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A few weeks have passed since the Emmy awards. The fans have been tagging me in so many posts from that night, especially the ones with me and Noah.

I was back in contact with Millie and Sadie. It was great to be talking to them again. I talked to the boys too, not really Noah though. It's still confusing me to be honest.

I was sat in my room editing a video when my Mom calls me downstairs.

"What's up?" I asks sitting on the couch

"We just got horrible news that The Schnapp's Grandmother is terribly ill and Noah and Chloe's parents are flying to England for a few weeks to take care of her, and obviously Noah and Chloe don't really have anywhere to stay. So we've let them stay with us for these few weeks, I know I don't really have to tell you this, but make them both feel welcome please" my dad says

"Of course I will" I said happily. Maybe me and Noah have drifted but he was still my best friend and I loved spending time with him.

"I'm excited to be honest, Noah's already like a brother to me and now we'll be living together he'll be like an actual brother, and I'm happy that I'll get to finally meet Chloe" I say

"Well I'm glad your happy sweety" mom says

I've been an only child all my life so it'll be fun actually not being the only kid in the house for once.

I tidied my room and got ready and a few hours later they were coming.

The door bell rings and me and my parents go to the door.

In come Noah and Chloe with their suitcases.

"Noah, Chloe how lovely to have you both stay here" dad said

"Be sure to feel like home and not feel embarrassed to do anything or get anything from the kitchen or something" My mom says

"Thank you for letting us stay here Rob and Katie" Noah says smiling

"Hey Noah" I say pulling him into a hug. He hugs back and replies with a "Heyo"

Then I walk up to Chloe. She was really pretty.
"Hey Chloe I'm Ayla, it's nice to finally meet you" I say excited. She pulls me into a tight hug.

"Its so good to meet you Ayla, you won't believe how much my brother Talks about you" she said making me chuckle

"Oh really" I laugh

"Shut up Chloe" Noah says blushing

I showed both Noah and Chloe to their rooms and they put their suitcases in their rooms.

We then went down for dinner.

"So how was tour then, I still haven't found out" My dad says.

"It was so fun Rob, the fans were amazing and I couldn't believe how much of them there actually is" Noah says

"I really enjoyed it" I added

"It's a shame you left early you know" Noah says looking at me, he really meant it. I looked back down at my food awkwardly.


"Hey Guys, do you wanna watch some movies in my room with me?" I ask

"Of course"


We were all in pyjamas now and we got into my bed which was quite big.

"What do you want to watch?" I ask turning Netflix on and scrolling through the shows

"Can we watch that new movie, To All The Boys I Loved?!" Chloe shouts excited

"Oh my god, yes!" I shout

"Oh my god" Noah shakes his head

"Shut up Mushroom" I say

"I'm not a mushroom!"

"Sure" I smirked

Halfway through the second movie which was It, Chloe was already drifting off.

"Guys I'm so tired, I'm going to go to sleep" She says yawning and walking out of the room

It was now just me and Noah left. Watching It for like the 1 thousandth time.

"I'm sorry about your Grandma" I say softly

"It's fine, hopefully she'll get better"

I looked at Noah and just admired every single thing about him. His beautiful Hazel eyes, his perfectly shaped eyebrows, his beautiful hair and his luscious lips which at that moment I really wanted to kiss. I finally realised, that I like him. I like Noah Schnapp. But what do I do now?

"Noah I'm sorry"

"For what" he asks confused

"For hurting you so much. For leading you on then getting with another guy, for not realising you liked me earlier and for then leaving you when I felt confused and didn't know what to do, I'm sorry" I whisper the last part now sobbing into his arms.

"Don't be, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me Ay"

"I was so stupid" I whisper

I look up at him and just couldn't resist it, my lips smashed onto his and we started to kiss passionately. This time I was actually the one who kissed him first. And I felt amazing.

Suddenly he pulled away.

"Are you playing me again like last time, you know, I was so hurt last time and I don't want that happening again. Especially not now" he whispers.

"I know it took me long enough to realise that, but I like you Noah Schnapp, I like you a lot. You're the nicest, sweetest guy I have ever met, you care about everyone so much and hate to see anyone hurt, you have a heart of gold and you're pretty amazing, well and really attractive too" I said winking.

I can't believe I actually just confessed my feelings to him.

"It's okay if you don't like me anymore" I say

"You don't understand how happy I am right now" Noah says kissing me again. The kiss was now longer and just as passionate as the previous one.

We were both now sat on the bed. I was now sat on his lap with my legs wrapped around his torso.

"Ayla Johnson, would you maybe like to be my girlfriend" he asks shy

"I'd love to be your girlfriend Schnappy Boy" I wshipered smiling like crazy. Everything was just perfect. I was cuddled up to him.

"But... can we kept it secret for now, you know because I just recently broke up with Joey and I feel like maybe it's best to wait so we can prepare" i say

"Of course"

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