My teammates are who?

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~everyone's POV~

Naruto was currently sitting in his normal desk by the window waiting for class to start. He had gotten there a decent while early but he didn't care, he wasn't keeping his mask up any longer so he would be himself and he enjoyed being punctual

'My teammates and sensei better not be late.' He growled inwardly as he continued to stare outside the window. After a few more minutes the other genin started filling in the class quickly. Kiba sat in front of him, which would be fine if he wasn't so loud ad if he didn't have a dog on his head to block view to anyone behind him. Naruto tapped his shoulder and Kiba turned around quickly with a grin. It fell almost instantly when he saw who was behind him.
"Would you mind taking Akamaru off your head and keeping your voice down a bit?" Naruto asked politely, which shocked those who heard his m greatly. Kiba got over it quickly and scowled

"Why should I? You're not even supposed to be in here so don't complain!" Naruto cocked his head at this and his hair covered one of his eyes in a slightly cute fashion.

"What are you talking about? I'm supposed to be in here." He said slightly confused

"This is for people that passed only! Not losers!" Kiba yelled and Naruto glared before making a gesture to his neck.

"Not everyone where's it on there head dumbass. Maybe you should look before you open your mouth, or are you just blind?" Kiba bickered for a little bit but Naruto payed him no mind, choosing instead to look out the window again until he felt someone flick his shoulder. He turned around to see that Sasuke was standing by him with a slight glare.

"Hey dobe, can I sit here?" He asked and Naruto seat next to him with a nod before turning to the window again. The chatter took an almost immediate incline when the door slammed open with two Kunochi running in.

"I got here first! I get to sit by Sasuke!" Sakura yelled

"No you didn't billboard brow I did!" Ino yelled Naruto looked at them from his spot in the seat they where fighting over.

"Dumbasses" Naruto muttered annoyed. The two finally noticed that 'there' spot was taken and Sakura marched up to the blonde with anger written clearly on her face.

"Naruto-Baka! Get out of my spot! I want to sit by MY Sasuke-kun!" She yelled in her high pitched voice. Naruto looked at her strangely before an idea struck him.

'What better way to announce myself being different then what they think than this?' He thought excitedly but molded his features to a glare, being light enough but still nothing Sakura was used to.
"First come first serve bitch." He said plainly and she gawked at him, the room becoming silent. "What?" He asked but was never answered. Iruka decided at that point of time to enter the room.

"CLASS GET IN YOUR.....seats" Iruka yelled out of habit before realizing how silent it was in the room. He decided not to ponder on it and got to business. "Ok, here are your teams"

~Naruto's POV~

"Team one is-" Boring
"Team two is-" Boring Boring
"Team three is-" did I mention that I'm bored? Bored bored bored
"Team four-" Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring-
"Team seven is-" Boring Boring Boring. Why is the banshee screeching? Oh Sasuke-teme's on her team "and Naruto Uzumaki" fuuuuuuuck

~no one's POV~

"But Iruuuukaaaaa! Why do I have Sasuke-teme and The banshee as teammates!???" Naruto yelled 'not the bansheeeeeeeee!!!! My ears hurt from just TALKING with her!!!!!' Iruka scowled slightly

"Because your original grading score was the worst in class,by the time we actually fixed them you were already put in your team. All the other one's were done being set up with and the grades were all put in. Just make the most of it, you have the best of your year on your team." Iruka said almost tiredly

"DID YOU JUST CALL ME A BANSHEE?!!!!!!!" Sakura screeched and Naruto wished he had covered his ears.

"Did you just prove that you are one?" Naruto asked in that 'answer a question with a question' way "My ears might be bleeding now, are they?" He turned to Sasuke who was attempting not to burst out laughing. Seeing this, Naruto took it as a challenge to make him laugh. He cast a genjutsu on all of the rooms occupants that made it look as if blood was squatting out of his ears like a fountain. Sasuke burst out laughing, seeing as he had seen a much larger amount, it didn't faze him as scary. To add more laughs, Naruto made his head spin like a sprinkler, making a full 360 degrees multiple times before Iruka stopped him.

