YOU LIED, but's it ok..{BlackbutlerXreader}
Claude? My older brother yes.... that's the only name I've ever heard.... You have never been to the outside world..You were kept in a house in hell kept away from everyone and you NEVER left........But what happens when you do leave and find out what your brother kept away from you? All those years of starvation....All those years of indoors......All those years of being alone......You find a boy and his butler...Ciel and Sebastian they gave you a home and food and once you found what your brother has been up to all those years of being alone you go mad!And no one knows about the powers you hold deep inside you....not even your brother.....but when you get angry and need help...The only source of help you have is just ONE Important person in your life......Gotta read and find out ;)I DO NOT OWN BLACK BUTLER: I do own the book and chapters..…