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A convergence of secrets, rivalries, and alliances unfolds in Gotham City, drawing together heroes and anti-heroes from disparate corners of the world. Spider-Man's pursuit of the ruthless assassin Widowmaker leads him into Gotham's shadowy depths, where his presence stirs unease among the city's defenders. Batman, ever wary of outsiders, orders Spider-Man to leave, but Red Hood steps in to defend the web-slinger, creating tension within the Bat-family.Meanwhile, Damien Wayne's curiosity about Spider-Man's mysterious connections to Black Widow and Tony Stark propels him into dangerous territory. Encouraged by intelligence from his mother, Talia al Ghul, Damien begins a covert investigation, enlisting Tim Drake to hack into S.H.I.E.L.D. for classified files. These files reveal hints of Black Widow's undercover mission at Stark Industries, deepening Damien's suspicions about Spider-Man's true origins and motives.As Widowmaker attempts to join Gotham's rogues gallery, Damien tries to blackmail Spider-Man, believing he can expose a Stark-funded agenda. However, Spider-Man's calm defiance only fuels Damien's determination. Tony Stark, alerted to the S.H.I.E.L.D. breach, begins his own investigation, while enlisting the unorthodox help of Deadpool to ensure Spider-Man's safety in Gotham. Deadpool's chaotic arrival leads to an unexpected encounter with Nightwing, adding a layer of unpredictability to an already volatile situation.With Widowmaker's plans looming and tensions mounting between Gotham's protectors and Spider-Man, the lines between trust and betrayal blur. Secrets from the past threaten to unravel, and the heroes must navigate a web of intrigue to stop a dangerous foe before Gotham descends into chaos.…