Chapter 2: A Lost Kitty

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Note: All of the names from this story are fictional and I apologise for messy writing even though I already did my research.


It's been a year and half that I'm working in the Racounter. It's pretty big company in the Northernbridge-a pretty big city and takes about 12 hours to fly here from Duskwood. I think I use all of my luck in my life so that I can work here. When Racounter was still a start-up, it already managed to be a dream company for everyone that wish to be journalist. Why wouldn't it be? When this company always managed to be the first for getting so many information about important people; from artist, public figure, singer even to the politician-it feels like the people upstairs are having powerful backup or just simply dauntless to reveal all those dirty secrets from those important people.

But then here I am... a year and half yet still don't have any breakthrough, just a girl who is bringing their coffees and doughnuts to other staffs. I take a deep breath as I'm looking at my hands which full with their orders. As the lift's door is close, I'm watching at my reflection there.

Look at you, MC. Three years ago you were like an official investigator who helped finding a lost young girl, even interacted with the perpetrator, negotiated with the police officer, and almost got hacked by some weird guys. But right now? You back and forth to pick up your colleague's coffee order, print their works, help their articles, and not even make a damn single work about your own project as the journalist?

I let out a long sigh as the lift's door is open and walk out, heading to the office. I put my smile as I try to shrug it off whatever burden I just thought inside the lift, I'm handing their coffees and then put two boxes of doughnuts I just bought on the office kitchen's table. My eyes are staring at every single of them, they look so busy and so cool. I wonder if they used to be in the same position like me. Can I even get out from my job as an errand girl and instead do some proper stuff like a good journalist I want to be?

"Nothing will change if I only stand still like this," I tie my hair as I walk to my cubicle. Opening tab after tab and reading every file I can manage to collect. There must be some information that quite useful to get dug out. I try to contact everyone I know, from my school friends, to my neighbours, even the Duskwood's chief police officer-Mr. Alan Bloomgate.

After what happened in the mine, few days after that then Alan called me to explain about everything briefly. I had no clue that time why the hell he didn't ask me to come to Duskwood after everything that happened, especially when he was so intrigued for me to come to Duskwood. But then Jessy explained that Lilly asked Alan to not involve me any longer since Hannah already safe. Of course I thank Lilly for that. It's not like I don't want to go to Duskwood, I'm just not ready yet. After everything, after Richy and after Jake... there is no crucial reason for having little vacation there.

ALAN: I'm sorry MC but I don't think there is big news here

ALAN: Which I'm quite thankful for

MC: Not even a robbery or another kidnapping case?

ALAN: You are not serious, are you?

MC: Sorry, I'm just quite hopeless

ALAN: I pretty much understand

ALAN: If that's the hackerman of yours are still around, I'm pretty sure your job must be easier

Well, he is not completely wrong. Jake must be helping me out to get some pretty good information that I can use for. But it's funny how Alan just brings him out of nowhere; I guess Jake is still on his nerve which is quite understandable and why not? When Jake hacked his stuff and even erased my name from police's document as witness. Not to mention how FBI, that FBI invaded Duskwood for days just because they couldn't find Jake in the mine. If only Jake and Alan met each other, it would be a completely chaos.

MC: Yeah probably

MC: Anyway just write to me please, if there is some worth-to-post news

MC: You wouldn't mind if I ask for help, would you?

ALAN: Of course I will gladly help

ALAN: I will keep in touch


As my conversation with Alan is ended, I continue to read every collection of information I just have. Actually, I have no clues what am I after but I will do anything to make my own article... my own investigation. I couldn't just always keep assisting and helping my colleague, right? Even though it's part of the work but still...

"Miss Clarke, until when will you stay here? It's already late, you know? I understand that you love our office so much, but please go home." The voice behind me startled me; I look behind and find the man is fixing his scarf. William Ambrose, my colleague who managed to enamour not just women but also men in this building. He looks like coming out from romance novel; light brown hair, toned and tall body, a pair of captivating green eyes. Not only by appearance (or even his last royalty name), but his personality will make everyone fall for him too. I will be lying if I said that my heart never flutter with his demeanour; how on earth your heart is not beating so fast when a gorgeous man is being nice at you?