"Na-NARUTO! STOP YOUR GENJUTSU NOW!" And Naruto did. His head stopped whirling and blood stopped gushing but something was wrong. There was still blood everywhere it had previously landed and Naruto's head was....on backwards.

"Hey Sakura! Why are you in front of me? You were behind earlier." He said. "Oh wait," his head whirled around all of the way he had done before except this time the other way around. By the time he was done he was completely clean of his blood but those around him were practically soaked with it.
'Huh, thought that I dispelled that genjutsu...' Naruto thought confused

"You did" Kurama said and Naruto gave an inward smile at the fact that one of them replied during the day, Kurama was thoughtful though. It was as if her Kit had acquired a new kenkai genkie, one she had almost forgotten about.
"I will get rid of the blood, don't worry" she said and suddenly the blood had disappeared. With that taken care of, class continued with the teams.

-with Sarutobi and al of the jonin

"So that's my team?" Kakashi asked as they watched the group

"Yep" Anko said with a snicker "sucks to be you!" She yelled, still laughing and Kakashi rolled his eye.

"Now that we all know who we have we should go pick them up right?" A ninja with a senbon needle between his lips asked slightly unsure. Sarutobi nodded and all of the Jonin left. Well, all of them except Kakashi.

"What are you still doing here Kakashi?" Sarutobi asked

"I think I should watch my team a bit before introducing myself to them, to see how they act alone and all." He said back

"Very well, just don't make them wait to long, you're all testing your team today after all." Sarutobi reminded him before leaving to his actual office to finish some paperwork.

-two hours later with Naruto

~Naruto's POV~

We've been here for hours and the banshee won't shut up.

"Sasuke-kun, do you want to-" banshee started

"No" Sasuke-teme instantly replied and Sakura looked heartbroken for a few seconds before turning to me angrily


"Kit I think my ears are bleeding." Kuruma said and I inwardly snickered at the inside joke before turning serious again and looked at Sakura

"I don't. Your just blaming me for what you did." Damn banshee

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" The banshee yelled

"You heard me." Was all I said before turning away again.

-time skip

Kakashi walked through the door fully expecting a piece of chalk to land on his head. What he wasn't expecting was a bucket of water that drenched his precious icha icha. I started snickering but it turned into full blown laughter when he sent a glare at me.

"Meet me on the roof." He said before puffing away. I giggled for a second before following suit and shushined away. What Banshee and Sasuke-teme didn't see was that I didn't puff on the roof, I puffed on the outside wall and started walking up.

~My POV~ (didn't see that coming didja? XP X3)

'That BAKA! Who does he think he's impressing?! He's just trying to make my modest Sasuke-kun look bad!' Sakura screeched in her head. Sasuke as simply starring at where Naruto had just been before saying something that would change the very world as we know...
"Hn"...or not.......

"What now Sasuke-kun?" Sakura asked with hearts in her eyes. Sasuke looked at her for a moment

"Hn" was his reply and Sakura squealed

'Sasuke-kun is so cute and shy! He's probably thinking about how to ask me out!' Sakura yelled mentally....seriously girl, inside voices! I have to here literally everything you say or think so shush. Me ears hurt now from this T-T. Sakura was to caught up in her thoughts to realize that Sasuke was walking out of the room to the stairs. The moment she did though, she dashed over to his side.

//A:N// OH MY FUCKING...Kami....THIS TOOK SO DAMN LONG TO PUBLISH! Sorry guys, school's a bitch, final exam things are coming up next week, they're a bitch, and my mom's also a bit of a bitch...nope, that title goes to my siblings...and my youngest sisters's mom...she's a complete bitch. Compared to her, everyone else is an angel. She plays favorites way to much, seems to hate my guts, will screech at me before knowing what's going on in a situation, and threatens to slap me every time I see her! Ugh I just went on a venting spree......I'll try to update again soon and also, I have a mother fic coming up soon. See you all then! X3

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