Chapter 5

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'...' Thoughts
"..." Speaking
... Narration

Ciel's POV~
When Ciel Was Making The Contract~
I held my little sister in my arms, knowing that she was all I had left. The only thing we had to remember our brother by was the family ring and the necklace that Cheryl gave us for our birthday. I had to get revenge on whoever killed out parents. I had to make them feel the same pain we did when they died. I also had to kill the people who killed my twin. I suddenly blacked out, feeling the only support was my younger sister's arms holding me.

I woke up again floating above many white feathers and only a single cloth was on my body. I looked around, trying to get a grip on my surroundings, thought of revenge still fresh on my mind.

"Think carefully. Should you reject the fate even this once the gates of paradise will forever be out of your reach," A voice said, the person speaking nowhere to be found.

"Do you think, one who was among the fateful, would go so far to summon the likes of you," I said in a monotone voice, wanting to get back to my sister.

"*laughter* I'll ask it once more. Do you wish to form a contract with me?" The voice now a bit closer.

"I do! Now stop asking these tedious questions and let me know if we have a deal!" I spoke loudly, knowing this was for my parents, brother, and my now only living family of  Phantomhive, my sister Cheryl.

Feathers floated upwards and turned black. I then blacked out again only to be in my sister's arms once more. She noticed me awakening and hugged me by my waist, since she was still quite short. I stood upwards and a black figure, now in the humanoid figure of a butler, walked towards us.

"I'll ask once more and then it's final. Do you wish to form a contract with me, even if the gates of paradise won't welcome you anymore?" The now butler spoke, the same voice as my dream.

"I do," I said, hugging my sister closer to me.

"Very well. Where do you wish to have our contract symbol? The more revealed it is, the stronger the contract."

"Then I wish to have it on my eye, my right to be exact. Like my sister's." As I made my final decision, he moved forwards the cage Cheryl and I were in.

He reached in a touched my right eye, a burning sensation was left as he pulled back and then said, "What do you wish for my name to be, young master?"

"Your name will now be, Sebastian, until the contract is over."

He chucked and then smirked, "Now what will my first order be?"

I opened my right eye, noticing it glowing, "Your first order will be to kill them all, burn this place to the ground. And save me and sister!" I announced.

"Yes, my lord," the demon, now Sebastian said.

Then he bent the cage bars to let us out and picked us up. He told us to close our eyes and I did, knowing my sister was passed out on my chest or already closed her eyes out of fear. Suddenly, I heard the sound of cracking flames and opened my eyes again. Behind us was the mansion up in shades of red, orange and yellow, all blended up together.

Cheryl shifted in my arms and then I told Sebastian, "Our aunt works at a hospital nearby, bring us there and she'll treat our wounds."

Sebastian replied with, "Yes, my lord," and then me and Cheryl both fell asleep in his arms. My arms wrapped around her fragile body and her wrapped against my waist.

The next thing we knew is that we were in a hospital room, with aunt Ann treating our wounds from the kidnapping. I saw a medical eyepatch on Cheryl's right eye and felt one on mine and well. Her small petite body was wrapped in bandages from all the beatings and wiping shes been through. I hope she'll be alright.

"Aunt Ann," I croaked out, my voice dry from dehydration.

Her head of red hair moved towards where my bed was layed and she ran up, giving me a large hug. It was a tight, but gentle hug, like one that is saying,'I will never let you out of my grasp again.'

"Ciel, you're safe. Someone saved you and your sister," aunt Ann whispered.

"I know, we're back," I hugged her back.

"Get some rest, I'll see you and your sister in the morning."

"Okay, see you tomorrow morning."

To Be Continued~
Posted: June 5th, 2019
Word Count: 793 Words

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