Chapter 6: Romeo and Juliet

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“Alright class!” Said the teacher. I was in my last class of the day. Intro to Theater. Dick was with me in the class and sat a little too close to me than I wanted, but I didn’t want to be rude, so I didn’t say anything. “I want you step up one by one and tell us your name and something interesting about yourself or something interesting that you’ve done.” Our teacher was a plump woman named Mrs. Cypher. She had a low voice, but still sounded feminine when she talked.

“Jan Mullins?”

“I’m Jan Mullins and I went to space camp and made a mini roketship.”

“Brock Smith?”

“I’m Brock Smith and I was born in Japan.”

“Ruby Maraschino?” I gulped as I stood.

“I’m Ruby Maraschino... and I...” I glance at Dick and a brilliant idea popped into my head. “And I’ve met Robin, the Boy Wonder.” A murmurs of whispers engulfed the class. I glanced at Dick again to see him smirking. I think I just earned a brownie point as mom would say.

“Yes, well, Richard Grayson?”

Dick stood and said, “I’m Richard Grayson and I’m Bruce Wayne’s ward.” I tilted my head in confusion. I’d never heard that term before. Did it mean that he was adopted? But I thought that would mean that he’d be Bruce Wayne’s son, not ward.

“Hey, Dick, what’s a ward?” I whispered.

“It’s kinda like a son but... not.” He whispered back. Someone cleared their voice. We look up to see Mrs. Cypher leaning over us. “Excuse me, but is my talking interrupting your little chat?” We shook our heads. “Good. Now your first project will be having to do a Shakespearean play and making it modern with costumes and props. Get into groups of two or three.” I immediately placed my hand on Dick’s shoulder, causing him to smirk.

Mrs. Cypher held out a black plastic cauldron filled with pieces of paper. Each paper had a Shakespearean play and the scene lines written on it. When it was our turn to reach in I pull out the paper and my face flushed, pure red. “Can’t I pick a new paper?” I asked. Mrs. Cypher shook her head. “You get what you get and you don’t throw a fit Miss Maraschino.” She said, before going to the next group.

Dick took the paper from my hand and smiled. “This is gold, why would you wanna trade?” My blush brightened. The card read as follows:

Romeo and Juliet- Death Scene:


Go, get thee hence, for I will not away.


What's here? a cup, closed in my true love's hand?

Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end:

O churl! drunk all, and left no friendly drop

To help me after? I will kiss thy lips;

Haply some poison yet doth hang on them,

To make die with a restorative.

Kisses him

Thy lips are warm.

First Watchman

[Within] Lead, boy: which way?


Yea, noise? then I'll be brief. O happy dagger!

Snatching ROMEO's dagger

This is thy sheath;

Stabs herself

there rust, and let me die.

Falls on ROMEO's body, and dies

I knew this scene practically by heart, and that’s why I was so afraid of it.

I just stared at the words for a while. “Hey, Ruby, what do you think?” Dick asked. “What?” I asked back.

“I asked if you wanted to come over to my place over the weekend and work on this.” Dick looked at me with a bright smile on his face. I averted my eyes from his. “I’d have to ask my mom, I think it’ll be okay. I mean the the worst she could say is no.”


“No.” Mom said sternly.

“But mom!” I’d told mom about Dick wanting me to come over, but she just flat out refuses to let me go. Then I got an idea. “Mom, they dont know that I’m me. They just think I’m a girl who happens to be Dick’s partner on this. Please, just let me go, think of it as a reconnaissance mission. I’ll gather intel! Please just let me go!” I was begging by this point. I don’t know why, but I felt like I had to go to Wayne Manor. I just had too.

“Oh, alright. But if he tries anything, you come straight home. Do you understand?” I nodded and swifty hugged her. “Thanks mom, you’re the best.” I gave a laugh and went into my room. Dick had given me his number so, with a few button taps, I sent him a text that said, We are a go. When can I come over. I was thinking Sunday, does that work for you?

A few seconds later my phones ringtone, which was Don’t Cha by the Pussycat Dolls, went off to reveal that Dick had texted me back. Sure. Sound’s good. I smiled and cuddled Lucius close to my chest. I was about to get up to finish my homework, when my phone went off again.

See you then ;)  I blushed at that. A winky face? What’s a winky face supposed to mean? Does that mean he likes me, that he’s on to me? No he’s probably just trying to be friendly. Right. Just being friendly.

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