'...' Thoughts
"..." Speaking
... Narration
Time Skip- Next Day~
Cheryl's POV~
A/N: Cheryl is 5 in the time sequence right now.
Its finally my big brothers 10th birthday! I'm so excited! Everything is just going to be fantastic! Theres going to be sweets, family, presents, games, and a lot more for entertainment!
I jumped out of bed and ran down the hall to my big brothers' room and knocked on their door. When they didnt answer, I opened the door and the quietly jumped on the bed and them to wake them up. It was only 8 in the morning so I think that was a reasonable time to wake them up. It's also so we can wake up Mother and Father.
"Happy birthday Ciel and CeCe! Come on! We have to wake up Mother and Father!" I shouted, only loud enough for them to hear.
A/N: CeCe is the younger Ciel and Ciel is the older Ciel.
The groaned and rubbed their eyes as the awoken from my loud wake up call. They sat upwards and mumbled a goodmorning.
"Morning Cheryl. Oh! Its our birthday today!" my Brothers replied quickly.
We all rushed down the hall and stairs to reach our parents room and we all quietly knocked on the door, signaling that we were outside. CeCe (younger Ciel) opened the door and we all rushed inside to greet our parents good morning and wake them up for Ciels' birthday.
"Mother! Father! Wake up! It's Ciels'/big brother's birthday today!" all three of us shouted, wanting to get as many things as possible done before the end of the day.
"Good morning children," Mother said, rising up from her position in bed.
"Happy birthday my boys!" Father exclaimed, giving my big brothers a hug since they were the closest to him.
"Of course happy birthday to my darling boys. Children, go get changed for the party. We'll be with you in the breakfast room " Mother told us.
We rushed off into the directions of our rooms to get changed. Sahaana helped me get changed into a dark blue long sleeved dress, since it was winter. She also braided my hair, which was up to my butt now. She also placed a flower in my hair as well for a natural look.
I spun around in front of the mirror and thanked Sahaana for helping me get dressed. I looked at the time and then looked outside to see a few drifts of snow coming down. I then rushed off into the direction of the breakfast room. I said hello to my family again and we all enjoyed breakfast together.
Time Skip~
Later we went out to London and me and CeCe were bundled up very warmly since of our asthma. The my two big brothers went up to a fairly nice man and told him it was their birthday. Mother then went up to the nice man and apologized, but he said it was fine and we were all very cute. I thanked him and then we went back home.
Word Count: 523 Words
Date Published: May 29th, 2019
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