"Ruby! Time to get up!" I groaned. It was six in the morning and the first day of school. I sighed as I got up and got dressed. "Here. Eat this." Mom handed me a granola bar. "Eat fast, we're late." She mumbled, fixing her wig. I unwrapped the bar as I grabbed my bag and we speed to the car.
"Get to class safe! Love you, have a nice day!" Mom called, as she sped away. I memorized my locker number and the code from the hours I looked at my schedule. Putting the away the books that I wouldn't need until after lunch I closed my locker.
"Hey." Someone said, causing me to jump. I turned to see a boy. Oh no, not just any boy, but that boy I met when I was in the shoe store and also who just happened to be the guy I was looking for. "Oh, hi." I greeted back. "Um, your Ruby Maraschino, right?"
"Yep." I held out my hand for him, he takes it cautiously. "Richard Grayson, but most people call me Dick." Our hands broke and I smiled at him. "So, are you here to show me to my class or something?" He nodded. "Yep. It gives me service hours and a full day of hanging out with someone new." I giggled.
"Then lead on Macduff." I said, gesturing for him to lead me to my first class. "Well, before I do that, I've gotta look at your schedule." He held out his hand and I rummaged in my bag to pull out my schedule to give to him. "You mean they didn't give you a copy?" I asked as I placed the folded paper into his hand. "Nope. They believe that all students are responsible enough to keep their schedule safe." He said in a moc teacher voice that made me laugh. I noticed the smallest hint of a blush dust his cheeks.
"Well, follow me." He said, taking me to my first class. "So, why did you get picked? If you don't mind me asking." I asked, walking in toe with him. "My schedule is the closest to yours. So they put me in charge of you for the day." He winked at me as I gave an awkward laugh.
"Welcome to advanced bio class." Dick said, opening the door for me. As I past the threshold I felt a million eyes on me. Dick placed his arm around me and ushered me to a corner with a redheaded girl. "Hey Barb." Dick said to the redhead. "This is Ruby." He pointed to me. His arm left me, and was suddenly replaced with cold, causing me to shudder a bit.
"Oh, hey. I'm Barbara." She said. "Forgive me for saying so but you don't look like a 10th grader." I shrugged. "That's because I'm not. I'm in the 9th grade, but I'm taking advanced courses in everything but english." I sat in the open seat next to her and Dick took the one in front of her so we were in a small triangle.
"So, are you doing any extracurriculars?" She asked. I nodded. "I'll be doing gymnastics, so I don't have to take gym."
"So then what did you fill that in with?" Dick asked.
"Intro to Theater." I said with a shrug. "Great. Dick's taking that class too." Barbara said, nudging Dick in the arm. He flinched. "Oh, sorry. I forgot about your arm."
"What did you do?" I asked, knowing full well that I was the one who'd done it to him. "Nothing, just a little fight. You should see the other guy. I got off easy." He laughed. Just as I suspected. He has a bit of an ego.
"Quiet down class!" My head whipped around to look at the teacher. "When I say your name say here. Brian Murray." She said, flipping her 'r's.
"Barbara Gordon."
"Richard Grayson."
"Aquí." Dick said, a little smile of his face.
"Mr. Grason. This is biology. Not spanish." The teacher said, then clearing her throat she continued. "Ruby Maraschino."
"Here, miss." I said, and the list went on and on until she'd finished.
The class was interesting, but I hardly learned anything. Besides, my attention was mainly focused on Dick. It confused me why I kept staring at me, but I just couldn't stop. His wide smile filled with pearl colored teeth, those ice blue eyes, and his jet black hair. Every second I noticed something new about him. Like that his hand would shake when he knew the answer, but didn't put up his hand. Or that his ears would lift when he heard something he found interesting.
Every class was like that. I felt a wave of relief hit me when lunch came around. "I'm going to swap out my books." I said, trying to get some time away from Dick. "Okay, I'll come with you." I was going to say he didn't have to what I heard someone yell my name. I turned to see mom running towards me. "Mom?" I exclaimed.
"There you are!" She was holding something in her hand. "I forgot to give you your lunch." She held out what looked more like a purse but when I took it from her it felt cold from the ice pack I should guess. The bag itself was black and had a kitty face on it.
"Oh, I remember you." Mom said, looking at Dick. "You're that boy we met at Footzies." I've noticed that whenever I meet someone with her, she always grabs my shoulders and keeps me close to her.
"Um, yeah. My name's Richard." Dick said, rubbing the back of his head. "Well, Richard," Even with her glasses on I could still see an evil glint in her eyes. "Please, do take care of my dear Ruby. She's just as precious to me as the stones she's named after." She looked down at me. "Have a good day, Ruby." She kissed the top of my head and left without any further words.
"Your mom's kinda overprotective, isn't she?" Dick asked. I slowly nodded and started walking to my locker again. "I guess, but I've never really been outside our house much, so I think its normal for her to want to protect me. Like she said, I'm precious to her." I stopped to open my locker and switch books.
"Great, you're done, now lets get to school before my stomach eats itself." I gave a small laugh as we headed to the lunch room.
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