Just like another story I found amusing to tell to Jessy, I also told about him to her. I don't even need to guess with her response which is of course she is shipping me with him and tell me to hit on him and move on. If only she's not my friend, I would like to make her as geese's treat.

I take a glance at the time on my desktop's screen; it's already this late huh?

"I guess you are right. I didn't even realise it's already this late," I immediately tidy up my things as I chuckle. "Thank you for reminding me, Mister Ambrose. Are you going home?" I continue as trying to make small talk while my hands are busy to clean up my desk.

"Bet you were drowning in your work again." He smiles while heading to the door, "I will love to walk you home but I have something important to catch up. Do you mind if I go first?" My hands stop putting my stuff inside my bag as I look at him, my brows furrow.

"That's a strange question," I laugh. "Of course I wouldn't mind. Please go."

"I thought we are in the same page, but it seems not." He replies quietly before giving me his smile. I frowned hearing his words. "Well then... see you on Monday, Miss Clarke."

He waves his hand to me before walking out from the office. Sometimes he can be really strange and I still don't catch whatever reason behind his strange demeanour. Is it late puberty or hormones? I shake my head and then shut down my computer before heading to the lift. There are still some people pulling all-nighter in this building, I greet some of them which people I know.

Just as my heels heading out to the entrance of building, I can feel the night breeze brush my cheeks. It's already this late so the taxi fee will be much expensive rather than the usual one. I want to save up more money that's why I choose to walk. Perhaps if I'm lucky, I can catch up the train. Luckily, I'm wearing my comfy heels which make me easier to walk especially when passing this dark, sloppy and muddy alley.

I choose the dangerous path, I know. But I need shortcut, and also I don't want to get really wet because of this sudden rainfall pouring out of nowhere-England and its beloved rain.

"Remind me why we need to do transaction in this filthy place?"

As I heard someone's voice, my feet stop immediately. I quickly hide behind the cold and mossy wall. No, I didn't intend to eavesdrop just because I'm a journalist and need material for my articles. I'm hiding because I'm scared with whatever transaction they are talking about is dangerous and they may or may not murder someone who accidentally passing by.

"The stuff we are doing is illegal if I need to remind you, sir." The other man with hoarse voice scoffs, "do you suggest that we are having luxury and fancy dinner in Michelin star restaurant while handing these rare items to the one of important people in UK?"

My eyes widen in surprise as my heart is beating so fast. This is why I need to hide. Should I just go back to another way or maybe, just maybe... I can peek and take a quick glance, just a quick glance for recognising whoever those people are.

I take a deep breath before exhaling it slowly, trying to comfort myself to remain calm. I take small and quiet steps then peeking behind the wall. Damn, I didn't think about the coat they are wearing to cover their faces. I cannot even recognise the single feature from this distance especially when the rain is making it much harder to identify them-them... not just two people there, but I think it's 10 people if I'm not mistaken. It's hard to be certain. I should just back off since I still have chance. It will be nightmare if those people notice me here.


I forgot there is dustbin behind my back as I stepped back slowly. My body is in freeze and I'm unable to hear anything besides the rain falling. Just before I want to move, there is a sudden figure covered by black coat in front of me. My body immediately response and snap me back to the reality. I'm sprinting with all of my power, running away from whoever that person is, because I know, if I get caught then...

I'm running and passing through the alley, I cannot do this anymore. I'm almost out of breath as my stamina to run is decreasing. Just after I turn to the left, someone is pulling me harshly and pinning me against the wall. As reflex, of course I want to scream, but that person's hand already covering my mouth.

"Shh," he shushes me. I look up and want to see whoever this person is, but he is covered with hood and mask. The only thing I can see is his gaze which watching the alley, waiting and monitoring if those people can find us.

As both of us are waiting for the situation to be clear, our gap is closer thus I can hear his heavy breath. My eyes are trying to take a good look from the man in front of me; he is larger than me so whoever he is will be a new death threat after those people. My head is busy making scenario how to escape or even defend myself from this guy till it makes me so dizzy.

"You keep meddling into bizarre and dangerous situation," his deep and quiet voice is realising me from the scenario I have been thinking. He pull away his hand which covered my mouth before, his eyes now are staring at me. I can see his blue eyes are swallowing me. "Did you enjoy it?"

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