Chapter 7: Stay Welmed

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"Hello?" I called. I'd rung the doorbell about three times now. Why wasn't anyone answering? I sighed and took this time to examine myself. I was wearing a red dress that had black mesh at the top, a skinny black belt, some black sparkly tights, and black flats that had a silver tip. I touched my neck. I was also wearing that emerald necklace mom and I took from our first job.Just as I pushed the button for a fourth time, the door opened and the doorbells ring hung in the air between me and the well dressed man in front of me. "I'm sorry it took me so long miss...."

"Oh, I'm Ruby Maraschino. I'm here to see Dick." I say. The man raised an eyebrow. "Master Dick didn't say that he was going to have his girlfriend over." A blush spread over my face. "Oh well I'm not-"

"This way." He said, ushering me inside. "My name is Alfred Pennyworth. I am the butler of the house. If you have any questions ask me." He pushed me into a room. "Wait here." He shut the doors, leaving me in the room.I looked at the room and my mouth dropped to the floor. It was a huge gym! I squealed and ran towards the rings. I jumped and grabbed them. Flipping round and round, till I finally let go and landed on the balance beam, did a cart wheel on the beam and then flipped off, lifting my hands up in a finished pose.I jumped when I heard someone start clapping. I turned to see a redheaded boy. "Oh, hey." I said sheepishly. "Um, I didn't know anyone was here."

"Neither did I. I was just looking for Rob- I mean Dick." He said, rubbing the back of his head. "My name's Wally by the way." He gave me a goofy smile. I smiled back. "I'm-"

"Ruby? What are you doing here?" Dick asked, stepping in front of Wally. "Oh, remember, we had a date set for today." Dick still looked confused, but once I saw the realization cross his face Wally said, "So that's why you've got such a pretty girl in your house. You're one sly dog, Dicky boy." A hard blush hit my face."N-no it-its not like that! It'd never be like that!" I practically shouted. The two boys eyes widened at my remark and I shifted awkwardly under their gazes. "I-I mean... Dick invited me over so we could work on our acting project together." I said, looking down."Oh, right. I'm so sorry Ruby. I totally forgot." Dick said. I didn't look at him, I just stood there. "Hey Wally, make sure everyone knows where I am and why I'm not there."

"Whatever you say." Wally shrugged and left, leaving Dick and I in an awkward pause. "I-I'm really sorry, Dick." I said. Dick laughed and rubbed the back of his head. "No problem, let's go to the library and talk there. Maybe find something to help our project." I nodded and followed Dick a few steps behind. I kept my gaze low, thinking how stupid I was. Dick seems really nice and I just embarrassed him in front of one of his friends. I truly am an idiot."Here we are." Dick said, opening two double doors to reveal a library right out of beauty and the beast(I spend my free time watching Disney and reading)! "Just have a seat and I'll grab my computer, so we can get started." I nodded and sat on the red, velvet couch. I sat there for about half an hour just staring at my hands. I even jumped when Dick plopped next to me."Alright. let's get started..." I could feel the awkward nervousness emanate off him. I leaned over to look at his computer. He'd already copied the scene down so we only had to rewrite it and get props, and costumes. Dick and I began brainstorming ideas. At the end of all the searching from reference books and translations of some of the words we came up with this:

Romeo and Juliet- Death Scene:

JULIET-What's this? A cup? Poison, I see, he's truly left me: O god! He's drunk it all, and left none so I can't join him. Perhaps not all is lost? I will kiss his lips; Perhaps some poison is still on them, So that I can see you soon.Kisses him

Your lips are still so warm.

First Watchman[Within] Lead, boy: which way?

JULIET-Someone is coming! I have to do this quick!Snatching ROMEO's dagger Goodbye world,

Stabs herself

and let me see my Romeo.

Falls on ROMEO's body, and dies

Dick and I sat in silence for a little until I broke it by saying, "Hey Dick?"

