Chapter 4

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'...' Thoughts
"..." Speaking
... Narration
... Authors Note

Cheryl's POV~
We just came back home from London and the party was going to start soon. Many of our family was coming over, and that's including Lizzy!

'Hmmm....... Oh no. Today is the day that the mansion burns down, and Mother and Father dies. I HAVE to stay with Ciel and CeCe tonight at all times.' I thought frantically, remembering what happen in the manga and anime.

I quickly ran to CeCe (younger Ciel) and stayed near him and Ciel for the rest of time remaining. I gave them their presents now and they put it on, thanking me. Suddenly, after a few minutes, the smell of smoke hit big brothers' and my nose, immediately knowing that whatever happened was starting. We ran to Father's study and saw him and Mother dead.

'No... I couldn't save them....'

CeCe and I screamed at the sight and then ran out of the manor as fast as we could since of our asthma. Soon enough, hands pulled me and my big brother from the manor and into a cage where we spent the next week at.

Time Skip- 1 Week Later~
Still Cheryl's POV
It's been 1 week and my big brothers and I were stuck in the cage still, but the most horrible things happened. They first branded me and big brothers which hurt a lot, like burn the flesh and crying like there was no world left. It still hurts a lot, also we didn't have clothes either. They took ours away. They also raped me and my big brothers were tortured. They wiped me and the deepest ones were on my right eye and on my left hand. I kept my hand on my eye so it would try and heal. Many other kids were here in other cages as well. The other kids are almost like zombies. Oh, no. They're taking big brother Ciel away. They're tying him down to the big metal table they branded us on. No.... no...... they... killed him......

"CIEL/ BIG BROTHER!!!" CeCe and I shouted after witnessing big brothers death.

Ciel, my big brother.....gone, just like that. CeCe, he has the family ring in his hand along with blood as well. CeCe looked very devastated and angry, I was sobbing and holding onto CeCe like he was my lifeline. Now, my only big brother blacked out. I held him and then he woke up again only I think 5 minutes afterwards. Then a big black figure approached us, black feathers was seen and clicking of heels hit the floor. I was scared and he went up to Ciel, I hugged my big brother's waist and then saw him speak to the black figure.

"You wish to make this contract official?" The black figure spoke.

"Yes. Only for me and my little sister. I wish to get revenge on the person or people who killed my parents and my twin brother," Big brother replied.

"Very well. Where do you want your contract mark to be? The more visible it is, the stronger the contract." The now more sort of humanoid figure smirked.

"Then I choose it to be on my eye! I want the contract to be as strong as possible!" Ciel shouts.

The black figure stretched its hand out to big brother and I could see its' long finger nails and its' sharp canine teeth out of the shadows it produced. Its' bright eyes glowed as well as its' hand, touching Ciel's right eye. It was now shut closed and was bleeding. I gasped and grabbed Ciel's arm, hiding behind him. I didn't want to hear the rest of the conversation so I closed my eyes and mostly blocked out any sound I could hear.

Time Skip- 10 Minutes~
It's been a little while and all I can hear is the cracking of flames. My eyes were still closed, but I could tell that my big brother was embracing me in a tight hug and we were picked up in the air. I then passed out since I was so tired from everything.

Sebastian's POV~
I held the now young master and his little sister in my arms, knowing that with wounds like that, they had to go to the hospital. The young master told me that his aunt worked at the nearby hospital and to me to bring them there. Oh how refreshing to smell the young masters soul. Full of revenge and sorrow. And his little sisters, so pure but also was filled with sadness. Ah, how I will enjoy having the young masters soul.

I quickly ran over to the hospital their aunt worked at and told the secretary I was needed to talk to Madam Red, these children's aunt. She ran over, saw their condition, and rushed them to go get treatment. Later, after about a good 2 to 3 hours, Madam Red came out saying that they were all bandaged up and we're alright, though the young mistress will be blind in her right eye. She then thanked me for finding them and bring them back from wherever they were. I said it was no problem and said that I was going to be their new butler after they woke up. She was surprised and said that was fine by her.

To Be Continued~

Word Count: 901 Words
Date Published: May 30th, 2019

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