand on her shoulder which caused her to shriek quite loudly.
"IM SORRY!" a man yelled. She turned around, her eyes wide with fear but she relaxed when she saw Eli standing in the doorway, both him and his owl covering their ears. He turned his head up and smiled apologetically.
"Hi, I didn't mean to scare you. Sorry" he smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his head. Fiona sighed and smiled back.
"It's ok, you just startled me is all" she replied softly, trying to calm her beating heart. Eli sighed in relief then scanned his surroundings. He tensed up.
"This.. can't be our cabin," he said in disbelief, "It's not, right?"
Fiona smiled and looked away.
Eli dropped his luggage and stormed outside, slamming the door behind him. Through the door came muffled yelling and Fiona could barely make out the words.
"Eli! Calm down please!" A girl yelled, Fiona assumed it was Emma.
"Eli! We're sorry!" A woman yelled, cutting him off. It sounded like Emily.
"We are?" Emma asked innocently. Fiona heard a loud, feminine hush.
"We're really sorry but it's the only cabin left" Emily explained calmly. Fiona heard Eli sigh in defeat.
"Alright, sorry for yelling" Eli said solemnly. Emma said something that Fiona couldn't hear and Emily laughed. It must've been funny, whatever she said. She heard a door close and Eli's footsteps coming closer to the door.
Well that was quick.
Fiona quickly hurried away from the door and sat on a bed, playing innocently with her hair as he entered.
"I'm back" he announced and Fiona giggled.
"You weren't gone for that long, no need to yell as if you went to the war" she joked and Eli laughed. He looked up at her and smiled.
"Just wanted to let you know I was back" he replied and Fiona nodded.
"It's ok" she said back. Eli trudged over to his bed and smothered his face into the pillow. His owl flew up and perched itself on a coat hanger.
"I'm so tired, I'm gonna sleep" he said, his voice muffled by the pillow. Fiona unconsciously nodded before realising he can't see her. She opened her mouth to reply when Eli put up his hand.
"It's okay, I saw. Night"
Fiona was left with her mouth open in disbelief. How..? Well, I guess he is the seer. I might as well sleep too.
Ok! That's the end of that chapter. The next chapter will be fem!reader x smiley so you'll have to wait for the next part of this story. I'm gonna have to change the title from one shots to something else because this is not a one shot :1. This "To the beach" is gonna be a series because I just came up with a bunch of ideas that could make this into a whole different story so yeah. I'm too lazy to make another book just for this sooooooo yeah.
For the fem!reader x smiley, I'd like some prompts if that's ok. I'm getting a bit of writer's block so it'd be great if you guys help.
Anyways, thank you for reading and I'll see you next time!

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