"Yeah?" His eyes were glued to the screen. I sighed and placed a hand on his thigh. I could feel him tense, but I didn't care. "Dick I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry." I leaned in causing him to lean back. "W-why do you need to be sorry?"I slid back from him and let my hand slid off him. "Because I said all those things in front of your friend and I didn't really mean all that. I mean you are a very attractive guy," I blushed and started to play with my hands. "I-I mean, um, uh, you're nice, and funny and... and well... Oh! This is so overwhelming!" I was so frustrated with myself, at least until Dick put a hand on my shoulder. I looked into his ice blue eyes and felt like I could melt in them. "I think I know a trick to help you get welmed again." I tilted my head in confusion. "Just close your eyes and stay still." I did as I was told and waited for something to happen.I could feel the couch shift and then a gust of hot air hit my lips, and then..."Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like-" I spun around to grab my phone that was going off at top volume. "Moshi moshi!" I said. "Ruby, dear, are you alright?" It was mom. I sighed. "Yes mother I'm fine. Dick and I were just wrapping up. Why?"

"You're in his house?" She asked. "Yes. Why?" I asked again."You come home right now!" I had to pull the phone away from my ear so my eardrums didn't burst. "Yes mother, I'm on my way." I sighed and shut the phone. I turned to Dick who had a little blush on his face. "Sorry Dick, but I've gotta get going, I'll see ya later k?" He nodded. He seemed a little sad, so I did the one thing that I know would give him a nice lively jolt. I kissed his cheek, but it was close to his mouth. "Bye!" I called, running out the front doors and down the long, obscene driveway.

"I want to set up a little rule system with you." Mom said, sitting in her spinny chair. "Rule number one, only be around that Boy Blunder if it's beneficial to you or us. Rule two, is that you're only allowed out on your own between five and ten, and then rule three, keep away from other villains. Some will want to kill you because you're my daughter, so stay away." I nodded. "Anything else?" I asked."Yes. I need you to distract the Boy Blunder tomorrow. Say for... about two hours." I tilted my head in confusion. "Why?" I asked, picking up a chocolate chip muffin that was on the table. I was about to take a bite when mom took it from me. "Because the Bat and I have something to talk about and I don't want that boy messing it up." She took a bit out of the muffin. I sighed. "Alright." I walked to my room. "I'm going out, be back soon." I said before closing my door.Rummaging through my draws I popped open the false bottom and swiftly put on my suit. I kissed the top of Lucius' head before flying into the Gotham night. I gave a laugh as I flipped over buildings. I landed on top of a candy shop. My stomach rumbled. "Looks like I could use a snack." I said, slipping into the air ducts.Landing atop a shelf I contemplated whether or not I wanted to trip the silent alarm or not, then my stomach rumbled again. "It's worth it." I mumbled. Jumping down, I grazed the shelves looking for something good. Candy corn... Snickers... M&M's..."I find the red candies to be the best." I smiled at the voice. I grabbed a red lollipop and turned. "You really must like me to come alone like this." I said, noticing no one behind him. He shrugged. "What can I say? You're interesting." I placed my hand on my heart. "I'm flattered that you find me so interesting, but I really nothing special."

"Hmm, see, I don't believe that." I raised an eyebrow at him. "Oh, no?" He shook his head. "Hate to burst your bubble, but the only thing special about me is that I can tie a cherry stem with my tongue." I said, stepping towards him, getting three inches from his face. I'd learned from all the times I'd gotten ice cream sundaes, that if you can tie a cherry stem, men think you're a good kisser."I bet you can do that too." I told him, unwrapping the lollipop and placing it in my mouth. "Now, if you'll excuse me," I jumped onto a shelf. "I've gotta go do things." I lept through the air duct.I made onto the roof when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned, expecting to see Robin. "My you are persi-" I stopped mid sentence. It wasn't Robin standing in front of me. "Hehe. If I'd known the Boy Blunder was on a date I'd have crashed it sooner." It was the Joker. I stepped back, my eyes wide. "Now that I look at you, you look so much like your mother." He said, circling me."How do you know my mother?" I asked, Joker opened his mouth to answer when someone shouted, "Get away from her, Joker!" It was Robin! "Stay out of this Wonder Boy!" I snapped as he landed next to me. "Sorry, can't do that. You're a damsel and you in distress, I've gotta help ya." Joker sighed."Young love." His smile turned evil. "It makes me sick!" He yelled lunging for us.

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