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I woke up with a script on my chest. I guess I must've fell asleep while learning the lines. I got a quick shower then put some sweatpants and a crop top on as I was changing into my 'costume' on set anyway so it didn't matter what I wore. I then put my hair in a messy bun and went downstairs for breakfast.

"Are you excited for today?" Dad asked

"Yeah I'm super excited, i wasn't planning on being an actor but I actually really want to try it out, it seems like fun" I say

"It is" Noah said smiling

"I'm so happy that we're actually going to be working with our daughter on this" my mum squeals excitedly

I giggle at how happy she is.

"I can't believe your gonna leave me to be in that caravan by myself Ayla" Chloe says trying to looking angry but smirking

"Gaten's girlfriend Liz is coming today so you'll be with her, at least you'll have someone to talk to" I say to her

We finally got on set and there was a few paparazzi taking pictures outside of the studio so we quickly had to run inside where we said hi to everyone.

Me and Noah were sat watching some funny videos on Instagram and my dad comes in.

"hey guys" he says

"Hey Rob"

"Hi dad"

"You know how both of your character have a love interest, well you will become a relationship like halfway through the season, and I will need you to kiss a bit of times. I just want to make sure if that's okay with you both" My dad says

I look at Noah and smirk at him a little.

"It's totally fine don't worry" Noah says

"Yeah I'm okay with it" I say

"Oh okay that's great guys, thanks" he says walking out looking like he was in a hurry

"Well Byers, I am really looking forward to kissing you" I say

"And I am looking forward to kissing you Amber Fox" he says winking.

We get closer and I give him just a little peck on the lips.

"You're such a tease" he says

"I know"

I got changed into my costume and had my hair and makeup done ready for the scenes.

In this scene I was following the boys and Max and Eleven to see what they were up to, they caught me and I found out about everything and tried helping them.

It went great to be honest. After filming we went to some restaurant for Dinner and went back home because we were exhausted.

Chloe went to sleepover at her friends for a few days. So me and Noah could actually act like a couple a little more. We were now in my bed listening to music.

"You know what Ayla, I want to take you out on a date" he says all of a sudden

"Ooo how charming, but what if paparazzi see us" I ask

"They won't, trust me, me and you are going on a date tomorrow" he says

"I can't wait" I say cuddling up to him and kissing his cheek.

He then flips me on top of him and connects both of our lips together, the kiss was getting more heated and we still carried on. I cupped his cheeks and he had his hands on my waist.

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