Me: WARNING! Things are going to start getting darker from here on out (finally!) so if there is a chance of you being triggered, please don't put yourself at risk. That's all I can say for now so bye.
P.S. I kinda started rushing this chapter so.... the ending might not be as good as usual
The group sat at different spots in a circle after Sakura and Sasuke managed through the stairs. No one had talked for a bit in an awkward silence. After a few more minutes of Kakashi's perverted giggling over his book, Naruto was glaring at said bookworm while wondering where the book had come from with an expression that looked something like (-_-) until Sakura broke the silence.
'Damn Naruto, who does he think he is? Trying to make Sasuke look bad and not staying in his place below us?! Damn Baka needs to learn his place! Wait a dare he!! Glaring at someone far superior to him?!' Sakura growled mad and attempted to punch Naruto, who was about to grab her fist and throw her back when Kakashi decided to put his hand in to deflect it instead.
"Now Sakura," Kakashi began "you really shouldn't attack your teammates." He finished
"But Sensei!" Sakura couldn't finish, wouldn't finish, Kakashi gave her a hard glare before she could. "Fine" Kakashi nodded in approval before moving on.
"Good, now as I was saying-" Kakashi said with authority in his voice clear as day
"'You weren't saying anything!"' Multiple of Naruto's occupants yelled in his mind and he twitched slightly, no one noticed or cared, Kakashi kept on without outward interruption.
"Tomorrow will be your genin test." Kakashi said with an eye smile. Sakura faulted instantly with her internal rant about idiots and perverts and looked at her not-really-sensei.
"What." She asked and Naruto couldn't help but to agree, he hadn't heard of anything concerning another test, he thought there was only one. Sasuke didn't really care much at all, to deep in his own thoughts of vengeance to care of much of anything going on around him. Kakashi eye smiled wider
"Yep, you're not officially ninja yet so later today we will take the ACTUAL test. But we're getting ahead of ourselves, it's time to introduce ourselves to each other, Pinky, you start first." Sakura glared at Kakashi before looking at Sasuke with harts in her eyes as she spoke. Naruto was smiling before but it faltered suddenly into a frown. Small memories tickled at the edge of his mind slightly as he thought. He looked at Kakashi with a deepening frown 'Kakashi?' The sound of birds reached his ears and past-healed wounds ached painfully before Naruto instantly came to his senses 'that...that was nothing, right?'
"-I hate Naruto-Baka!" Sakura' loud voice cut in through Naruto's thoughts.
"Emo, your up" Kakashi said, completely unaware of what was going on with Naruto.
'Kuru?' Naruto asked in his thoughts
"I'll Check it out tonight alright?" She responded kindly
'...k' he responded
"-is more like an ambition rather than a dream-" Sasuke's voice cut in. Naruto's mind wandered to what was soon going to happen in the upcoming days.
'I wonder...' he thought
"-I will make it happen-" Sasuke said
'What will happen?'
"-I will kill my brother-"
'When I turn-'
"-and restore my clan-"
"Blonde, you're up" Kakashi said calmly with another eye-smile
"My name is Naruto Namikaze-Uzumaki-" Kakashi's eyes widened in horrified realization but he quickly covered it up with an eye-smile, Sakura gasped before turning her head stubbornly and Sasuke hnnd "-my hobbies are none of your general concern, and I doubt either of you actually care about my dislikes but I can't stand arrogant assholes, hypocrites, banshees, or unjustified accusations. My hobbies don't consternation any of you either and MY dream is-" 'to get revenge on those who have wronged me' "none of your concern. I'm guessing we will see each other at noon at training ground seven so see you then. With that, he disappeared with a puff of orange and blue smoke, leaving a confused pair in his wake.
"Dumb baka, it's past 1:30." Sakura deadpanned. Kakashi, however, had a slight gleam in his eye similar to mischief.
"Welp! You heard the man, see you all then!" Kakashi yelled surprisingly energetic.
"But it's past-" Sakura tried
"Bye!!" Kakashi puffed out with plain white smoke.
"Noon" she finished. Sasuke got up and started walking off, to be followed, again.
"Wait for me Sasuke-kun!" Sakura screeched and lacked on to Sasuke's arm.
"My Sasuke-kun" inner-Sakura said
'shoosh' Sakura said telepathically 'this is my moment!'
"The precious shall be ours!"
'Ok crazy, town it down a tad'
'Then can you shut up?'
"Make me motherfucker!"
'Ok....this isn't working, I'll talk to you later.'
-with Naruto
~Naruto's POV~
I puffed away from the banshee, Teme, and Kakashi
"Scarecrow" a demon dove corrected me, heh, that kinda has a nice ring to it.
'Hi Emph' I greeted
"He shall now be known as scare crow" she continued "so tell me, what's been bugging you recently?" Worry touched her voice slightly and she flapped her wings lightly inside my mind, mine twitched slightly and I longed to stretch them out and fell the wind with the sensitive feathers.
"Don't" Kuru said sternly in my mind and I huffed slightly before returning to the task at hand. Wait, what task again?
"You have about thirty minutes before you need to go to the training ground" Kurama reminded me.
"Oh" I said out loud "whoops" where did I land anyway? I looked around myself to see I was in a tree near a clearing in training ground seven. Taking in my surroundings I saw that there is a small stream nearby leading to a large pond/small lake and a bridge over the stream. I then saw Kakashi puff in a distant tree on the opposite side of the small bridge, I watched him hide and get comfy before returning for my thoughts and aired for the banshee and emo to show up.
I did that 😎 oh and here's something else I did
Judge me and perish -_- also, look up fmaderp2002 to see my Speedpaint (no one has ever commented on any of the art I do anywhere but here T-T
Updated image!
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