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I knew that keeping my relationship with Noah secret was going to be hard, but for now it wasn't the best idea to make it public. We'd be getting too much hate, mainly from the Team Choey fandom.

Today was the official day of Starting Filming Of season 3 of Stranger things. This time I actually decided to go with my parents because obviously I was friends with the cast now, but I wasn't before.

Once we all got on set I said hi to everyone. I loved seeing how close they all were, they were like a family. And I was proud to be part of it.

Me and Chloe sit in the caravan while everyone starts shouting the first scene. We were both extremely bored though.

When they all finished filming the first scene they came in the caravan we were at.

"So how was it?" I asked

"It was great, but were missing an actor, we need someone to play the role of a girl who has a crush on Will or something" Millie said

"Um, well maybe I could try" I said

"I never knew you were interested in acting Ayla" Gaten says

"I used to go to a art school, and I obviously learnt how to act there dumbass" I say laughing and they all start to say "ohhhh"

I've never really had an acting career, but I'm pretty confident In front of the camera. Maybe I could try it. I'm obviously not doing it just because the character has a love interest with Will.

Well... maybe a little.

I went and spoke to my parents and they were pretty shocked too. They thought that I never really wanted to do any acting.

I obviously had to have a little audition to see what i was like acting. I read the lines with as much emotion as I could and tried my best.

"Wow Ayla I'm actually really impressed, you've definitely got them great acting skills after me" My mom says
My parents were in some movies before actually starting to direct them.

"You've definitely got the role sweety, you're really good" My dad says

"Yes Ayla! Now you're really part of the cast" Caleb says high fiveing me.

"I love you guys" I say smiling.

Then back I got a lot of
"We love you two" and we all hugged.

Me and Noah looked at each other for a moment, smirking. I think he knew that part of the reason why I waned that role was to be closer to Noah aka Will Byers.

I was going to be in the scenes that we were going to be shooting tomorrow. I guess I have one night to learn the lines. Great.


Tagged: strangerthingstv, Netflix

Aylaj Me? Acting? Well that's pretty strange.
Season 3 coming next year, Who's excited to see me?😬

View all 9,382 comments

Strangerthingstv exciting😊

Maddieziegler omg yes!🤩❤️

User28 OMG! I'm freaking out rn!!


Kenzie need to meet up soon to catch up!🖤

Shawnlevy Some big things coming for
you Ayla😁

Gatenm123 Eeeekkk😌😌


Uncle_jezzy wait I'm only just finding out about this?! YAYY

User71 Omg Joe is so excited! So excited to see Ayla in season 3

Hellokylie I feel like a proud mamma😋

Jackdgrazer whatt😱 I am so ready for season 3 so I can binge watch it 7373737 times

User49 M O O D

Sadiesink_ 🤗💗

Blakegray congrats gurl❤️

User86 exciting!!

Jacobsartotius Oooo🙂

User02 obviously she got the role I mean her parents are the fricking producers

Amybethmcnulty So Happy for you🤗💜

Katiej Proud Mother! Never knew that you were such a good actor tho😱😂

Finnwolfhardofficial 🐸😊❤️

Noahschnapp Couldn't be more excited to be working with you on this, so glad your part of the cast now💗

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